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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Energy iCAP Team January Meeting

    The Energy iCAP team met at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday, January 26th and discussed updates on recommendation ideas as well as agreed to move forward with the submission of two recommendations to the iCAP Working Group. Progress is currently being made on a feasibility study of CO2 District Heating and Cooling which will be undertaken by a group of engineering students during the Spring Semester, and progress on a new recommendation for Building Envelope Commissioning will take place.

    The Team also agreed to move forward with a recommendation that the Office of the Chancellor commission a report on the Safety and Security of a proposed MMR Nuclear Reactor on campus property as well as another recommendation that would seek to charge Facilities...Expand »

    Attached Files: 
  2. Visualization of the impact of CIF geothermal

    “In summary, there will be 2 slides taking turns to be displayed on the digital screen in CIF. The first slide is primarily composed of the 3D GSHP system schematic (Ground loops, heat pump and building) and the key parameters & features. The second slide shows the results from building energy modeling, including annual outdoor temperature variations, heating/cooing loads and other energy consumptions. This may [help] visualize the impact of CIF geothermal and give public a better understanding on the renewable resources.”

    -John Zhao (11/14/2022)

    PhD. Candidate

    Research Assistant

    Agricultural & Biological Engineering

    Research field: Ground Source HVAC System/Subsurface Heat Transfer

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Attached Files: 
  3. New Greener Campus Programs Certifications

    Congratulations to the newest recipients of our Green Office and Green Event Certifications! 

    Green Office Gold Certification:

    Visit Champaign County-Certified January 2022 (with notably 38 sustainable actions pursued!)


    Green Event Certifications:

    University Housing Gender Inclusivity Training-Certified January 2022

    Campus Recreation/Instructional Kitchen Winter Virtual Canned Food Drive-Certified January 2022

    CU at Home One Winter Night-Certified January 2022

      Thank you to each of our participants, keep up the great work!

  4. The Landscape Recycling Center tests for...

    The Landscape Recycling Center tests for temperature, oxygen, and moisture monthly.  They test for ph, metals, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and infectious bacteria in finished compost product annually.  As food scrap makes its way through the process and we continue to test the final product, we will be able to observe any changes to these parameters.


  5. Transaction Receipt for Community Education at Parkland College

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Community Education at Parkland College <>
    Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 12:46 PM
    To: Moore, Meredith Kaye <mkm0078 at>
    Subject: Transaction Receipt for Community Education at Parkland College


    ...Expand »

    Transaction Receipt
    Community Education at Parkland College

    1315 North Mattis Avenue, Champaign, IL 61821
    Phone: 217-351-2235 Email:



    Transaction Date


    Transaction ID






    Registration ID
    Course/Class Number
    Student Name (ID)

    Class Name/Date(s)/Time/Item  


  6. Spring 2022 Semester Goals

    Co-presidents Owen Jennings, Maiah Caise, Jack Reicherts, and Maria Maring are excited to embark upon their second semester as SSLC leadership together. The primary goals of the semester include: 


    • Bolster collaboration between environmental RSOs on UIUC campus. The SSLC hopes to work with Student Affairs to incentivize participation with the SSLC, using the University of California Berkely’s Student Environmental Resource Center (SERC) as a template. Weekly board meetings and monthly full meetings will continue per usual.

    • Bolster collaboration between other Illinois schools like University of Illinois Chicago, University of Illinois Springfield, and Illinois State University. Both SECS and ISG may play significant roles in

    • ...Expand »
  7. Fall 2021 Semester Summary

    The SSLC underwent many changes under the new leadership of co-presidents Owen Jennings, Maiah Caise, Jack Reicherts, and Maria Maring. The board experimented with the mission and niche of the SSLC, ultimately establishing that the organization shall act as a medium of communication between student groups and the administration. The organization will also be the primary host of the annual Student Sustainability Summit in October, touting – among other interdisciplinary events – Green Quad Day, Sustainable Student Research Symposium, and Tuesday Talks at Bevier Cafe. 


    This Summit was the Council’s most noteworthy accomplishment this semester. The SSLC collaborated with: Red Bison, Outdoor Adventure Club, the Department of...Expand »

  8. Engagement iCAP Team Meeting

    The Engagement iCAP Team met on Wednesday, January 12 to discuss and assign the four major recommendations to be drafted before the team's next meeting, including: updating the iCAP Portal, creating a departmental committee for sustainability, creating a social media marketing campaign, and integrating sustainability into the Career Center. Meeting minutes are attached.

    Attached Files: 
  9. SSC Semesterly Report: Joint Pollinator Garden and Composting Systems to Offset Environmental Impact and Reinforce Responsible Stewardship in Research

    SSC received semesterly report for Fall 2021 for Joint Pollinator Garden and Composting Systems to Offset Environmental Impact and Reinforce Responsible Stewardship in Research on 12/17/2021. Please see attached. 

  10. Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership - Submitted

    The Transportation iCAP team submitted the following Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership recommendation on 12/20/21: 

    "We recommend a list of potential members to be considered to participate in the EV Task Force. We suggest Parking to review the list that the Transportation iCAP Team compiled and recommend members as they see fit." 


  11. LA537 Final Presentation

    From: Hu, Jie
    Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 11:27 AM
    To: Hays, David Lyle; Ruggles, D Fairchild; Sullivan, William C; White, Morgan; McGuire, Mary Patricia
    Subject: LA537 final presentation materials

    Dear All,

    Thanks for Dede, Bill and Morgan to be juries and participant to LA 537 final presentation, and thanks for all of you comments and suggestions!
    After the presentation, students has revised their final submission materials. I have put all of their final works here in the box. I hope you can give more comments, suggestions and ideas to help me further improve my studio teaching.

    Thank you for all of your support and help!

    Enjoy your winter break! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  12. Invitation to work in LA537-Fall, 2021 Final Presentation" folder on Box

    From: Jie Hu <>
    Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 11:12 AM
    To: White, Morgan
    Subject: Jie Hu has invited you to work together in "LA537-Fall, 2021 Final Presentation" folder on Box

    Jie Hu wants to work with you on LA537-Fall, 2021 Final Presentation

    "I'd like to share my files with you on Box."


    Attached Files: 
  13. New iSEE Green Chapter Certification

    Congratulations to our newest Green Chapter Certification! Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity received gold certification status as of December 2021. They committed to twenty-one actions that further their sustainability initiatives. They notably had forty-nine chapter members commit to using reusable water bottles instead of drinking bottled water. Twenty-four members also pledged to use active transportation for local travel. 

    Keep up the great work!

  14. Funding Approval for Grind2Energy

    Ehab Kamarah and Madhu Khanna approved $135,000 of funding from the Carbon Credit Sales Fund for the Grind2Energy system.

    "This project will install the Grind2Energy system for food waste at the Lincoln Avenue
    Dining Hall on campus... Housing has successfully installed the Grind2Enery system as a sustainable solution for dining hall pre-consumer and post-consumer food waste in four of the five dining halls. This funding would allow them to complete the final installation before the student body returns in fall 2022." -Morgan White (12/14/2021)


    An email of approval is attached below.
