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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership - Successful

    Dr. Ehab Kamarah, Executive Director of F&S, responded to Dr. Jennifer Fraterrigo, iSEE Associate Director of Campus Sustainability, with the following email:

    "This is to confirm that F&S team will form the EV Task Force with input from the Parking Advisory Committee."


    See submittal and Trans014 recommendation here.
    See transmittal and iWG assessment of Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership here. 

    For future updates, see the Electric Vehicle (EV) Task Force project page. 

  2. New iSEE Green Event Certification

    Congratulations to the newest recipient of our Greener Campus Certification Programs!


    Green Event: Office of the Chancellor-Special Events Chancellor's Medallion Ceremony, Certified April 2022


    They ensured that the event will be held at a location convenient for public transportation, biking, or walking. They also chose locations with natural lighting whenever possible to minimize lighting needs, among other sustainable efforts. Keep up the great work!

  3. Zero Waste Team Meeting

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team met on Thursday, April 14 to discuss revisions to the Campus Administration Manual's Waste Minimization Policy which the team intends to submit to the iWG. Meeting minutes and proposed revisions are attached.

  4. This Week in Research - micronuclear

    Associated Project(s): 

    UIUC's plans for a new microreactor were featured in the April edition of "Nuclear News." The article highlights efforts to build a  "research, education, and training facility intended to help advanced reactor technology become a widely deployable, marketable, economic, safe, and reliable option for a clean energy future."

  5. Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership, the recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Ehab Kamarah on 3/29/22. 

    See iWG assessment of Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership attached. 
    See submittal of Trans014 EV Task Force here. 

  6. Interview with Paul Foote (Energy Efficiency and Conservation Specialist) and Karl Helmink (F&S Associate Director of Utilities and Energy Services)

    Associated Project(s): 

    A document containing the notes from this interview is attached below.


    Summary of the Clean Energy Transition Plan Interview:

    Paul Foote - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Specialist

    Karl Helmink - F&S Associate Director of Utilities and Energy Services

    On 4/8/2022, the team met with Karl Helmink and Paul Foote. They both stressed an emphasis on energy conservation for the energy plan. They stated that a large problem stopping energy reduction is the “billions of dollars” worth of deferred maintenance that exist in campus buildings. This is in addition to the new buildings being constructed despite existing abandoned building space. They also informed us about the retro-commissioning team that they are both a part of....Expand »

  7. Weekly Resiliency Team Meeting

    Present: Meredith Moore, Morgan White, and Stacy Gloss

    Gloss reported on the following:

    • Green Infrastructure Mapping: Lisa Merrifield met with Illinois EPA and partners at the end of March to discuss the mapping project. Meetings will be held with NCSA soon about feasibility and next steps.
    • Gloss notified Lisa Merrifield that she is available to help with Biodiversity Plan
    • DFA advising on-going. Their upcoming presentation is April 27 on E-waste in Siebel Center for Design
    • Final report from Ann Witmer's capstone course is expected: A student consulting team is developing a report on renewable energy technologies that can be adopted through a campus local-offset program
    • Gloss and Moore will present  to GEEB on April 26 on
    • ...Expand »
  8. Interview with Mike Larson (F&S Director of Utilities Production)

    Associated Project(s): 

    A document containing the notes from this interview is attached below.


    Summary of the Clean Energy Transition Plan Interview:

    Mike Larson - F&S Director of Utilities Production

    On 4/7/22, the team met with Mike Larson. This interview gave valuable insight on the transitioning to clean energy, as well as the challenges that go along with using renewable sources. In the short term, it is recommended to focus on conservation as well as carbon capture technologies. He does not believe carbon capture is feasible for the long term, but it could be a valuable technology to use while technologies such as nuclear are being developed further. He believes that when nuclear is commercially viable, it will be the best option for campus....Expand »

  9. SECS follow up meeting with F&S staff

    Gabriel Kosmacher, Shallon Malfeo, Betsy Liggett, Morgan White, and Brent Lewis met this morning to discuss the plans for adding a green roof at the Nick Holonyak Jr. Micro-Nano Technology Center.

    SECS is interested in developing the green roof on the closed patio for MNTL.  What structural load can the patio maintain?  Qu Kim had said the patio was closed off because they weren't comfortable with having people out there, and Brent thought it would be a really good idea to put a green roof there.

    SECS requested the floor plans to identify the square footage of the patio, and apply for SSC funding. Brent will provide the floor plans. SECS will work through who will maintain the green roof.

    Morgan asked if perhaps it could be...Expand »

  10. New iSEE Greener Campus Programs Certifications

    Congratulations to the newest recipients of our Greener Campus Certification Programs!


    Green Office: Department of Public Safety/UIPD, Gold Status, Recertified April 2022


    Green Event:

    -Division of Intercollegiate Athletics Illini Track & Field Invitational, Certified April 2022

    -University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -- Chancellor's Office of Special Events Academic Service Recognition Breakfast, Certified April 2022

    -Office of the Chancellor for Special Events Conversation with Senior Leadership, Certified April 2022

    -Illinois Marathon VIP Suite at the Christie Clinic Illinois Marathon, Certified April 2022


    Keep up the great work!

  11. Interview with Clark Bullard (Former MechE Professor, Experience in Thermal Systems)

    Associated Project(s): 

    A document containing the notes from this interview is attached below.


    Summary of the Clean Energy Transition Plan Interview:

    Clark Bullard - Former MechE Professor, Experience in Thermal Systems

    On 4/5/22 the team spoke with Clark Bullard. In this meeting, we were provided with valuable insight into the importance of conservation and updating the current steam heating system on campus. In his opinion, the University should focus on conservation mainly and purchase renewable energy from the grid. This would allow more resources to be put towards conservation, where there is currently a lot of energy being lost. Additionally, he stressed the importance of updating the campus heating system to something more modern, such as a hot...Expand »

  12. Interview with Xinlei Wang (ABE Professor, Experience in Renewable Energy Systems) and John Zhao (ABE Doctorate Student, Research in Geothermal Systems)

    Associated Project(s): 

    A document containing the notes from this interview is attached below.


    Summary of the Clean Energy Transition Plan Interview:

    Xinlei Wang - ABE Professor, Experience in Renewable Energy Systems

    John Zhao-ABE Doctorate Student, Research in Geothermal Systems

    On 4/5/22, the team interviewed Dr. Xinlei Wang and John Zhao. Professor Wang is a subject matter expert with regards to geothermal energy and has done research on other forms of renewable energy. Professor Wang explained that geothermal energy is the most efficient way to both heat and cool buildings and that despite high upfront costs it is a cheaper system to implement than traditional heating and cooling. Professor Wang explained that if the University was to switch...Expand »

  13. New iSEE Greener Campus Program Certifications

    Congratulations to the newest recipients of our Greener Campus Certification Programs!


    Green Event: University Police Department Cherries and Berries, Certified March 2022


    Green Office: Center for Social and Behavioral Science, Gold-Certified April 2022 (with 25 elective actions taken!)


    Keep up the great work!

  14. Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team met on Thursday, March 31 to de-brief the Plastics Reduction Strategy discussion, review committee member research on the Adopt-a-Highway/Adopt-a-Drain and Composting Committee Recommendations, and begin discussion on amending the Campus Administrative Manual's Paper Policy. Meeting minutes are attached.
