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Projects Updates for key objective: No name
- Associated Project(s):
Update on CEE Project Based Learning Course
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Engagement iCAP Team Final Summer Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Robert O'Daniell's Involvement and ChargePoint Session
SSC Semesterly Report: Precious Plastic Campus Recycling Hub
July 2021 Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:archived info - past project description additional information
Associated Project(s):EV Task Force discussion
Associated Project(s):Kane County Solar PV Concerns
Associated Project(s):Commuter Program Meeting (8/11/21)
Associated Project(s):Champaign-Urbana Air Quality and Transportation Data - Commuter Program (Aug 5)
Associated Project(s):iCAP Portal Updates
Associated Project(s):iWG Meeting 7-22-21
Crop Sciences/ACES - Agronomy Days!
July 2021 Project Progress Update
Associated Project(s):Brainstorming incentive ideas for Commuter Program: Meeting between Sarthak and Avery on July 27
Associated Project(s):2021 – ECEB is 100% Solar Powered!
Associated Project(s):Current Count of Green Infrastructure
Associated Project(s):U of I Investing in Climate Solutions — From the Ground Up
Associated Project(s):Engagement SWATeam Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files: