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Project Updates for collection: 2010 iCAP Projects


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  1. Zero Waste SWATeam Meeting: 26 February 2021

    The meeting which took place on 26 February at 4PM (CDT) discussed the following:

    • Reusable dining options (Follow-up to Feb 12 guest presentation)
    • Reusable dining options (Recommendation)
    • Elimination of virgin paper at F&S Stores
    • Food Literacy Project
  2. OVCRI newsletter highlights transformative learning experiences


    Every year, the university’s vice chancellors have the opportunity to update the Senate Executive Committee on our units. When I spoke with them last week, I focused on OVCRI alignment with the four overarching pillars of the campus strategic plan. In addition to our significant role in explicitly research-related goals, I was particularly pleased to note the many ways that OVCRI units contribute to "Transformative Learning Experiences."  

    We work closely with the academic colleges to extend opportunities for students. While I don't have space to list every activity and program, I will note a few highlights. Nearly 1,000 grads and undergrads alike enjoy interdisciplinary research experiences at IGB or Beckman, while hundreds learn firsthand in the field, working on projects at PRI. Programs such as CCIL's Cancer Scholars, iSEE's Sustainability minor (and new Environmental Leadership Program), HRI's Mellon Fellowships and Internships, as well as NCSA's SPIN program offer transformative learning opportunities in emerging areas with societal impact. Students learn to use cutting-edge instrumentation at the Biotech Center, participate in community-focused and clinical projects with support from CSBS and IHSI, and even have real-world learning opportunities through internships with Research Park companies (800+ students each year!). Students can choose excellent degree programs at hundreds of universities across the country. But the way the vibrant research enterprise contributes to student education is a true point of differentiation for our university.



  3. Newsgazette Mailbag about campus renewables

    Renewable energy at the UI "How much power is each of the renewable (University of Illinois) sources generating? How many houses can each provide power for? Are there plans to add more than what we currently have? How many years does it take for the cost of each to be paid off? We have a growing interest in this and many homes now also have this."

    Morgan White, the UI's associate director of Facilities & Services for sustainability, has all your answers.

    As for power generation, she said that the UI's "on-campus solar arrays are now capable of producing over 25,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) per year and we purchase an additional 25,000 MWh/year from an off-campus wind farm in Illinois.

    "For a more comprehensive answer:

    "The (Illinois Climate Action Plan) 2020, objective 2.3.1 is: 'Use at least 140,000 MWh/year of clean power by FY25.' This objective is about clean power, which is different from clean thermal energy. As of 2020, there are three types of clean power options being pursued or used on campus.

    "1. Solar Energy on Campus: installing solar photovoltaic panels on campus property

    "2. Wind Energy on Campus: installing wind turbine generators on campus property

    "3. Power Purchase Agreements for Clean Energy: purchasing solar or wind power from off-campus

    "FYI, Solar Farm 2.0 is projected to produce 20,000,000 kWh/year. It began production at the end of January, so there will only be 5 of 12 months production in the FY21 totals (this current fiscal year)."

    As for the number of houses each can provide power for, White said, "At Facilities & Services, we use the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) for the average power use in an American home. It currently says, 'In 2019, the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was 10,649 kilowatthours (kWh).”

    "Thus, the FY20 clean power use on campus (30,635,993 kWh) was the equivalent of the power needed for 2,876 houses. Once Solar Farm 2.0 is operating for an entire year, that will be about 50,000,000 kWh/year of clean power use on campus, which is the equivalent to the power needed for 4,717 houses."

    And about whether more generation will be added, she said: "The recently released Illinois Climate Action Plan 2020 (iCAP 2020) includes a goal for increasing clean power use to 140,000 MWh/year by FY25. We are currently having internal discussions at the University of Illinois about initiating a large off-campus solar power purchase agreement to meet this goal. We are also continuing to pursue clean thermal energy solutions, such as geothermal. Additionally, large construction projects on campus are required by the state law to be LEED certified, and this will often entail the addition of clean energy systems for individual buildings."

    The payback period for each of these systems varies widely due to several factors, she said.

    "For example, the geothermal system for the Campus Instructional Facility is projected to pay for itself in 28 years, while Solar Farm 2.0 is saving money in year one," said White. "For local projects off-campus these programs are very helpful: the Solar Urbana-Champaign program typically finds solar installations to pay for themselves in six or seven years, and the Geothermal Urbana-Champaign program typically finds a geothermal system at a residential home can pay for itself within 10 years."

  4. Energy iCAP Team Meeting Minutes from 2-10-21

    The Energy iCAP Team had a meeting on Feb. 10th where student member, Brinn McDowell, shared a presentation on calculated energy savings from green lab protocols that could greatly contribute towards energy conservation efforts. Updates were give on the Building Envelope Pilot Project, which is anticipated to start in March with several Energy iCAP Team students participating. Among other topics of discussion were ways to enforce compliance with state energy standards, to cooperate with student leaders across the Engineering, Architecture, and Design disciplines, and to condition vacated spaces in a time of distance-learning and -working. The agenda, meeting minutes, and chat log are attached below!

  5. Transportation SWATeam Meeting: 10 February 2021

    The Transportation SWATeam met on Wednesday, February 2021 at 10AM to discuss the following:

    • Intern Solicitation Process (3.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.3)
    • EV Dashboard Data (loosely related to 3.1)
    • Initialization of EV Task Force (3.3)
    • Fleet Vehicle Usage (3.1)
    • Air Travel Emissions (3.5)
    • Roundtable Discussion:
      • 3.2: Increase PCI Index to 65 by FY25
      • 3.4: Reduce Driving on Campus and Staff SOV trips 10% by 2025.
      • 3.4.2: Continue to Implement Bike Plan
    Attached Files: 
  6. Transportation SWATeam Meeting: 10 February 2021

    The Transportation SWATeam met on Wednesday, February 2021 at 10AM to discuss the following:

    • Intern Solicitation Process (3.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.3)
    • EV Dashboard Data (loosely related to 3.1)
    • Initialization of EV Task Force (3.3)
    • Fleet Vehicle Usage (3.1)
    • Air Travel Emissions (3.5)
    • Roundtable Discussion:
      • 3.2: Increase PCI Index to 65 by FY25
      • 3.4: Reduce Driving on Campus and Staff SOV trips 10% by 2025.
      • 3.4.2: Continue to Implement Bike Plan
    Attached Files: 
  7. Registration Closing:Kyushu-Illinois Strategic Partnership Colloquia Series

    Join us on Feb.1 at 6pm for an exciting workshop highlighting the collaborative relationship between Illinois and Kyushu University faculty on the development of global CO2 recycling technology towards “beyond-zero” emission. This effort is within the framework of the Moonshot Program in I2CNER at Kyushu funded by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan. 

    Global Relations • Global Relations

    baseline_wifi_black_18dp.png This opportunity is available online

  8. Engagement SWATeam Meeting

    On February 1, 2021, the Engagement SWATeam met to discuss updates on initiatives assigned at our last meeting. Topics of discussed include:

    • Metrics on sustainability engagement
    • ISG Gen-Ed initiative
    • Sustainability Scholars Program
    • Mandatory Sustainability Workshop
    • Code of Conduct revisions

    Meeting minutes are also attached below.

    Attached Files: 
  9. Example Progress Report: Microsoft's Climate Commitments

    Microsoft's 2020 carbon recap offers an example progress report for climate commitments. In this article, the company highlights its biggest commitment to focus on the climate crisis by pledging to become carbon negative by 2030. Focusing on this initiative in-depth, Microsoft speaks about its plan to reduce the company's carbon emissions, remove carbon from the environment, and advancing transparency and accountability as a global company.

  10. Article: Rapid Decline of News Coverage for Pollinators

    Craig Chamberlain, a Social Sciences Editor for Illinois News Bureau, released an article highlighting the lack of coverage dedicated to bees in mainstream news. Supporting his article with a study from researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, it was found that the amount of attention dedicated to "pollinator population topics" has significantly declined over several decades.

    Read Chamberlain's article through Illinois News Bureau or the PDF in the attached files!

  11. controls on HVAC units - note

    Associated Project(s): 

    I would note that the room level controls at the National Soybean Research Center have been upgraded to DDC in the past year.  We plan to do this in the ACES Library in 2021.  We have invested in Turner Hall w/ control upgrades and RCx work. The Ag Engineering building saw a recent project last year to upgrade to DDC controls and replace VAV boxes.  ~Karl Helmink, F&S RCx, january 2021

  12. 12/18 Zero Waste SWATeam Meeting

    Attached are the meeting minutes from the Zero Waste SWATeam on 12/18/2020. The following agenda items were discussed:

    • Grind2Energy Additional Scope.
    • NERC membership.
    • Mask Terracycle Program.
    • Organics Master Plan.
    • Vending Machine Single-Use Plastics Replacement.
    • Mitigating single-serve options in third-party vendors in Union.
    • Reusable dining operations during COVID.
    • Reuse of Surplus Goods.
    • Battery Recycling Options.
    • Purchasing Order Fufillment: Sustainable Options.
    • Purchasing Sustainability Digital Booklet.
    • Food Waste Reduction Webinar Engagement Opportunity.
    • Sustainability Integrations within punch-out catalogues/iBUY.
  13. 12/16 Transportation SWATeam Meeting

    Attached are the meeting minutes for the Transportation SWATeam Meeting on 12/16/2020. The following agenda items were discussed:

    • Intern Solicitation
    • Intern Resources List
    • EV Task Force
    • Fleet Vehicle Usage Tracking
    • Reduction of Fleet
    • Air Travel Emissions
  14. Precious Plastic Campus Recycling Hub
