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  1. The Day After Tomorrow: A Local Look at Climate Change with Scott Tess

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Youth Climate Justice forum presents this podcast series in which we will be trying to find ways for all of us to continue to work for climate justice during and after the coronavirus crisis. This week, Jasmine and Grace interview Scott Tess, a sustainability and resilience officer at City of Urbana, Illinois.

  2. Funding Approval for Energy Advisor for Solar Farm 3.0

    Mohamed Attalla and Evan DeLucia approved $17,000 of funding from the Carbon Credit Sales Fund for an Energy Advisor for Solar Farm 3.0, Customer First Renewables.

    An email of the approval is attached below.


  3. Sustainability Benefits of using iBuy

    Associated Project(s): 

    The main purpose to transition to iBuy is it will promote a sustainable process (e.g. no more paper, toner, postage, delivery, etc). Purchase Orders (PO) through Banner have historically been printed and mailed to vendors. For scope, here are Banner PO number over the last four fiscal years FY17 = 7,804, FY18 = 7,368, FY19 = 7,537, and FY20 = 5,669 (2 months remain in the fiscal year). In a conservative estimation, say each PO is 10 pages. This alone would have been 75,370 sheets of paper. This doesn’t consider the toner, postage or delivery emissions. In comparison, iBuy POs FY17 = 2,785, FY18 = 2,618, FY19 = 2,843, and FY20 = 3,179. Years FY17-FY19 were a 74% to 26% ratio. The efforts purchasing has made this year has shown positive movement towards higher utilization of this system as the current ratio for FY20 is 64% to 36%. Putting an exact percentage is difficult because we’re dependent on the systems abilities and the modifications Jaggaer can implement for us. Historically we have been limited in our abilities to work towards a transition to iBuy because of software limitations. 

    We are currently in the process of updating functionality which will enable higher system utilization. Here are some of the updates currently being worked on: 

    ·       Addition of Contracts Plus. Historically, purchase orders which were tied to a contract or solicitation had to be submitted through Banner. The addition of Contracts Plus will eventually replace iCS and everything will be housed in the same system which would eliminate this limitation.

    ·       We’ve also been limited on a method that clearly allows us to process a Standing PO in iBuy. It is technically possible; however, the process is convoluted. We anticipate having the ability to process standing POs by FY21. In FY19, we processed over 3,000 standing POs in Banner. Not all of these will transition to iBuy immediately, but we could potentially see a large reduction here in FY21.

    ·       We’re also in the process of implementing the America To Go  punchout catalog in iBuy which will reduce the amount of restaurant and catering order that will come through Banner. For scope, UIUC spends about $12 million dollars in this market.

  4. Registration Open for iSEE Congress 2020, "The Future of Water"

    Associated Project(s): 

    Join the Institute for its seventh annual fall conference. This year, our modified “teach-in” event will introduce the Illinois campus and community to cutting-edge thinking from highly influential scholars on topics ranging from drought, to the global politics of water, to pollution, public health and biodiversity. Read more and register via the link!

    October 5–6 • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Auditorium Tony Mancuso • Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

    Registration Open for iSEE Congress 2020, "The Future of Water"


  5. Certifications!

    Associated Project(s): 

    Great news! RORG is now certified as the following:

    • Monarch Waystation – Monarch Watch
    • Bird and Butterfly Sanctuary – Illinois Audubon Society
    • Plants for Birds – National Audubon Society
    • Wildlife Habitat – National Wildlife Federation
    • Native Plant Butterfly Garden – Wild Ones
    • Certified Butterfly Garden – North American Butterfly Association
    • Pollinator Pocket – University of Illinois Extension

    layne knoche
    Visiting Extension Outreach Associate

  6. Puchase Order approved - Project 529

    The Purchase Order to purchase the Community-Plan of the Project 529's bicycle registration system was approved and the contract was sent to the vendor via email (due to the pandemic) on May 1, 2020. The contract would begin on July 1, 2020 and end on June 30, 2021. Sarthak Prasad will work with the F&S IT department to plan and prepare to use the new system and the bicycle registration fee.

    The trial period for the Project 529 system will end on June 30, 2020.

  7. SSC Funding Award: Bike Path Renovation: Armory Avenue Path South of Gregory Hall

    The SSC awarded $50,000 for the "Bike Path Renovation: Armory Avenue Path South of Gregory Hall". This award will expire on May, 2022. Please see attached the Funding agreement.

  8. Lighting Update - as requested by PWR015

    Associated Project(s): 

    The attached file was prepared in response to the PWR015 recommendation. Additional information about lighting update projects is available in the iCAP Portal under Lighting Conservation Projects and sub-projects.  The current University Facilities Standards require the use of energy efficient lighting (see 

    Attached Files: 
  9. Map the System 2020 Social Innovation Challenge

    Map the System is a global competition that challenges students to think differently about social and environmental change. Watch this year’s teams pitch change-making ideas in the Illinois campus semi-final for a share of $8,000 in cash prizes and a chance to represent Illinois at the Global Final. Join us to learn and get inspired to social action!  Register:

    April 30, 4–6 PM Valeri Werpetinski • Origin Ventures Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership

    Map the System 2020 Social Innovation Challenge


  10. Resilience Team Meeting: April 22, 2020

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Resilience SWATeam met on 04/22/2020 to discuss changes and edits to the draft of the Resilience Chapter of the 2020 iCAP that the team recieved from the iWG. After the discussion, edits were made to the draft document and then sent to the iWG for further review. 


