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Projects Updates for place: National Soybean Research Center
Energy Shade Curtains PSL Greenhouses
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Energy Shade Curtains PSL Greenhouses Signed Agreement.pdf
Deadline Extension Request Approval.docx
Deadline Extension Request Approval.pdf
Energy Shade Curtain Proposal (1).pdf
Energy Shade Curtains March 2012 Funding Award and Acceptance Letter.docx
PCF Request for Deadline Extension.pdf
Photo 4.jpg
Revised MOU.pdf
Utility Use With Energy Shade Curtains.xlsx
Utility Use Without Energy Shade Curtains.xlsx
Student Farm Funding Agreement
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:SSF Equipment Fall 2011 Funding Award and Acceptance Letter_Signed.pdf
SSF Fall 2011 Equipment Proposal.pdf
Student Farm Funding Agreement Fall 2011.pdf
Fall 2011 Student Farm Award and Acceptance Letter.docx
SSC Equip Proposal.docx
Student Farm Funding Agreement Spring 2012.pdf
Student Farm Funding Agreement Spring 2012-Unsigned.pdf
Student Farm Funding Spring 2012.pdf
SSF Educator Spring 2012 Proposal .pdf
SSF Proposal 1-12.docx
Student Farm Educator Award Letter.docx
FY09-FY12 Student Farm Funding Awards.xlsx
Student Farm Transaction Detail.xlsx
Campus Bike Parking Overhaul Phase 1_Funding Award and Acceptance
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Campus Bike Parking Overhaul Phase 1_Funding Award and Acceptance Letter_Signed.pdf
bike parking phase 009 fasteners.pdf
bike parking phase 009 materials.pdf
2011-2012 Bike Parking overhaul extension Letter to SSC.docx
Bike Parking Phase_I_Final.pdf
bike parking.doc
Campus Bike Parking Spring 2012 Award and Acceptance Letter.docx
December 17 2013 Bike Parking Letter to SSC.docx
SLLC Funding Letter
Associated Project(s):Burrill and Morrill Rain Garden Spring 2012 Funding Award and Acceptance
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Burrill and Morrill Rain Garden Spring 2012 Funding Award and Acceptance Letter_Signed.pdf
Burrill Morrill Project (cancelled) Final Report.docx
Burrill and Morrill Funding Award and Acceptance Letter.docx
Burrill and Morrill Funding Award and Acceptance Letter_No signatures.docx
Fall 2012 Project Status Update Burrill Rain Garden.docx
Morrill Burrill intial site assessment.pdf
Campus Compost Project Agreement
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Campus Compost Project Agreement.pdf
Campus Compost Project Agreement Spring 2012.pdf
Campus Compost Project Award and Acceptance Letter.docx
Large Scale Food Waste Composting Project (cancelled) Final Report.docx
Proposal Transmittal Form 091109-1 FSCRAP 010612.docx
Budget for Grant Application.xlsx
Portable Farm Stand Funding Award and Acceptance
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Main Library Steam Reduction Project Funding Award and Acceptance Letter
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Main Library Steam Reduction_Funding Award and Acceptance Letter_Signed.pdf
Main Library Steam Reduction Spring 2012 Funding Award and Acceptance Letter.docx
Energy Audit Report for UIUC Vet Med Center_6-10-10 5657.pdf
Project Scope Statement-steam savings.docx
SSC Main Library Steam Reduction Proposal.docx
SSC Main Library Steam Reduction Proposal.pdf
Kill A Watt-Grainger
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:KCPA Solar_Funding Award and Acceptance
Associated Project(s):Campus Revolving Loan Fund
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Revolving Loan Fund Agreement 2011.pdf
Revolving Loan Fund Agreement Fall 2011.pdf
Jan 2012 Revolving Loan Fund President Hogan Letter.docx
Jan 2012 SSC Hogan letter_MB Edits.docx
Pres Hogan November 2011 Revolving Loan Fund Letter.pdf
Pres. Hogan Response March 2012.pdf
President Hogan Response Letter March 2012.docx
President Hogan Response Letter March 2012.pdf
University of Illinois Revolving Loan Fund Key Points.docx
SSC end of the year picnic
Associated Project(s):Staff met with the SSC “F&S/SSC Process” subcommittee
Associated Project(s):Video in Voting Stage
Associated Project(s):Climate Leadership Video is Created
Associated Project(s):The SSC develops new process for facilitating discussions by committee
Associated Project(s):SSC Continues Funding Efforts
Associated Project(s):Campuswide Occupancy Sensors
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Energy Displays and Metering Funding Letter
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Sustainability committee award letter - Energy Displays and Metering.pdf
Sustainability committee award letter - Energy Displays and Metering.docx
Building Metering Status.xlsx
Energy Dashboard Agreement.pdf
InStep Energy Dahsboard Proposal_06_08_11.docx
Potential List of 25 Buildings for display project.xlsx
SSC Final Allocation Approval - Energy Displays and Metering.docx
SSC Final Allocation Approval - Energy Displays and Metering.PDF
SSC LTR Energy Displays and Metering_FINAL.docx