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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Alec & Sarthak Meet to Discuss 2023 Bicycle Friendly University Application (BFU)

    Sarthak Prasad and Alec McKay met to discuss Alec helping Sarthak with the 2023 BFU Application. Sarthak provided some guidelines on getting up to date with the current status of the Bike Plan goals and objectives.

    A document containing notes Alec took is attached below.

  2. 1-23-23 Internal Meeting

    On January 9, UIUC sustainability representatives met and discussed the following:


    Attendance: Marty Kaufmann, Thurman Etchison, Dominika Szal, Jen Fraterrigo, Pete Varney, Shawn Patterson, Tony Mancuso, Steve Breitwieser, Travis Tate, Bryan Johnson, Julie Wurth, Daphne Hulse



    1. Meeting Cadence

      1. Reduced to every other week, based on a conversation Daphne Hulse and Jen Fraterrigo had. They would like to hold strategic meetings for initiatives that extend beyond recycling (focus on waste reduction).

    2. External Meeting with Coca-Cola (Jake Slager)

      1. First of the semester: Wednesday, January 25 (1-1:30pm).

      2. Once per month.

      3. Agenda: discuss upcoming basketball game, Don’t Waste Wednesdays campaign, Coca-Cola video from the 11/14 men’s basketball game.

    3. DIA Sustainability Initiatives

      1. Zero Waste Big Ten Men’s Basketball Game

        1. F&S Zero Waste leading the effort, with support from iSEE, DIA, Coca-Cola.

        2. Tentatively Thursday, March 2 6pm (versus University of Michigan).

        3. More operational than forward-facing.

        4. 75-100 volunteers working in shifts. Emphasis on after-game stand pick up.

          1. Tom Divan - contact to confirm the logistics of the after-game stand pick up.

          2. Next steps:

            1. Logistics

              1. Address tunnel situation under the State Farm Center (include Shawn Patterson in this discussion).

            2. Volunteers

              1. Use iSEE’s volunteer network.

              2. Provide Marty with the names of student volunteers.

              3. Volunteers can still check-in at main west entrance, though we cannot use the Orange Krush area again.

            3. Messaging - bringing reusable bottles?

              1. Seek a sponsorship for this initiative.

              2. Giveaway versus selling?

              3. Consider DIA messaging a topic for a smaller, strategic meeting.

        5. Measuring the efficacy of the recycling effort

          1. Marty reached out to concessionaire - will follow up. Data from the concessionaire helps us understand how many items actually end up recycled.

          2. F&S measures these weights separate from the rest of campus waste.

      2. State Farm Center permanent recycling bins

        1. F&S Zero Waste working with the facility to perform an audit, create a cost breakdown, and justification for recycling infrastructure.

        2. Submit an iCAP recommendation by the end of the semester.

      3. Fall 2023 Tailgate Recycling

        1. F&S Zero Waste + iCAP Zero Waste working with Tim Knox on developing a plan for comprehensive tailgate recycling.

        2. Document is in progress…

        3. Loop in Coca-Cola when plan is more formalized.

      4. Student Involvement

        1. Students from the iCAP Zero Waste team are interfacing with the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (a committee made up of student-athletes assembled to provide insight on the student-athlete experience) to determine how best students can approach sustainability initiatives within Athletics.

        2. Combine our top-down staff/faculty approaches with a bottom-up student approach.

    4. Don’t Waste Wednesdays Campaign

      1. First post: iSEE on Wednesday, January 25.

      2. iSEE working on social media backgrounds.


  3. Draft Solar Farm 3.0 report - with questions

    Below is an email exchange between Morgan White and Tony Spurlock:

    Hi Ehab, Rob, and Tony,


    I’ve put the Solar Farm 3.0 slide show from Dec. 9 into the attached report. I referenced the slides with thumbnail images, and we could take some out and increase the size of some, depending on what we prefer to do.


    Tony, I would appreciate your assistance with filling in the UIC total contract costs.  I’ve included comments for each of the spaces where that info is needed.  Could you please also look at the other questions I commented.


    Rob, there are two questions that I hope you can help answer. 

    1. If we lease the land for the onsite solar option, can it still be "behind the meter"?
    2. We currently conclude with this statement: “We feel that the hybrid option meets several goals as it has great savings potential, adds renewable energy to the regional MISO network, which supports our local provider Ameren, and directly increases the capacity of the network we use to purchase the balance between what we consume and what we produce at UIUC.”  Is a MISO project somewhere other than in Illinois going to support Ameren and increase the capacity of the network we use?





    I added all of the UIC totals and attached the updated calculations.


    I do not think the hybrid option benefits Ameren (we are not taking additional delivery and it appears the new array would be outside the Ameren territory).


    Should we include a statement related to how this fits into our strategy?  Here is a thought to get the ball rolling.  “This hydrid option allows the University to continue its leadership in Sustainability by leveraging best practices and expanding its portfolio of renewable strategies that provide a more comprehensive approach to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.”  






  4. Campus Bike Plan update: information for the undergraduate student

    Hi Bumsoo, I had a call with Marc yesterday, and he mentioned that the MUP program can work on this project in the fall and spring semesters as a group project. I am still trying to figure out all that needs to be done for this project, and I think getting the help from your student might be beneficial.

    How many hours can your student set aside for this project? In this semester, your student could help identify the stakeholders to reach out for the Campus Bike Plan update. He can help with determining a timeline and the planning process for next academic year. (If time permits) I will also ask the student to present some preliminary suggestions for the 2024 Bike Plan update at the end of this semester.

    The first thing for your student would be to read the current 2014 Campus Bicycle Master Plan ( I have published two progress reports in the past few years. I am currently working on our progress report from the past year, which should be published in the next few weeks. Here is the 2022 report: Campus Bike Plan progress report FY22. Here is the 2019 report: 2019 Report for 2014 Campus Bicycle Plan

    I would like to have weekly meetings with student. In the next 2-3 weeks, I would schedule a meeting with Morgan and Stacey to present what we think we should accomplish at the end of this semester. At the end of the semester, he will present the findings to F&S, SPO, Transportation iCAP Team, and possibly to the Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC).

    Please let me know if this sounds good to you. I would be very happy to meet your student and get started on this project. Thank you,

  5. Commuter Program page published and the form is live!

    The Commuter Program page is live on the TDM website: We will start with an e-update to recruit people from F&S, and then reach out to e-week and other newsletter for this pilot (cut-off at 15 participants). The recruitment will end on Feb 10, and the program will launch Feb 15.

    Register here:

  6. Fall 2023: Tailgate Recycling initial meeting

    On January 20, Nikki Palella, Justin Holding, Shawn Patterson, and Dominika Szal, and Daphne Hulse met to discuss the following:

    What will be recycled?

    • UIUC currently recycles plastics #1&2, metal, aluminum, paper, and cardboard

    • Products that can be found at tailgates: paper and plastic products, aluminum, glass

    • UIUC does not recycle glass:

      • Would we potentially be able to haul glass to the vendor that UIUC Dining uses? (Midwest Fiber)

        • Check cost with Midwest Fiber.

        • If there is a cost, consider DIA supporting this cost.

          • Selling point: anything recyclable will be free of charge to remove.

      • We would need to provide a separated bin for glass products at each tailgate section

    • Aluminum and plastic bottles can be collected, plastic and paper might be accepted depending on its use (plastic cups might be accepted, but any paper/plastic product used for food is most likely going to have to go into landfill)

      • Future idea: use diversion rates from the tailgating and stand pick up collection as segue into DIA concessionaire conversations (because we will eventually hit a wall for our diversion rate if we can’t collect food waste, food-soiled containers, non-recyclable materials)

    What will need to be prepared

    • Signage regarding what is recyclable, what isn’t (this was successful at the basketball game).

      • Located at all the major parking lots: E14, E32.

        • Contact DIA to understand the SFC parking lot use for tailgating.

      • Could be a signboard located in key points throughout the tailgate areas.

      • In combination: have informational papers (pamphlets) attached to the bags that are handed out that explain what is/isn’t recyclable.

    • Centralized bins to collect recyclables and trash:

      • Swingpans, rolloffs, iSEE in a central location.

    • Volunteers would be needed (iSEE interns)

      • Roles:

        • Some could walk around carrying bags to give to tailgaters.

        • Some could walk around collecting recyclables specifically and provide information.

        • Some could stand by the bins to ensure that items are placed in the proper location.

        • Have it be shift-based. We learned at the basketball game that that would be most successful. During rush time (1 hour before the game starts, have the most volunteers on board).

    • Incentive via raffle:

      • Tailgaters incentivized to recycle, entered into a raffle if they do. Sustainable swag as a giveaway.

    Other considerations

    • How many tailgating areas are there?

      • How many stands would be needed to cover each tailgating area? How many volunteers per area/in charge of a stand.

      • Grange Grove is popular spot.

      • Initially, we will only target E14 and E32 as this is where the majority of tailgaters will be, then we can expand as initiative develops over time.

    • Would we like to try to implement any “zero waste” games to go along with the tailgate recycling as well?

      • Idea: instead of having a zero waste game like we do for basketball, focus efforts on before games (tailgating) and after games (pickup in the stands).

        • We would need ~100-150 volunteers for stand pick up after games, assuming a 45min-1hour pickup session

          • Incentivize with free football game tickets.

          • Pro: having volunteers pick up would assist the DIA staff who would otherwise have to pick up the items from the stand (and put them in the landfill).

          • Con: less interaction/engagement with attendees.

    • Shawn’s idea: Gamification. Have service fraternities/sororities assist with the tailgate recycling and compete with each other to see who can collect the most?

      • Could implement this within the pickup in the stands, too.

    • See how our partnership with Coca-Cola could play into this tailgate plan - could they assist with volunteer t-shirts, costs etc?

    • How many games would we want to implement this program?

      • In 2022 UIUC held 7 home games between the end of August and the start of November (the final 4 of these games were Big Ten; bigger crowds). 6 took place on Saturdays. 1 occurred on a Thursday.

      • Start small, learn the dynamic of the space. Start pre-season, if possible. Work up to a Big Ten game.

        • Once we get a hang of how everything works, we can aim big.

    • Seek recommendations from peer schools (OSU).

      • Results from the Big 10 survey could really help.

    F&S’ role

    • Collecting recyclables and trash after the event.

    • Providing the blue recycling bags.

    • Providing containers (free) for the tailgating spaces.

      • Reduces the overhead cost for DIA.

    • Daphne (ZW team - Shreya + Dominika) + Shawn.


    • January - May: Planning, strategizing with iCAP ZW team, F&S, DIA, iSEE, Coca-Cola as needed.

    • June-July: Buffer for any remaining planning. Prepare and execute publicity ahead of the fall semester.

    • Early-Mid August: Heavier publicity, recruit volunteers.

    • Late August: Launch the program.

    • Early November: Close the program

    Immediate next steps

    • Dominika: Reach out to Midwest Fiber to determine the cost of glass recycling.
    • Shreya: Reach out to DIA (Tim Knox) about how the State Farm Center parking lots are used during tailgates.
    • Team: Look into peer schools' programs for best practices.
    • Daphne: Schedule a Memorial Stadium Tour (for the stand recycling initiative).
    • Team: Create a more refined vision/roadmap, meet with the group for follow up.
  7. New iSEE Green Certifications

    Congratulations to the newest recipients of our Greener Campus Programs as we head into a new semester!

    Green Office: Visit Champaign County, Gold, Recertified January 2023


    Green Chapter: Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc., Delta Chapter, Silver, Certified January 2023


    Green Event:

    -SSC Sustainability Career Panel, Certified January 2023

    -University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Everyday Environment Webinar Series, Certified January 2023

    -Office of the Chancellor for Special Events and Commencement Illinois vs. Nebraska Men's Basketball, Certified January 2023

    -University of Illinois-Special Events-Chancellor's Office HOPE Chicago Luncheon, Certified January 2023

    Keep up the great work!

  8. Coordinating Community Stormwater Management with Extension and Student Assistance

    January 11, 2023


    A University team consisting of Brodie Dunn and Lisa Merrifield (Extension), Linda Derhak (DURP student), and Stacy Gloss met with Lacey Rains Lowe and Jeff Marino from the City of Champaign to talk about working together to coordinate rainwater management efforts. Champaign sees a gap in resources for commercial developers related to innovative stormwater management applications. The team identified stormwater utility fee incentives as a possible leverage point for developers, but current incentives do not seem to be sufficient. Linda will begin to inventory cities with stormwater utility fees for innovative practices for engaging commercial developers. Brodie will propose revisions to the approved plant and tree list for Champaign to encourage use of native and more beneficial non-native plant species. Lisa will reach out to planners from Urbana and Savoy and will schedule a meeting for mid-February to discuss progress and identify next steps.

  9. 2024 Campus Bike Plan update: collaboration with Department of Urban Planning

    Sarthak Prasad met with Marc Doussard, the Master of Urban Planning (MUP) Director, to talk about MUP capstone and how their students can assist with this project. Marc said they can bring this project to the class int he fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters and assist in the update.

    Bumsoo Lee also mentioned that he has an undergraduate student who is very interested in helping out with this project in the spring 2023 semester.

  10. Nathaniel Nevins to help with the Campus Bike Plan update

    Sarthak Prasad met with Nathaniel Nevins, high school senior, on Tuesday January 17, 2023. Nathaniel is going to help with the Campus Bike Plan update. He is going to read the 2014 Campus Bike Plan by February 15, 2023, and read both the progress reports for Campus Bike Plan by February 28, 2023. He is also going to suggest ideas for the update. Nathaniel will be volunteering over the spring semester. Following information was shared with him:

    Here is the link to the iCAP Portal:

    Here is the 2014 Campus Bike Plan:

    Here is the 2022 report: Campus Bike Plan progress report FY22

    Here is the 2019 report: 2019 Report for 2014 Campus Bicycle Plan

  11. Resilience iCAP Team January Meeting

    Resilience iCAP Team had its first virtual meeting of the Spring 2023 semester on Tuesday, January 10th, at 10:30 AM. Cheryl Bicknell is the new Facilities & Services representative of the team. At the meeting, the Biodiversity Master Plan project student intern Gabriel Harper-Hagen gave a brief overview of the biodiversity plan and shared his progress through an extensive update document. Afterward, the team discussed its goals for this semester. 

    The full recording of the meeting can be found here

    Meeting minutes are attached. 

  12. planning for the next bike plan

    Morgan and Sarthak discussed the timeline for the next Campus Bike Plan.  The 2014 plan was completed in 2014 and formally approved in March 2015 by Chancellor Wise, with an end date of 2024.  We should have the new plan approved before the end of December 2024.  It would be great to have it available to present during Sustainability Month October 2024, and get formal approval through the Sustainability Council and/or CCRC in November/December 2024.  Thus, the goal is to have a plan ready for routing for approval in summer 2024.

  13. Sustainability Literacy Assessment link access

    The following is an email sent by Meredith Moore on Jan 12, 2023 to Elizabeth Murphy, Jennifer Fraterrigo, Morgan White, Daphne Hulse, and Anthony Mancuso:

    Hi all,


    I want to make sure you all have editable access to the Sustainability Literacy Assessment: There is no rush on getting this published (I recommend doing a pre- and post-assessment before spring 2025 to optimize AASHE STARS points).




  14. Meeting with U of Vienna

    Madhu Khanna, Jennifer Fraterrigo, Meredith Moore, and Morgan White met with Christoph Kecht and his team from the University of Vienna, which was the first climate neutral university in Austria.  We shared information about our UIUC iCAP programs and they shared information about their efforts and the attached report.

  15. iWG Meeting Minutes 12-12-22

  16. EV steering committee - Confirmed

    Associated Project(s): 

    On January 10, 2023, University of Illinois Parking department finalized the Electric Vehicle (EV) steering committee. This committee includes

    • Marty Paulins
    • Maria McMullen
    • Paul Slezak
    • Stacey DeLorenzo
    • Jim Brennan
    • Sarthak Prasad
    • Morgan White
    • Meredith Moore
    • Jen Fraterrigo
    • Ria Kontou
    • Brian Finet
    • Shawn Patterson
    • Dave Lancaster
    • Mary McElvain
    • Tyler Swanson
    • Steve Bainbridge
    • Yanfeng Ouyang
    • Kelly Jo Hoffman
