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Projects Updates for Transportation iCAP Team

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  1. Transportation iCAP Meeting 10/10/2022

    The Transportation iCAP team met on October 20th 2022 to discuss the team's presentation for the upcoming sustainability celebration, review the list of priorities assigned to the team for the year, and discuss progress on fleet replacement plans and the potential for university-wide clean vehicle purchasing policies.

    Link to meeting recording:

  2. Urban Biodiversity Master Plan Student Support

    Biodiversity Plan intern Gabriel Harper-Hagen is looking for students and student groups to help him develop two iNaturalist surveys for the project. Here is the detailed explanation from Gabe:

    The survey will act as a pilot for future surveying around campus and the broader community. We will have two surveys: one focused on animals and one focused on plants. This is because of the different methods of surveying each. The surveys will benefit from as many students that would be interested in this for either one (Or both). The survey will attempt to efficiently gather data about the diversity of plant and animal species found on campus to create a baseline for what is present and to help identify gaps on the campus where diversity may be lacking. If successful, I hope to expand the model to other parts of the community including the park districts to have larger community based BioBlitz seasonally to keep track of the diversity in the area and measure success of the biodiversity plan. 


    As far as students can help, we need enough people to survey the area efficiently in a reasonable amount of time. The student groups and individual students would be helping in an initial survey that focuses only on the campus. My thought is that a date will be set for each of the two surveys where the participants can join to go over brief instructions on identifying plants with iNaturalist, adding them to the project, and explaining the purpose of surveying. iNaturalist allows for specific project data to be collected within a region which is then peer reviewed. Ideally, there will be some experts (students or professors if appropriate) that join for each survey to help with logistics and identification. I hope this will not only be a useful database for our campus to utilize, but also a fun learning experience. 


    All iCAP students and environmental student groups are encouraged to participate. If interested, please email Gabe ( and Resilience iCAP Team clerk Asli Topuzlu ( 

  3. iCAP Team Priority Areas 2022-2023

    The following email was sent to the iCAP Teams:

    Hello iCAP Teams,

    Thank you again for serving on these important campus sustainability committees, and for your commitment to helping the university achieve the objectives in the Illinois Climate Action Plan.  As promised in the charge letters you received, we are attaching the Key Priorities Document here.  The attached document includes a section for each iCAP Team, with two parts in each section: Priority areas and in progress iCAP Portal projects.

    1. Priority Areas

    In order to help our campus move from STARS Gold to STARS Platinum, we have identified priority areas where our university can potentially improve. iSEE’s summer intern Tyler evaluated the latest UIUC STARS report and identified example case studies from STARS Platinum schools.  Tyler’s report is online at “Report on Improving UIUC STARS Score.” The priority areas also include topics for potential recommendations that have been brought up in previous discussions with the campus sustainability teams.  One example of this is the current efforts to reduce plastic waste on campus.

    Many prior iCAP team members have expressed a desire for guidance on appropriate topics for recommendations, so we are providing this guidance to assist your team with focus areas for development of recommendations.  We encourage you to investigate these ideas with gusto; reach out to people at other schools to learn more about the ideas and contact people on our campus who would have a stake in the project (“stakeholders”) to understand how it could fit into our campus. You should also review the recommendation template to see the information that needs to be completed when you submit a recommendation to the iCAP Working Group. 

    1. In progress iCAP Portal projects

    The iCAP Portal has over 900 projects and contains information about our campus sustainability efforts, going back as far as 2003. The information is primarily entered by members of the iCAP Teams, the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC), and a few volunteers.  We are requesting your assistance to get updates on some of the projects that are listed as “In Progress.”  For each of the projects listed in the attached file, please answer the following questions:

    • Who is the current contact person? The project records on the iCAP Portal may provide past contacts, and your team members may have relevant information.
    • Is the project completed? If not, what is the current status of the effort?
    • What changes are needed on the iCAP Portal project page content? Pictures would be particularly nice to be able to share on the Portal.

    We are very excited about this coming year, and we want to support you in any way necessary.  Please reach out to any of us at any time.

    Thank you,

    Morgan, Jen, and Meredith

  4. Transportation iCAP Team Meeting 9/2/2022

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Transportation iCAP team met on Friday, September 2nd from 4:00 - 5:00 P.M. to review the charge letter provided by iSEE and select a team Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

    Meeting Minutes and slides are attached to this update, a link to a recording of the meeting is provided below:

  5. iCAP Team Charge Letters 2022-2023

    iSEE Director, Madhu Khanna, sent out the seven iCAP Team charge letters for the 2022-2023 academic year (attached). 

    "Thank you once again for your service in helping to make the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign a more sustainable campus. Attached is your charge letter for the 2022-2023 academic year with an outline of your campus sustainability duties as part of the iCAP Team. We look forward to your positive and impactful contributions."

  6. iCAP Team Kickoff 2022

    The iCAP Teams and iCAP Working Group gathered for the annual kickoff event on 8-24-22. Current members attended to learn about the iCAP 2020, the role of the teams and members, and meet sustainability staff and fellow team members. The presentation is attached and the recording can be found here

  7. Archived Info - Project Description

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Transportation iCAP Team is a team of faculty, staff and students who work to advance the 2015 iCAP transportation objectives. The team forms recommendations to reduce the 10% of campus emissions which are attributable to transportation. We address air travel emissions, fleet emissions, single-occupancy vehicle usage, renewable fuels, and active transportation.

    Based on FY14 data, transportation emissions have increased by 30% since the FY08 baseline.  Because emissions from the fleet and commuting are down by three and six percent, respectively, the increase in total transportation emissions is entirely due to a 52% increase in air travel emissions relative to FY08.

  8. Introductory conversation with Prairie Research Institute (PRI)

    On May 2, 2022, F&S staff and the Transportation iCAP Team representatives met with Prairie Research Institute (PRI) to provide a background to the iCAP objective of Fleet Replacement Plans. The PRI team was very interested in this project, and confirmed that they will have discussions internally about how to move forward. Sarthak Prasad will follow up with PRI in July for any update.

    Here is the recording from this meeting:

    Also attached is the F&S Fleet plan and the transcript from this meeting.

    This meeting was attended by:

    Sarthak Prasad (host), Morgan White (F&S), Pete Varney (F&S), Ria Kontou (CEE, Transportation iCAP Team co-chair), Jeff Stein (PRI), Shari Effert-Fanta (PRI), Alan Dudley (PRI), Adam Deany (PRI).

  9. Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership - Successful

    Dr. Ehab Kamarah, Executive Director of F&S, responded to Dr. Jennifer Fraterrigo, iSEE Associate Director of Campus Sustainability, with the following email:

    "This is to confirm that F&S team will form the EV Task Force with input from the Parking Advisory Committee."


    See submittal and Trans014 recommendation here.
    See transmittal and iWG assessment of Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership here. 

    For future updates, see the Electric Vehicle (EV) Task Force project page. 

  10. Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership, the recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Ehab Kamarah on 3/29/22. 

    See iWG assessment of Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership attached. 
    See submittal of Trans014 EV Task Force here. 

  11. Transportation iCAP Team Meeting 3/31/2022

    The Transportation iCAP team met today 3/31/22 to discuss reaching out to the Prairie Research Institute to help establish a formal fleet replacement plan, the ongoing walkability audit and mode choice survey, and the ongoing Campus Landscape Master Plan Public Forums.

    Attached Files: 
  12. iWG Meeting Minutes 2-25-22

    The iWG met on 2-25-22 and discussed the Energy008 and Energy009 recommendations, Trans014, and plastic reduction initiatives. Andy Stumpf and Bill Rose, the Energy iCAP Team chairs, joined the meeting to discuss the two Energy recommendations. The meeting minutes are attached. 

    Attached Files: 
  13. Transportation iCAP Team February Meeting

    The Transportation iCAP team met on Thursday, 2/25/2022 at 4:00 P.M. and discussed the following topics:

    • Scoring for the upcoming walkability audit
    • Questions for an upcoming mode choice survey

    Further details are in attached documents.

    Attached Files: 
  14. Faculty/Staff Carpool Survey

    The University of Illinois (UIUC) is interested in achieving its Climate Action Plan’s transportation sustainability goals by “reducing single-occupancy vehicle usage” and “promoting the use of electric vehicles” on campus. This survey is designed to evaluate the commuting needs of UIUC faculty and staff, so as to inform future actions on two fronts: (i) feasibility of developing a faculty/staff carpool service, and (ii) expanding electrified vehicle charging infrastructure on campus.

    Survey link: 

  15. Transportation iCAP Team January Meeting

    The Transportation iCAP team met on Thursday, January 27th from 4:00-5:00 P.M. The team discussed progress on the EV Task Force Member Recommendation, the fleet replacement plan recommendation, and two returned recommendations: the Carbon Credit program and the Carpool Survey.

    The team has decided to do further research into what a carpool system would look like at the U of I, and will discuss the matter further with insight from other schools at the next meeting. Progress will hopefully be made on the Fleet Replacement Plan Recommendation, as the team will be meeting with Pete Varney in the Parking Department soon.


    Further Information can be found in the attached document.

    Attached Files: 
  16. Trans014 Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership - Submitted

    The Transportation iCAP team submitted the following Electric Vehicle Task Force Membership recommendation on 12/20/21: 

    "We recommend a list of potential members to be considered to participate in the EV Task Force. We suggest Parking to review the list that the Transportation iCAP Team compiled and recommend members as they see fit." 


  17. Transportation Winter Meeting

    The Transportation team met briefly on December 3rd, 2021 to discuss a recommendation of members for a potential Electric Vehicle Task Force, and a potential recommendation for the Fleet replacement plans. Sarthak Prasad also gave a brief update on the Commuter Program which appears to be on track.

    Meeting Materials are attached.

  18. October Transportation iCAP Team Meeting

    The Transportation iCAP team met on Friday, October 29th for its monthly meeting. The team discussed the plans for the proposed Commuter Program, the Walkability Audit, and the Campus Transportation Advisory Committee. Additionally, steps will be taken to pick up the Fleet Replacement Recommendation and the EV Task Force Member Recommendation.

    Meeting Recording


  19. Transportation iCAP Team September 2021 Meeting

    The Transportation iCAP team met via zoom from 9:00 A.M.-10:30 A.M. on Wednesday, September 29th. This meeting featured an update on proposed telecommuting policies from Doctor James Gallaher, discussions on the iCAP Objectives Assessment and iCAP celebration, and a general review of the goals and projects of the committee.
