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Projects Updates for 2024 Campus Bike Plan

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  1. Feb. 10th Transportation Team Meeting

    The iCAP Transportation Team had our first meeting of the spring semester on Monday, Feb. 10th.

    There were a lot of exciting updates - the 2025 Campus Bike Plan has been published, student's research projects are progressing as they look into systems and infrastructures other universities have in place to encourage active and less environmentally impactful methods of transit, and we are working on finalizing the Campus Transportation Survey to send out in the next couple of weeks.

    Attached Files: 
  2. 2024 Campus Bicycle Master Plan approved

    The 2024 Campus Bicycle Master Plan was approved by the Chancellor's Capital Review Committee (CCRC) on Thursday, December 19, 2024. This plan will be published on the University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign Master Planning website and an announcement will be sent out in January 2025. See attached the final document as approved by the CCRC.

  3. CTAC fall 2024 meeting recording and slides

    CTAC meeting was held on Thursday, October 24, 2024, focusing mainly on

    1. 2024 Campus Bike Plan: Public Input - Accepting feedback until October 31, 2024. The public input form can be found here:
    2. Long Range Transportation Plan 2050:
    3. Lincoln Avenue Corridor Study - Between Green St and Florida Ave - CCRPC
    4. Lincoln Avenue Corridor Study - Between Florida Ave and Windsor Rd - F&S TDM

    Please see attached the slides from meeting. To view the recording, please go to

  4. Planning Meeting with Sarthak Prasad

    I met with Sarthak Prasad, 1pm, Oct. 10th, to discuss the Transportation Team's presentation at the Sustainability Celebration on the 23rd. We are going to highlight the Campus Bike Plan and briefly go over our other current projects.

    We also planned the agenda for our Oct. 22nd meeting and went over some protocol for the iCAP portal. A helpful meeting!

  5. Transportation iCAP Team October Meeting

    The Transportation iCAP Team had their first meeting for the fall semester! Exciting to review projects where they were left off and pick them back up. The minutes are attached. We introduced the projects for the year and discussed what next steps look like for them.

  6. Transportation iCAP Team Meeting 2/28/2024

    The Transportation iCAP Team met on 2/28/2024 to discuss the outlined proposal of the DESMAN report, the 2024 Campus Bike Plan, and end-of-year reporting initiatives. Attached is a link to the meeting recording.

  7. 2024 Campus Bike Plan Meeting Held on 02/27/2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    I had a meeting with Sarthak on February 27th, 2024 to discuss the working document of the 2024 Campus Bike Plan.

    Below are the notes of the meeting, mentioning the action items:

    • A weekly update on the working of the document to be uploaded on ICAP portal.
    • Review and edit the summary of the progress reports, if needed, written by Kejsi and Ethan.
    • Review the section for Equity and Inclusion in Chapter 3: Goals and Objectives.
    • Chapter 2: Stakeholders
      • Add DRES as a stakeholder.
    • Chapter 4: Equity and inclusion
      • Add about parking for tandem bikes, E-bikes.
      • Add the circuit map created, showing the route taken by wheelchair athletes.
      • Mention the meeting with Adam and the concerns regarding the infrastructure for wheelchair athletes.
      • Describe the routes taken, their existing condition, issues and proposed interventions.
      • Add description about the condition of Peabody Drive and the proposed intervention.
      • Add description about the condition of Pennsylvania Avenue till Lincoln Avenue and the proposed intervention.
      • Mention about coordinating with TDM and Capital Programs at Facilities & Services for street level improvements along the routes mentioned in circuit map.
    • Chapter 5: Network
      • Proof read and propose changes wherever necessary.
    • Chapter 7: Additional Considerations
      • Proof read and propose changes wherever necessary for Education section and beyond.
    • Bike rack inventory maintenance audit:
      • Fill in the remaining details and complete the sheet.
      • Visit locations of bike racks with blurry or no photos or where the rack capacity is not mentioned.
      • Classify different types of bike racks based on their condition and maintenance level and create separate pdf’s for each.
  8. Weekly meeting with Ethan

    Sarthak & Ethan Meeting 11/3

    Campus landscape master plan 

    • where there is a map, see if there is anything related to trails or sidewalks, see where they are mentioned, try to include that in our plan 
    • Include: Implement campus landscape master plan
    • Page 25
    • Main quad district (we can use the image on page 66)
    • On Monday, begin process of pulling out data from landscape plan 
    • Work in person on Wednesday at 1pm

    Evaluation section

    • Add implement campus landscape master plan 


    • put projects on the list from landscape plan 
    • Can use the images from the plan

    Wednesday we will organize the document 

    Equity and accessibility section

    • only talk about how we want Ada accessible

    Existing Conditions

    • can minimize words, do not need as much details 

    Crash Data

    • update graph 

    Landscape plan excel:

    • Look at bike factors in its goals/recommendations 
    • Any bike related projects, take note of them, and where they are located
  9. Bike Facilities Standard

    Hi Stacey and Morgan,


    Please see attached the facilities standard for Streets, Driveway, Sidewalk, and Bicycle Network. This standard was just updated in August 2023, but the point about Campus Bike Plan has been in place since at least the last standard update.


    Bicycle Network: Bicycle path facilities shall be constructed according to the Campus Bicycle Plan, available through F&S Transportation Demand Management and also available at: 2014 Campus Bicycle Plan. All new bicycle paths shall be a connected part of the campus bicycle network as well as the community bicycle networks, and shall follow the Champaign County Greenways and Trails Design Guidelines, developed by CUUATS.


    Bicycle Paths: Bicycle paths shall use design geometry, striping, symbols, and signage as described in the 2014 Campus Bicycle Plan.


    Thank you,

  10. Monthly meeting with Morgan and Stacey

    Associated Project(s): 

    I met with Morgan and Stacey on 8/30/2023 to discuss the progress of the 2024 Campus Bike Master Plan. The major discussion was about Chapter 3: Goals and Objectives, and I will be re-organizing the goals and objectives under three key goals:

    1. Infrastructure
    2. Programming
    3. Resources

    We also discussed the soft publish date to be 5/1/2024 and a hard deadline of 6/30/2024.

  11. Meeting notes with Ethan Garcia - Capstone project

    Prepare outline for bike audit

    • how to do it
    • What will we need
    • What information do I need
    • What information are we trying to get out of this
    • How are we trying to do this 
    • What resources will we need (GIS)
    • When are we doing the audit 
    • When do we think we can finish it (number of hours, dates not necessary)
    • Condition assessments of bike rack 
    • Looking at rack itself and concrete 


    Re-familiarize self with stuff


    Black racks are ground mounted, we want bike racks on rails (gray ones)


    Only university owned bike racks and paths 

  12. Meeting with Stacey: ADA Accessibility Survey

    Associated Project(s): 

    On 08/18/2023, Stacey, Sarthak and Hrushikesh had a meeting to discuss the Project Scope for ADA Accessibility Survey of the Campus.

    Discussed the budget required for this project along with the parameters and boundaries of selection criteria for the Sidewalks and Crosswalks survey.
