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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Stewarding Excellence Reports

    In 2010, the Chancellor's Office coordinated a program called "Stewarding Excellence." This process formed teams about key financial issues on campus, and developed reports on Next Steps to make improvements.  The files for Utilities and Space are both posted here.  The full list is available online at 

  2. UC Solar

    Last chance to learn about solar at a Power Hour tomorrow at Common Ground

    Last chance to learn about solar at a Power Hour tomorrow at Common Ground




    Solar Urbana-Champaign 
    Surpasses 250 kW goal!!

    We are extremely proud to announce that we have surpassed the 250 kW benchmark! Right now we have 280 kW and counting. As you know, due to our program design, all participants get a total of 3% off their solar array now that we have collectively reached 250 kW. We have only one more Solar Power Hour remaining, so now's your chance to attend if you haven't already. Our final Power Hour is tomorrow night (Tuesday, May 10) at the Common Ground Food Co-op. Last December, we launched the program at Common Ground, and had no way of knowing how incredibly pro-solar the community would be. Tomorrow as we convene there again, we can look back at a stellar program in a stellar community. You are truly an amazing bunch! You can still let your friends, neighbors, relatives, and networks know about this program and how they can go solar. Help spread the word to your networks! Forward this email to 3 of your contacts!


    Questions? Concerns?



    The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable living through education and demonstration.

    To learn more about our work, visit


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  3. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    At the ECBS SWATeam meeting this week, Sam Wilson, a grad student in Communication, presented his ongoing research efforts on fume hood behaviors, which will tie into the development of our Green Labs Initiative.  Big Picture Recommendation discussion continued as the team worked on making clear connections to iCAP 2015 in the document, which is set to be submitted by the end of next week.  The online Energy Dashboard has been updated, courtesy of Mike Marquissee.  Eco-Olympics results indicated competing buildlings across campus achieved up to a 10.6% reduction in energy usage (Lundgren Hall).  Grad student Anna Tanaglia presented the success of public speaking sections (CMN 101) that focused on campus sustainability; students seemed to enjoy these topics and some have expressed interest in getting more involved in campus sustainability efforts.  Claudia presented a social marketing campaign class project on student involvement in campus sustainability efforts, the findings of which may guide future campus engagement efforts.

    Attached Files: 
  4. Research on Stormwater

    Rain gardens and barrels needed for study

    We will be conducting a study regarding the ability of residential rain gardens and rain barrels to harbor mosquitoes. We are looking for households with rain gardens or rain barrels to participate in the study. The study will involve a brief survey regarding use and approximately one visit per month throughout the summer. Please email to participate.

    Catherine Elizabeth Wangen . Department of Entomology

  5. Sonified Sustainability Festival a great success

    Good morning, team!

    The Sonified Sustainability Festival was this weekend, and had a pretty solid turnout (between 400-500 by my informal running headcount throughout the afternoon).  If you couple that with the turnout for the Gallery opening (~100) and the previous two concerts (a little over a 100 each time) you’re looking at around 750 for the project as a whole, without even counting all the other folks who pass through the gallery show before May 2nd. 

    On top of that, we got some solid coverage for SSC.  We were included in the programs and all the advertisements, and also got decent recognition in the local media.  Here’s the news roundup:

    Not bad considering we were up against Ebertfest and the spring football game.

    All My Best,

    Micah Kenfield

    Student Sustainability Committee Coordinator

  6. senate resolution in support of 2015 iCAP

    Ben McCall gave a short presentation for the Faculty Senate about the iCAP, its history, and its energy-related objectives.  There were a few questions, followed by rather surprising applause and a very kind thank-you from the Chancellor.

    A resolution from the Senate Committee on Campus Operations in support of the 2015 iCAP and recommending "that the administration make it a top priority to allocate funding and human resources to the full and rapid implementation of the goals of the 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan while maintaining the tradition of excellence in scholarly activities that define the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as a world-leading research and teaching institution" passed unanimously!! 

  7. iWG meeting agenda March 30, 2016

  8. iWG meeting meeting March 30, 2016

  9. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    The SWATeam continued the discussion about its Big Picture Recommendation for energy conservation regarding the Campus Master Plan.  Students reported their findings on what undergraduates want to see on energy displays in campus buildings.  Smaller updates on fume hood efficiency efforts and Illini Lights Out followed.  Green Labs Initiative intern Natalie Pelekh attended this meeting to present her research on Green Labs programs at other schools and to discuss factors that need consideration before launching our own Green Labs program.

    Attached Files: 
  10. Request for Paxton grant funds

    Attached and embedded below is a request to utilize the remaining funds in the Paxton grant for campus sustainable landscapes which is now under the purview of ISEE.  The persons on the CC are all familiar with some of the work in this area done over the past few years and can likely speak to the wisdom of using the funds to supplement the ongoing efforts. 


    TO: Dr. Evan DeLucia and Dr. Ben McCall

    From:  John C. Marlin

    RE:  Use of “Support for Sustainable Landscapes” funds

    Date:  March 21, 2016



    Several efforts are underway on the University of Illinois campus to promote the use and reestablishment of native plant species.  The intent is to integrate native plants into the main campus landscaping and establish larger more diverse plantings in areas farther from the main campus in conjunction with the removal of invasive plants such as bush honeysuckle.  The plantings will be especially valuable to insect pollinators and birds and will provide significant educational opportunities.  To date much of the funding has come from the Student Sustainability Committee.  


    Work at the moment is concentrated on the 2.3 acre prairie at Florida and Orchard in Urbana, the wooded area at the southern end of the Arboretum known as SAW (South Arboretum Woods) including the Pollinatarium, and the Forestry Plantation along Race Street.  Other active sites include Burrill Hall, the Natural Resources Building, and the Florida Orchard Prairie.  Another small project is about to begin at Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall, which will be largely supported by LAR funds and student volunteers.


    In addition to the SSC, several campus and community groups have made substantial contributions to the effort primarily through volunteer labor.  The Master Naturalists and Grand Prairie Friends have provided hundreds of volunteer hours as have local citizens who attend work days.  Individual students, faculty, and staff as well as Red Bison, Students for Environmental Concerns, and other student service organizations put in additional hours. 


    NRES purchased a $30,000 chipper and hired a contractor to remove honeysuckle with a forestry mower at the forestry plantation.  The machine was also used on a limited basis at the Arboretum.  Additional staff and in kind support was provided by the Arboretum, Pollinatarium, Prairie Research Institute, and Illinois Natural History Survey. 


    Recent SSC funding received by the Arboretum makes it possible for the forestry mower to return and remove large stands of honeysuckle.   Workers will then remove by hand the honeysuckle too close to trees for the machine to cut.  The area will then be replanted with native understory species as the invasive plants are brought under control.  This will take several years.  Various research projects focused on native plantings and their usefulness to other species are also envisioned. 


    Considerable additional funding beyond that provided by SSC is required to complete this effort.   It is anticipated that the Arboretum and others will seek grants for future work and research.  It is, therefore, requested that the remaining funds in the $10,000 donation “Support for Sustainable Landscapes” Dr. Jack Paxton made several years ago be made available to further this work.   The funds would be used to supplement and match SSC and other funding.   Specifically the funds would be available for the following purposes as needed: supplies and equipment, removal of invasive plants by contractors or hourly workers in campus areas, and purchase and planting of native plant material at appropriate campus locations. 


    Dr. John C. Marlin, a research affiliate at ISTC and INHS and Adjunct Professor in NRES, has lead much of this effort since 2011 as a volunteer.  He continues to coordinate considerable activity by students, staff and community volunteers on these projects.  He is also available to coordinate the proposed project.


    Primary collaborators include Dr. Marlin; Arboretum Director, Dr. Kevin McSweeney; and Jay Hayek the Extension Forester within NRES. 


    This use of the Paxton grant is supported by Dr. Paxton (who has contributed numerous volunteer hours) and campus Facilities and Services.   If a committee is needed to consider this matter, the SWAT team that deals with land and agriculture could probably be involved. 


    If there are any questions or a need for discussion, please contact Dr. Marlin at 217-649-4591



    Dr. Jack Paxton

    Brent Lewis

    Morgan Johnston

    Jay Hayek

    Dr. Kevin McSweeney

    Micah Kenfield


    John C. Marlin PhD.

    Research Affiliate

    Illinois Sustainable Technology Center and

    Adjunct Professor

    Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

    University of Illinois

    One Hazelwood Dr.

    Champaign, IL 61820



