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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Budget for Replacement Trees: NRES Oak-Hickory Arboretum

    Associated Project(s): 

    Jay Hayek is interesting in assessing funds to purchase replacement trees for the NRES Oak-Hickory Arboretum at the southwest corned of Race & Windsor from Forest Keeling Nursery. The size and prices are at 3 gallon & 3 gallon CG (conservation grade) trees, and $13-20 each. Jay is looking to purchase 15-20 trees for spring 2022.

  2. Budget for NRES Replacement Trees

    Jay Hayek reached out to request access to funds to purchase some replacement trees for the NRES Oak-Hickory Arboretum at the southwest corner of Race & Windsor. Specifically, Hayek is looking to purchase 37 3 gallon & 3 gallon CG (conservation grade) oak and hickory trees. Price range $13-20/each for the desired size and species. He is wondering if he would be able to buy the trees online using his P-card and then do an internal funds transfer, or if the purchase order route is preferable. 

  3. FY21 Green Power Partnership Renewed

    F&S completed the renewal of our recognition as a Green Power Partner through the US Environmental Protection Agency. Green Power Partners of our scale now have to use renewable power for seven percent of their annual consumption. Fortunately, the FY21 green power supply for FY21 was 9%, which is a +1.72% increase from the FY19 supply of 7.28%. See attached file.

    Overview submitted: 

    The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is proud of its sustainability initiatives and success in achieving Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) goals ( The iCAP is the university’s strategic plan to meet the Climate Leadership Commitments, including being carbon neutral as soon as possible and building resilience to climate change in the local community.

    The Urbana campus on-site renewable energy portfolio meets more than 12 percent of annual electricity needs ( UIUC’s Solar Farm 2.0 was energized in January 2021, producing 20,000 MWh/year. Combined with Solar Farm 1.0 and other rooftop and ground-mounted solar installations, the Urbana campus generates more than 27,000 MWh/year, ranking UIUC third amongst U.S. universities in on-site clean power production. Incorporating renewable energy continues to be a focus of new facility construction and major renovation projects. Most notably, the innovative Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Building features 970 rooftop panels. Since production started in April 2019, 11 percent of all power supplied to the ECE Building has been from the array, while additional output is reserved for research and educational activities. In September 2016, the university also signed a ten-year wind power purchase agreement for 25 million kWh/year and the rights to the environmental attributes.

  4. Transportation Winter Meeting

    The Transportation team met briefly on December 3rd, 2021 to discuss a recommendation of members for a potential Electric Vehicle Task Force, and a potential recommendation for the Fleet replacement plans. Sarthak Prasad also gave a brief update on the Commuter Program which appears to be on track.

    Meeting Materials are attached.

  5. Winter Meeting Update

    The Energy iCAP team combined its November and December meetings for the fall of 2021 into a single "Winter Meeting" This meeting was used to discuss 12 different recommendation ideas, a select amount of which will be developed into recommendations in the near future. 

    Additionally, the team discussed a short note to the iCAP Working Group asking that the Comprehensive Energy Plan not have its name changed to '"lean Energy Plan"

    Notes from the meeting are attached.

  6. Water and Environment: Water Quality, Quantity and Contaminants (Symposium)

    Associated Project(s): 

    Please register for the Water and the Environment: Fundamental Aspects of Water Quality, Quantity, and Contaminants Symposium on December 9, 2021 from 9am-11:30am. There will be speakers as well as breakout rooms to engage our discussion on water and the environment. We look forward to seeing you December 9th!

    This opportunity is available online. Visit the event's Zoom website to register online.


  7. FGI Webinar: Live Panel Discussion on Allowable Leakage Rates

    Associated Project(s): 

    This Live Panel Discussion will assemble five industry leaders to answer questions about allowable leakage rates (ALRs) for different types of containment facilities.  In particular, the maximum ALR of a liquid impoundment or landfill is usually a common but difficult question to answer. (1.5 PDH)

    This event will be held on December 7th, 2021 from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM as a virtual experience. Visit the GoToWebinar page for this event to register!

  8. Apply for a 2022-23 Levenick Teaching Sustainability Fellowship!

    iSEE is offering seed funding to help faculty & instructors incorporate sustainability into the classroom in 2022-23. Levenick Teaching Sustainability Fellows can get $1,000 to integrate sustainability into an existing course or $2,000 to develop a new course, as well as resource support. 100- and 200-level courses encouraged.

    Application deadline Jan. 31, 2022.

  9. Engagement001: General Education Board Sustainability Sub-Group - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Engagement001 General Education Board Sustainability Sub-group, the recommendation was transmitted to the Sustainability Sub-Council (4-5-21) and Sustainability Council (4-28-21). 


    Dr. Ximing Cai sent the following message to Dr. Bill Stewart on 4-14-21: 

    Dear Dr. Stewart:

    Greetings! I’m writing about the ongoing student senate resolution on sustainability education. As you noticed, the Engagement SWATeam submitted a recommendation to support the resolution. Thanks for your comments as attached to the end of the recommendation. The iCAP Working Group (iWG) discussed the recommendation and concluded that “The iWG supports the creation of a General Education Board task committee to discuss feasibility and implementation of a sustainability gen-ed requirement as soon as possible. This is in support of the ISG resolution, which was approved February 2020.”

    The Engagement SWATeam & iWG recommendation will be presented to the Sustainability Council meeting on April 28th as a discussion item, which will go after the introduction of the resolution by a student senate representative. iSEE Interim Director Madhu Khanna and I would like to invite you to join the discussion, given that you’re familiar with the resolution, the Engagement SWATeam recommendation and your membership with General Education Board.  In particular, you’re expected to answer some questions from the Council members, as well as provide relevant information.

    We assume this effort will eventually go through the Senate mechanism. iSSE/iCAP hopes to show our support & engagement since it is consistent to some major education objectives of iCAP 2020. We also hope the discussion at the Council meeting chaired by Chancellor with attendance of Provost and Deans will speed up the process.

    The meeting is at 10:00-11:30 on April 28th. The particular discussion will take about 20 minutes. I will tell you later the appropriate time at which the discussion will start.

    Best regards

    Ximing Cai

    iSEE Associate Director on Campus Sustainability


    See iWG assessment of Engagement001 General Education Board Sustainability Sub-group attached.
    See original recommendation and submittal of Engagement001 General Education Board SUstainability Sub-Group here. 

  10. Update on Sensor Installation to Track South Farms Water Quality

    In the middle of 2021, there was a discussion about adding a sensor station at the far south of South Farms to track the water quality in the Embarras. 

    The original scope included installing the sensor during the Fall 2021 semester as a part of Arthur Schmidt's Field Class. However, obstacles, such as purchasing additional materials and the change in weather, have shifted this timeline. 

    As of Mid-November, Arthur Schmidt and his colleague, Jacob, are teaching a new sensors class in the Spring 2022 semester. The new timeline hopes to get the installation included in the Sensors Class curriculum, with installation occurring in the early half of 2022.

  11. Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team met on Friday, December 3 to discuss and finalize the two recommendations related to the team's water bottle behavior change campaign. These include a drinking water behavior survey and a recommendation to track water filter systems on campus. Meeting minutes are attached.

    Attached Files: 
  12. CTAC fall 2021: Charge Letter, Presentation file, Meeting recording

    Please see attached the presentation for the CTAC meeting in Fall 2021. This meeting was held on December 3, 2021. Here is the link to see the recording of this meeting:

  13. New iSEE Greener Campus Programs Certifications

    Congratulations to the newest recipients of our Green Event and Green Office certifications!


    Green Event Certifications: 

    Students for Environmental Concerns (SECS) Environmental Career Panel-Certified October 2021

    University of Illinois Foundation Board of Directors Basketball Game Watch-Certified November 2021

    Office of the Chancellor State of the University-Certified November 2021


    Green Office Gold Certification:

    Department of Communication-Recertified October 2021


    Thank you to each of our participants, keep up the great work!


  14. Sustainability and Green Job Certifications

    Sustainability & Green Job Certification examples have now been included on the Institute for Energy, Sustainability, and the Environment (iSEE) Education Portal website.  Scroll down on the page to find and review Professional Certification Programs.  This list can be used to inspire and provide insight into green careers. Green Job Certification Topics include: 

    Buildings & Energy

    Environmentalism & Advocacy

    Climate Change and Sustainability Professionals, Business, Reporting


    Outdoors, Gardening, Wildlife, Natural Resources

    A downloadable Excel file titled "Job Certifications" provides additional detail about these certifications and these careers.

  15. Green Sports Alliance Monthly Newsletter Example (November 2021)

    Associated Project(s): 

    Every month, the Green Sports Alliance releases its monthly newsletter! 

    In the November 2021 edition, GSA provided details about next year's Green Sports Alliance Summit (expected to be held in June 2022), upcoming events, and other exciting #GreenSports news! Upcoming newsletters will provide similar details and is available to all members.

    See the attached PDF to read the GSA November 2021 Newsletter.


  16. Local Carbon Offset Programs

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Ricci, Marcus <>
    Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 1:32 PM
    To: icap-resilience at
    Subject: RE: [icap-resilience] Revolving Loan Fund example for evaluation


    *** Email From An External Source ***

    Today’s Lunchtime Stroll Through the Internet: “Local Carbon Offset Programs.”


    I hit on “The Offset Project” which started off in 2010 as a not-for-profit program in Monterey Bay, to fund sustainability programs that reduce carbon emissions:


    They eventually morphed into a for-profit group that helps/services others to do the same: One of their clients was UC Santa Cruz and the City of Watsonville, the latter of which instituted a Carbon Fund Ordinance which “establishes a Carbon Fee to be charged to all development projects except single family residential alterations, temporary buildings, and/or building area that is not used as conditioned space. The goal of the Carbon Fund Ordinance is to encourage the implementation of renewable energy in development projects. The money collected from the Carbon Fund Fee are placed in a separate account to be used for citywide greenhouse gas reduction projects.”


    So, if we (someone) wanted to pick their brains (for free) Kristin from Blue Strike Environmental would be willing to chat with us, and provide the Power Point presentations they used at City of Watsonville.


    The UC Santa Cruz Carbon Fund sounds similar to UIUC’s sustainability funds, so it could be used, in general, to pay for offsetting carbon:


    By the way, I *really* dislike the use of the word “offset.” I feel that an offset is when you are paying for emitting something, when what we are trying to do (I think?) is actually *reduce* carbon emissions.

                    Merriam-Webster: : to cancel or reduce the effect of (something) : to create an equal balance between two things


    Are we trying to reduce the emissions themselves? Or allowing all of the emissions and just fixing their effects?


    Be safe, stay healthy,



    Marcus Ricci, AICP
    Planner II

    Community Services Department | City of Urbana
    400 S Vine St | Urbana, Illinois 61801



    Scott Tess shared these resources for local projects: 




  17. Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan - Successful

    The Sustainability Council is in support of the development of a Clean Energy Plan, as discussed at the meeting on November 29, 2021. Madhu Khanna and Ehab Kamarah agreed to work together on behalf of iSEE and F&S to move this forward and go through the RFP process.


    See transmittal and iWG assessment of Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan here.
    See submittal of Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan here.

    For future updates, see the Energy Planning Document project page.
