December 2nd, 2016 Meeting
Meeting Minutes 12-02-16
- Lily Wilcox proposes new recommendation to build bike parking cages in new parking decks. Proposal was submitted to iCap Working Group
Meeting Minutes 12-02-16
- Lily Wilcox proposes new recommendation to build bike parking cages in new parking decks. Proposal was submitted to iCap Working Group
Meeting minutes 11/04/16
- Ankit showed us a video showing how some cities like Singapore are using tracking systems ( using cards) to track when people are getting on and getting off. This may improve the bus schedule. We could possibly using cards to track.
o MTD would have to put systems of the busses. Would require funds to implement this idea.
Meeting Minutes 10-21-16
Josh Feldman
Claire Dondival
Meeting minutes – 9/30/16
In Attendance:
Josh Feldman
Ankit Singhai
Yangfeng Ouyang
Summary: This meeting was our inaugural meeting for the year. On the agenda today was the creation of a team description, a review of ongoing projects, and planning for future meetings.
In attendance:
Josh Feldman
Claire Dondival
Ankit Singhai
Yangfeng Ouyang
Pete Varney
Lily Wilcox - Active Transportation Coordinator
Olivia Webb - Sustainability Programs Coordinator
Topics Covered:
The charge letter was sent to FY17 SWATeam members, noting that the clerks will be reaching out to help schedule meetings for the fall.
see file
see file
The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on February 16, 2016, to discuss the SWATeam recommendation, Trans007 Campus Fleet Analysis and Planning. The iWG's final comment was:
"They have suggested that this analysis is ideally completed by an industry professional. The iWG recommends that this study can be broken down into phases where phase 1 could be done by students, and phase 2 then could be done by an outside consultant (industry expert). Ben will suggest this to the SWATeam."
The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on February 16, 2016, to discuss the SWATeam recommendation, Trans005 Travel Demand Analysis. The iWG's final comment was:
The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on February 16, 2016, to discuss the SWATeam recommendation, Trans006 Differential Parking Pricing for Shared Vehicles. The iWG's final comment was:
see file
see file
The OBFS department sent their response to the iCAP Working Group (iWG) on September 23, 2015, which was then forwarded to the Transportation SWATeam in October. The Transportation SWATeam supplanted the Trans001 TEM_DMI recommendation with the new Trans005 Travel Demand Analysis recommendation.
See the new SWATeam recommendation Trans005 Travel Demand Analysis here.
The Transportation SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating,
The Transportation SWATeam submitted a new recommendation, Trans005 Travel Demand Analysis, that supplanted the old recommendation, Trans001 TEM_DMI. The SWATeam stated,
The Transportation SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating,
Meeting notes from December 11, 2015 meeting of the transportation SWATeam.
Attached are typed notes from Ben Cigelnik and handwritten notes by Claire Dodinval.
Meeting notes for Transportation SWATeam meeting on September 28, 2015
see file