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Projects Updates for place: National Soybean Research Center

  1. Funding Award and Acceptance Letter_ECE Solar

    The new Electrical and Computer Engineering building (New ECE building) will be operational starting the fall semester of 2014, and will be a unique green building on the University of Illinois campus. It is designed to be the most energy efficient engineering building in the world and is targeting LEED platinum certification, the highest rating for efficiency. With the full planned solar energy complement, the building is projected to achieve net zero energy status. The facility will be one of the two largest net-zero energy buildings in the United States. It will be a facility that supports all its own energy needs – on average over each year – leaving no carbon or fossil consumption footprint. Although the ECE building design itself is intended to achieve LEED Platinum certification, the energy objectives go far beyond this rating to true energy sustainability.

  2. Energy Shade Curtains PSL Greenhouses

    Energy shade curtains have many benefits for greenhouses including optimization of natural light reaching the crop canopy and reductions in heating inputs and electricity for cooling equipment and lighting. This is the 3rd phase of funding provided to the Plant Care Facility (Turner Hall Greenhouses) for curtain installation and programming, and 7 additional curtains were installed at a total cost of $71,000. Meters installed in rooms with and without curtains continue to track energy savings, and have shown an overall 50% heating use reduction, 30% electricity use reduction, and 30% water use reduction (for cooling) during fall and winter months.

  3. Student Farm Funding Agreement

  4. Campus Bike Parking Overhaul Phase 1_Funding Award and Acceptance

  5. Burrill and Morrill Rain Garden Spring 2012 Funding Award and Acceptance

  6. Main Library Steam Reduction Project Funding Award and Acceptance Letter

  7. Campus Revolving Loan Fund

  8. Climate Leadership Video is Created

    The Office of Sustainability collaborated with Public Affairs to develop and create a Climate Leadership Video.  The video included Chancellor Phyllis Wise, Professor Madhu Viswanathan, F&S Waste Management Coordinator Tracy Osby, and Student Sustainability Committee member Emily Cross.  This video highlights some of the key campus achievements related to sustainability.

  9. The SSC develops new process for facilitating discussions by committee

    The SSC developed a new process for facilitating detailed discussions by the committee.  They formed groups to cover standing topics, ad hoc topics, and project topics.  The groups are: Executive, Finance, Bylaws, Marketing, Funding Guidelines, Strategic Plan, Ethics/Code of conduct, F&S/SSC Process, Energy, Food/Waste, Water, Land, Education, and Transportation.  OS staff are represented on eight of these subgroups.

  10. SSC Continues Funding Efforts

    Energy Services requested clarification about the submittal process for SSC funding of energy projects. SSC’s Program Advisor met with the Energy Services team and F&S contacts to explain the process.

    Bicycle Intern Patrick Clark is developing the full proposal for bike parking to submit to SSC in February.  This proposal will include three phases to replace all donut-hole bike parking areas with the campus standards rack.  It will also include a request to fund additional Bike Fix-It stations on campus.

    SSC voted to extend the deadline for a pre-existing Bike Sharing Grant, which awarded $10,000, to November 30, 2012.

    As mentioned, the SSC awarded $250,000 toward the compost facility, pending the F-SCRAP grant.

    Staff participated in the six-hour SSC retreat on a weekend in January.  This event was very helpful in establishing strong working relationships within the SSC and developing priorities for process improvements during the spring. 

    Staff also participated in the brainstorming session related to the Sustainable Student Farm.  It was a very informative discussion and interesting to learn about their past experiences and plans for moving forward with changes in their mission and operations.

  11. Campuswide Occupancy Sensors

    In 2008, $50,000 was awarded to Facilities and Services to install occupancy sensors in 272 rooms across 10 highly-visible campus buildings. Where in use, the automatic lighting controls reduce energy usage by 30% (total savings of $11,900/year plus inflation) and greenhouse gas emissions (by 88,000 lbs CO2, 323 lbs of NOx, and 1,079 lbs SOx per year). The sensors are a daily reminder to students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the University of Illinois’ commitment to sustainability.

  12. Energy Displays and Metering Funding Letter

    This proposal seeks to install web-based display system for campus building energy consumption. The initial system will include information from 25 buildings as well as the Abbott power plant. Data will be available in real-time for buildings that have real-time metering, and monthly for other buildings; utilities included will be steam, chilled water and electricity. This project will also leverage funds from other project partners to make upgrades to building metering systems to provide real-time data for display and campus energy management use. Breakdown of funds is as follows: up to $50,000 for software purchase and install, up to $6750 for software maintenance, and up to $100,000 (this last portion in matching funds) for metering upgrades in initial buildings. Once the program is in place, ECI will work with project partners to arrange to display information on new or existing in-building displays as well as add information from other buildings. The Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding a grant in the amount of $156,750.
