iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - January 31, 2025
Associated Project(s):
- Michael's updates
- Featured Projects:
- Stopped wrapping text below image
- Stripped formatting from text (links, bold, & italics still permitted)
- Updated "Add Project Update" links on Project Header Layout projects to auto-fill current project
- Project Updates listings: descriptions expand/collapse at 500 characters
- Recommendation pages:
- Show most recent status prominently
- Description field: "Original Recommendation" heading
- Move Supplanted By box up to second position, right after iCAP Team
- Places: most duplicates merged; a few questions arose (see attached file):
- Architectural annex
- Fire Institute
- Vet Med Building
- Recommendation Updates:
- Default to sorting by Recommendation Title
- Also added Update Title and Update Date as sort options
- Added Update Date column
- Updated SSC link on iCAP Portal homepage to go to SSC Projects page
- Featured Projects:
- [DEFER TO NEXT TIME] Google Analytics numbers drop
- Steeper than others have experienced
- Probably some combination of less traffic and old analytics possibly not excluding bots/crawlers as effectively
- [DEFER TO NEXT TIME] Discussion of how to handle projects with large numbers of metrics (see notes from Sarthak & Michael's discussion)
- Helen: is the new SSC Projects structure available to the public yet?
- Michael: yes, homepage now links to new SSC Projects
- TODO: have a discussion with SSC folks (Sheri, Helen, others?) about SSC / iCAP Portal connections (Morgan will reach out to Sheri)
- [DEFER TO NEXT TIME] Google Analytics numbers drop
- [DEFER TO NEXT TIME] Discussion of how to handle projects with large numbers of metrics
- Project Updates listings:
- Can we have an "expand all" link at the top?
- ✅ Change cutoff to 750 characters
- ✅ Project Updates for individual projects: use expand/collapse
- ✅ Recommendations:
- ✅ Change "Status" to "Current Status"
- Places:
- FSI:
- Associate Lighting Retrofit #5 w/IFSI location
- Remove FSI individual buildings
- Architecture Annex:
- ✅ Combine duplicate Architecture Annex places
- Decide whether to combine Art East Annex- Studio 1 and Art Annex #2
- Vet Med:
- Have an F&S student review the various Vet Med related buildings to determine which should be kept and where the markers should be (see this search of Places for 'vet')
- Morgan: should we use ArcGIS instead of Google Maps on our site?
- FSI:
Attached Files: