ISTC sends the revised proposal to F&S
From: Scrogum, Joy Joann <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 5:39 PM
To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Cc: Samaras, Zach <>; Feher, Savannah <>; Jacobson, Debra F <>
Subject: Revised proposal for UIUC waste audit
Daphne, as promised based on our conversation yesterday, attached is a revised version of the proposal for the campus waste audit. The attached is the same as the previous version of the proposal except for the following changes:
- Mention of “tiers” has been removed from the text. What had previously been described as “Tier I,” along with its associated activity zones and buildings, is now the ...Expand »
From: Scrogum, Joy Joann <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 5:39 PM
To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Cc: Samaras, Zach <>; Feher, Savannah <>; Jacobson, Debra F <>
Subject: Revised proposal for UIUC waste audit
Daphne, as promised based on our conversation yesterday, attached is a revised version of the proposal for the campus waste audit. The attached is the same as the previous version of the proposal except for the following changes:
- Mention of “tiers” has been removed from the text. What had previously been described as “Tier I,” along with its associated activity zones and buildings, is now the exclusive focus of the proposal. Estimated total project costs are those previously shown for the Tier I option ($37,958).
- The timeline has been shifted so that the project starts in the Fall 2023 semester, as requested. We’ve preserved the same total number of months (seven) for the project, so the timeline now begins in August 2023 and ends in February 2024. If/when you’ve applied for and received matching funds from SSC, we can revisit the timeline if needed to address any reporting deadlines associated with SSC funding.
- Kealie Vogel has been removed from the list of ISTC personnel and staff bios. A placeholder (“TBD, Senior Scientific Specialist”) has been included instead for her forthcoming replacement.
Please let me know if you have any questions or if additional adjustments are needed. If we can provide a letter of support or any other assistance to you as you prepare your application for SSC funds, we’re happy to help!
Best wishes,
Joy Scrogum
Assistant Scientist, Sustainability
LEED Green Associate | Sustainability Excellence Professional (SEP)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Prairie Research Institute
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC)
Champaign, IL 61820