iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - April 5, 2024
- Project Updates tasks
- New "To Do Item(s)" field - is this single field what you were thinking? Would a set of multiple one-line fields be better? Or something else?
- Q: Show field in Pending Tasks listing?
- Q: Who should be able to view the content of this field? Other task-related fields are restricted to iCAP Admins & iCAP Moderators, but if you want to assign a task to a non-admin or non-moderator, they'll need to be able to view this task field (and the other fields) in order to view the task. Should we expand the scope of who can view task-related fields? At least add iCAP Clerks, or perhaps even all logged in users?
- Q: Also add field for tagging iCAP Portal user(s) as responsible party for tracking tasks and updating when they're completed? (note: separate from "Assigned To" field which allows free editing and doesn't associate with user accounts
- Q: What should this field be called?
- Q: Should it allow multiple people to be entered?
- Q: Add a My Tasks page where logged in users can view all tasks assigned to them?
- New "To Do Item(s)" field - is this single field what you were thinking? Would a set of multiple one-line fields be better? Or something else?
- Recommendations
- Discussions since our last meeting:
- Discussion about iCAP recommendations - March 13, 2024 (Michael, Miriam)
- Discussion about SSC projects in iCAP Portal - March 22, 2024 (Michael, Miriam, Morgan)
- Test drive new feature on dev site before porting to live:
- Discussions since our last meeting:
- SSC Projects
- Discussions since our last meeting:
- Discussion about SSC projects in iCAP Portal - March 13, 2024 (Miriam, Codie, Michael)
- Discussion about SSC projects in iCAP Portal - March 22, 2024 (Miriam, Codie, Michael)
- Demo of SSC project embedding (TEST site) which includes a map which responds to filters
- Questions:
- We've tweaked how we're planning to represent SSC Projects using the iCAP Portal a bit:
- Allow multiple semesters of funding info to be entered on a project (collections of fields, rather than fields directly associated with a project)
- Pros: SSC-specific solution; minimal complexity; fairly straightforward way people entering the information would think of it
- Cons: SSC-specific solution, so not easily generalizable if we want to use it for something else in the future; requires each of SSC's funding projects to be associated with exactly one iCAP Portal Project - is that a concern?
- Allow multiple semesters of funding info to be entered on a project (collections of fields, rather than fields directly associated with a project)
- How do we handle multiple locations for a project? Show the SSC project at all of them? Just the first one? Have a way to specify? (could this get difficult for projects with SSC funding multiple times, if the locations are different each time?)
- We've tweaked how we're planning to represent SSC Projects using the iCAP Portal a bit:
- Discussions since our last meeting:
- Archiving projects - deferred to next meeting
- SSC Projects:
- There was general agreement that the recommended approach will work. Reed affirmed based on his knowledge of the SSC projects, he didn't see a problem with mapping each SSC project to a single iCAP Portal project
- Miriam encouraged documentation of clear guidelines for handling special cases
- Locations: don't use all project locations, that will be too many and overwhelm the map. Codie suggested adding a new location field for SSC to specify location(s), typically just the location of the organization receiving the funding
- Funding: Sarthak reiterated interest in using the funding feature for the Bike Fee. Michael will schedule a meeting with Sarthak to discuss further details.
- See meeting notes: Discussion about reporting Bike Fee funding - April 15, 2024
- Michael will schedule a meeting with Codie and Miriam to discuss further details regarding locations and funding.
- See meeting notes: Discussion about SSC projects in iCAP Portal - May 3, 2024
- Recommendations:
- The group generally liked the direction things were headed
- Need to resolve a question about the difference between project(s) that a recommendation is linked to initially (e.g. the project that spawned the recommendation, if any) vs. the project that comes out of a recommendation, if any. Do recommendations ever have both? Do they always have at least one?
- Michael will schedule a meeting with Miriam and Sarthak to discuss further.
- See meeting notes: Discussion about iCAP recommendations - April 15, 2024