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Projects Updates for key objective: No name
- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
Faculty/Staff Carpool Survey
Zero Waste Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Zero Waste Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Mode Choice Survey 2022
Associated Project(s):This Week in Research
Associated Project(s):Engagement iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:UIUC Ranks #25 Nationally on EPA's List of On-Site Green Power Users
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Online LEED Green Associate Training
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:"Recycling 101: Start With Reduce, Reuse" -iSEE Newsletter
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:iSEE Greener Campus Update (Picture)
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update: Build-a-bike, Uni High Agora Days class
Associated Project(s):New iSEE Green Event Certifications
Associated Project(s):Zero Waste Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Engagement iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:ABE469 Student Support on iCAP Objective 3.5 - Local Carbon Offset Program
Associated Project(s):REMADE Institute story link
Associated Project(s):January 2022 Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Transportation iCAP Team January Meeting
Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files: