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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. SECS rep met with F&S staff about a green roof

    Alec Van Patten met with Brent Lewis, Betsy Liggett, and Morgan White to discuss the SECS' idea to get a new green roof on campus.  F&S staff shared some lessons learned from other green roof installations, and suggested some potential locations.  These include:

    • Newmark Civil Engineering Lab - first floor roof by the bridge
    • Nick Holonyak Micro & NanoTechnology Lab - closed picnic balcony on the north side
    • National Soybean Research Center - gravel roof by iSEE conference room
    • Turner Hall - the north entryway and offices
    • Future Arboretum Building - longer term and influential
    • The SECS team should review Google Maps and look at roofs they are interested in, if they want to consider other options.

    We also mentioned the ECE green wall, which needs help getting refurbished.  It most likely needs better watering and possibly needs a review of the soil quality.

    For the funding, the SECS is likely going to request SSC funding in the spring semester.  Brent says they can request pricing info from to get an estimated budget.

    Once a location is selected, Alec will email this group to move into the preliminary approval stage.

  2. iCAP Portal project entries

    We would prefer to keep the ability to add new projects to a very limited few people.  Instead of giving Liz access to add a project, let’s get a quick process to add them upon her request. 

    1)      Please email me, Meredith, and Sarthak with a short project description, and the proposed new iCAP Project location in the hierarchy. 

    2)      Meredith and/or I will confirm the placement in the hierarchy.

    3)      Sarthak will add a blank private project as a placeholder and email you.

    4)      Liz or anyone in the SSC with access will fill in the project information and change it to public.


  3. Background Discussion on Local Sustainability Issues

    ICAP Objective 8.4 Background Discussion between Stacy Gloss and Ximing Cai 9/28/2021

    Related Tasks and Deliverables

    • 8.4 [iSEE] Take leadership in addressing the most pressing sustainability challenges in our local communities through collaboration with local governments and related community groups, by forming an advisory panel for coordinating efforts across jurisdictional boundaries. By FY24, select at least three major local sustainability issues to address and identify lead agency and key stakeholders.
      • Coordinate an initial meeting with the new advisory panel to share current campus efforts and learn about local governmental efforts
        • Deliverable: meeting notes from advisory panel discussion posted on iCAP Portal, by 3/15/22

    Meeting Notes

    Planning for the objective (procedural):

    1. Stacy should summarize identified major-issue topics and present to resilience committee 
    2. The committee may discuss the topics and select 3 priorities aligned with objective 8.4.
    3. In parallel, members of the committee should identify potential collaborators for the advisory panel on sustainability topics.  
    4. The committee will write a recommendation for the iWG as part of committee work.  (Also note, is it possible for the panel to meet before the iCAP sustainability committee submits a recommendation to the iWG?)

    Major Sustainability Topics in our conversaton were identified that bridge Campus, Champaign, Urbana, Savoy & County

    Climate Change Adaptation

    • Urban growth and development (city managers, county execs, economic development agency to be involved)
      • Smart growth / how do we grow questions: looking forward two – three decades – worsening climate change, coastal flooding likely means an influx of new residents into communities like C-U, especially if we are adding jobs along the lines of manufacturing, medtech, and agtech, not just part of the University and current large employers (like health care)
      • Addressing current environmental issues in communities: local neighborhood flooding, addressing existing pollution from past industries.
    • More extreme heat days, heat waves, and heat risks (would need to include county emergency mgmt. agency & health department, social safety net programs like weatherization)
      • Cooling centers
      • Resources for low-income or under-resourced residents
      • Adapting to protect health
    • Dealing with more and heavier rainfalls
      • Green infrastructure plans, water management, green roofs – shared resources & plans between campus and cities

     Renewable Energy & Resource Sustainability:

    • Renewable Energy Development (climate change mitigation)
      • Develop case studies & share best practices:
        • Solar
        • Wind
        • Bioenergy (self note: set up a visit with the energy farm to learn more)
    • Waste and Recycling:  reducing landfill waste, increasing recycling, saving energy and resources  (resource sustainability)
      • Industrial
        • E.g. hospitals, manufacturing plants
      • Commercial
        • Incorporate green office practices
      • Campus practices

    Sustainable Agriculture (identify additional stakeholders, like Farm Bureau, Land Connection)

    • Biodiversity
    • Cover crops
    • Addressing nutrient loss
    • Water quality
    • Bioenergy / perennial grasses like to renewable energy sources
    • Food systems: from ag to production to distribution to consumption
    • Ties to South Farms for best management practices related to ag, water, and air quality – as a lab
    • Land use considerations (and regulations at federal, state, and local level
  4. Meeting on Coordinated Rainwater Management Plans

    Green Infrastructure Initial Meeting 9/29/2021 9:00 am

    Present: Brent Lewis, Betsy Liggett, Stacy Gloss


    • 8.2 [F&S w/Extension] Coordinate rainwater management plans for the entire urbanized areas of Champaign, Urbana, Savoy, and the university. Starting in FY21, share the total number of green infrastructure locations on the iCAP Portal on an annual basis.
      • Initiate discussions about development of rainwater plan
      • Compile green infrastructure locations in Champaign, Urbana and Savoy.
        • Deliverable: iCAP Portal map of known green infrastructure locations by 3/15/22
      • Propose a process and scope for developing the coordinated rainwater plan
        • Deliverable: white paper describing process and scope


    Introductions: Betsy works for F&S in safety and compliance, manages stormwater permit MS4. Brent is campus Landscape Architect

    Topics discussed: Campus MS4 water permit, EPA compliance. Sustainability items are built into MS4 permit now.  Compliance & Sustainability are coinciding.   Regarding Campus Green Infrastructure – challenges to adopting green projects, especially when they are viewed in terms of costs but not benefits

    Existing resources

    • University has mapped watersheds;
    • A Landscape Master Plan in progress, will contain some elements of green infrastructure, but is not a utilities plan for Stormwater;
    • Champaign County Stormwater Partnership for MS4 permit (includes leaders from the County, Urbana, Savoy, Champaign, Champaign Township, EPA, Soil & Water Conservation District, Prairie Rivers sometimes)
    • Extension has been involved in previous discussions about rainwater plans, Eliana Brown and Lisa Merrifield
    • Urbana is working on a Stormwater Master Plan (Tim Cowan, public works director is the contact)

    Green Infrastructure Maps on Portal currently:

    Next Steps

    • Stacy attend Oct 20 green infrastructure & erosion control conference   
    • Follow up with meeting Oct 25
    • Garner support for Campus Stormwater Master Plan
    • Contact Julie Cidell about GreenMap
  5. Vision Zero Meeting

    iCAP 8.6 Vision Zero Meeting 9/29/2021 

    Present: Sarthak Prasad, Stacey DeLorenzo, Stacy Gloss

    Background: 8.6 [F&S] Support Vision Zero as a county-wide goal for safe and sustainable transportation.   Coordinate with Professor Benekohal, the City of Urbana Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC), and F&S Transportation Demand Management to identify actions needed to support Vision Zero  Deliverable: white paper identifying key steps needed by 11/15/21

    Sarthak and Stacey shared details about Key existing organizations:  Urbana BPAC, CUUATS, Campus Transportation Demand Management, and CTAC.

    Off campus staff would participate on a Vision Zero taskforce if it forms, would provide input ona Vision Zero Action Plan, continue to represent campus at BPAC and at CUUATS.

    Community contacts were identified.

    Potential next steps:

    • Sarthak set up meeting with Dr. Benekoha and Stacy Gloss for updates
    • Set a meeting to discuss white paper discussing tasks for supporting Vision Zero
    • Reach out to Vision Zero to discuss a Vision Zero Campus Designation – Can this be made real?
  6. Green Jobs Introduction and Background Meeting


    Present: Stacy Gloss and Eric Green


    8.5 [iSEE] By FY23, collaborate with colleges and community groups to inventory existing certification opportunities for green jobs and identify gaps.

      • Review findings from student research about green job opportunities
      • Assist iSEE staff to complete this inventory
        • Deliverable: provide inventory content to iSEE communications team by 1/31/22
        • Deliverable: update iCAP Portal inventory page with link to iSEE page by 3/15/22

    Meeting Notes:

    Stacy and Eric discussed a wide range of topics related to green jobs including the background and tasks related to iSEE 8.5.  Connection was made that Objective 8.5 is linked by category of “green jobs” to:

    iCAP Objective 6.4 - “Develop a sustainability internship program through partnering with businesses, nonprofits, local government, and cultural institutions in Central Illinois. The total number of internships awarded will be reported each year.” The responsible campus unit for championing this objective is iSEE. Progress is tracked in the iCAP Portal project page for the Sustainability Internship Program

    iCAP Objective 6.5 ““Partner with The Career Center and potentially other career offices in FY22 to help students explore and discover career opportunities that are connected to professional interests and goals related to sustainability. Incorporate a sustainability component at a minimum of two events beginning in FY22.” The responsible campus unit for championing this objective is Career Center with the support of iSEE. Progress is tracked in the iCAP Portal project page for Sustainability at Career Fairs.”

    In Spring 2021, Carissa Mysliwiec was as ENVS 491: Campus Sustainability Intern who worked with instructor Eric Green to focus on designing a sustainability internship program as part of Objective 6.4.

    In our discussion we talked about high-level barriers to internship programs:

    • Interns need significant guidance
    • Pay is an issue, who will pay $3,000 - $4,000 for a summer intern?
    • Businesses don’t always identify sustainability needs 

    We also discussed the challenges of identifying green jobs for the purposes of a creating a green-jobs fair or a sustainable jobs fair. What identifies green jobs? This topic should be explored further.  Talk to SECS, perhaps? How are students defining green jobs today?

    During the conversation Stacy pitched an entry-level paid program (post-graduation internship?) to be staffed for 1-2 years by recent graduates to help organizations build capacity, set targets and meet goals. This would be full-time work in lower-level/entry-level positions that serve as a spring board to sustainability careers.

    Stacy presented a Green Certifications Excel document she started working on.  Next steps would be to ask for campus & community input to answer questions such as:  Are these certifications offered here @UIUC or locally?  Who from campus is involved, can be a contact, or serve as a resource? What kind of jobs do people get with the certifications? Who hires locally? How do we prevent locally trained folks from leaving, what incentives are there to stay once advanced certifications are achieved?

    Eric will see if there are any students that might want to do some of the legwork involved in bolstering the green certifications list.

    We'll stay in touch and set up a meeting for about a month from now.

  7. Adding Projects

    Associated Project(s): 

    Upon Sarthak Prasad's request to give project addition privileges to Liz Mendoza-Hernandez, Morgan White laid out a process to add projects upon Liz's request.

    1. Email Morgan, Meredith, and Sarthak with a strong project description, and the proposed new iCAP Project location in the hierarchy 

    2. Meredith and/or Morgan will confirm the placement in the hierarchy. 

    3. Sarthak will add a blank private project as a placeholder and email Liz. 

    4. Liz or anyone in the SSC with access with fill in the project information and change it to public. 

  8. Celebrate Campus Sustainability Month in October!

    iSEE invites you to a series of events throughout October to increase sustainability in our campus community. Take part in the Waste Reduction Challenge, join us for Green Quad Day (Oct. 7), or check out the first Student Sustainability Summit Research Symposium (Oct. 26)! And don’t miss the Campus Sustainability Celebration on Oct. 20. Find all the events on iSEE’s Sustainability Month Calendar!

    October 1–31

    Celebrate Campus Sustainability Month in October!

  9. Portal Project Proposition

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Morgan,


    I have another Portal project proposition. For the Sustainability/Arts work, what do you think about a project on the Engagement page under “Build a Culture of Sustainability” called “Sustainability Art Displays”?



    “There are a lot of dreamers – dreaming is very important, but it’s really the dreamer and the doer. You’ve got to be the doer.” –Will Steger  

    Sustainability Programs Manager 

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)
    1101 W Peabody Drive (Suite 382), Urbana, IL, 61801
    217.333.0119 | mkm0078 at

  10. Student Partner Meeting for EJ Plan

    Student Meeting: Design for America Team Meeting  10/1/2021

    Present: Pooja Tetali, Ananya Barman, Kosh Raghavarapu, Anisha Narain, Meredith Moore, Eric Greene, Stacy Gloss

    About DFA:

    Design for America is national nonprofit and a campus RSO that meets on Sundays to talk about Design Thinking principals. This is one DFA Team out of 5 Teams part of the RSO.  There are 30-ish people w/ a 6 person exec board locally. Exec board helps keep track and teaches design thinking. Interviewing skills. Ideation.  One project was: Racism Un-taught, working with professor to interview RSOs about a standard/playbook/rule book to minimize racism within RSOs. Another was working with Illinois Department of Health App for breastfeeding people. Projects vary between technical and research.

    This team meets once a week. They are happy to meet once a week or every 2 weeks. They have a couple hours to respond to emails and put together documents, so a few hours a week each. DFA projects typically last 1 year, academic year through May.

    The topics they are interested in are environmental racism, campus/community relations, campus/university effect/impact on communities, environmental science, collection action & collaboration. Two members worked on transportation system mapping in US previously and had been connected to iCAP goals / campus transportation goals.

    Potential Project Opportunities:

    Initial Research for Environmental Justice Planning.

    The initial research will help to inform the planning that goes into developing an Environmental Justice Plan. The project will eventually lead to a road map or planning document to guide the campus EJP.

    1. Funding for EJPlans and Implementation
    2. What Universities have Environmental Justice Plans?
    3. What community EJP’s exist that would be a resource or model for a campus-lead EJP?
    4. What Universities initiated Environmental Justice Plans in or for their communities? What are or were the barriers and opportunities for collaboration with their communities?

    Green Infrastructure Mapping:

    1. Green infrastructure mapping as part of the Green Infrastructure Resilience Goal


    Schedule a follow-up meeting and communicate via email between meetings. Students will need to select the project they are interested in and report how they feel they can best contribute to the project(s).

  11. Zero Waste iCAP Team First Meeting of FA21 Semester

    On Friday, October 1 the Zero Waste iCAP Team had their first meeting of the semester! The team discussed progress on last year's recommendations, zero waste initiatives from F&S, and the iCAP Objective Assessment for Zero Waste. Meeting minutes are attached.

  12. SSC Final Report: Local Grains and Locally Processed Foods for Dining Services

    SSC received final report for Spring 2021 for Local Grains and Locally Processed Foods for Dining Services project on 09/27/2021. Please see attached. 

  13. Transportation iCAP Team September 2021 Meeting

    The Transportation iCAP team met via zoom from 9:00 A.M.-10:30 A.M. on Wednesday, September 29th. This meeting featured an update on proposed telecommuting policies from Doctor James Gallaher, discussions on the iCAP Objectives Assessment and iCAP celebration, and a general review of the goals and projects of the committee.

  14. Engagement iCAP Team First Meeting of the Fall Semester

    The Engagement iCAP Team met on Wednesday, September 29 for the first time this fall semester. During the meeting, members discussed the team mission, updates on all 6 iCAP 2020 objectives, and the iCAP 2021 Objective Assessment. Meeting minutes are attached below.
