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Projects Updates for key objective: No name
iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - December 2, 2022
Associated Project(s):Status Update on Water006 Recommendation: Lot23 Monitoring
Associated Project(s):Final Report: successes, areas for improvement, and feedback
iSEE publishes video covering the inaugural Fighting Illini, Fighting Waste event
Daily Illini covers the inaugural Fighting Illini, Fighting Waste event
Sustainability Sub-Council Meeting Minutes 11-17-22
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:F&S and ISTC meet to discuss the logistics of collecting and sorting waste
Associated Project(s):Week 6 - Next steps
Associated Project(s):Week 5 - Check in meeting
Associated Project(s):Zero Waste Basketball Game Follow-up 11-16-22
CNGES - DOE Long Duration Energy Storage Demos - Request for Pressure Corp visit to Abbott.
Associated Project(s):New iSEE Greener Campus Programs Certifications
Zero Waste Basketball Game on 11/14/22
Engagement002 Take Action Weblink - Transmitted
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:iWG Meeting Minutes 10-10-22
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Feasibility study for an anerobic digester on campus with Marcello Pbiri - Meeting 1
Associated Project(s):Began work on a spreadsheet to organize the information from each institution
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - November 18, 2022
Associated Project(s):Zero Waste iCAP Meeting 11/7/2022