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Projects Updates for key objective: No name
- Associated Project(s):
Budget for NRES Replacement Trees
Associated Project(s):FY21 Green Power Partnership Renewed
Transportation Winter Meeting
Winter Meeting Update
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:FYI - LEED Certification Fees
Associated Project(s):Request for NAFA Fleet Accreditation Proof
Associated Project(s):Water and Environment: Water Quality, Quantity and Contaminants (Symposium)
Associated Project(s):FGI Webinar: Live Panel Discussion on Allowable Leakage Rates
Associated Project(s):Apply for a 2022-23 Levenick Teaching Sustainability Fellowship!
Associated Project(s):Engagement001: General Education Board Sustainability Sub-Group - Transmitted
Update on Sensor Installation to Track South Farms Water Quality
Associated Project(s):Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:CTAC fall 2021: Charge Letter, Presentation file, Meeting recording
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:New iSEE Greener Campus Programs Certifications
Sustainability and Green Job Certifications
Associated Project(s):Green Sports Alliance Monthly Newsletter Example (November 2021)
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:November 2021 Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Local Carbon Offset Programs
Associated Project(s):Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan - Successful