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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Captstone meeting Week 1: Introduction to the topics

    I, Aparna Padmakumar from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning am pursuing a master’s degree with a concentration focus in the field of transportation and currently is looking to take up a potential capstone project with the transportation iCAP team hoping to contribute to better bicycle safety/access on the UIUC campus. After multiple discussions and meetings with Sarthak Prasad,  the projects that I will be helping out with would be the ‘Bicycle Friendly University Status’ and ‘Reducing Bicycle Theft on Campus’ through the months of October until May. In today’s kick-off meeting (10/3/2022) previous data, studies, and information were shared with me for better clarity and expected to go through all the previously collected information on the iCap portal. Sarthak guided me through the 2022 Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) application to achieve Gold-level BFU certification and also the Bike at Illinois website as a source of information for the second ongoing project. I am also in constant touch with the other concerned team members to note down important background information on these 2 projects for a better sense of direction before our next weekly Monday meeting’

  2. F&S, ISTC, iSEE, and Illini Union meet to discuss the first steps of the waste characterization study

    From: Scrogum, Joy Joann <>
    Sent: Friday, September 30, 2022 4:18 PM
    To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Cc: Samaras, Zach <>; Feher, Savannah <>; Vogel, Kealie Diann <>; Varney, Peter W <>
    Subject: Information available in the "UC Campus Waste Audit" group on Teams


    Daphne, thanks for taking the time to speak with our ISTC team this afternoon.


    As noted, the previous two UIUC building waste characterization reports (file names "Baseline_Waste_Stream_Characterization_Study_Final_Report" and "Waste characterization phase 2") are in the “Files” section of the “UC Campus Waste Audit” group on teams, so you can see the buildings previously audited and consider whether to include those in the new study for some temporal comparison.


    The document “Waste Audit Activity Zone Summary” provides links to our recent work with Northwestern University, the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and Missouri State University (MSU). When this document was originally added to Teams, the MSU plan had not yet been published, but it was released this month, so I’ve updated the file with a link to that plan. This summary document shows the activity zones defined at each university, the number of representative buildings analyzed within each zone, and refers to the specific pages within each respective plan in which activity zones are discussed. For all three of these campuses, ISTC conducted waste characterizations using the activity zone approach, summarized current waste management practices, and collected feedback from focus groups (we conducted the focus group sessions for Northwestern an UIC, but MSU conducted their own sessions virtually during the pandemic). We then worked with campus personnel to consider the data collected, along with their waste reduction and diversion goals, and formulated recommended strategies to reach those goals as part of waste management plans.


    Beyond focus group sessions, in past studies we’ve also collected feedback from conversations during building walkthroughs, as part of more informal conversations, and from surveys like the UIUC building occupant survey (also on Teams). We’re happy to work with you to find the right balance of approaches for your purposes. The questions from the previous building occupant survey, for example, need not be presented as part of a survey this time around. Perhaps those could be among the questions for discussion within in-person focus groups.


    Also within the files on Teams is a copy of an email in which I described the activity zone approach and put forth some possible zones for the UIUC campus, along with some campus buildings that might fall within them (including buildings that were part of previous waste characterizations).


    So, take some time to consider all of this material, and let me know some days/times that would work for your schedule later in October or early November to work with ISTC on the definition of activity zones, specific buildings to include, and whether/how to incorporate stakeholder engagement in ISTC’s proposal. We look forward to working with you!


    Best wishes,



    Joy Scrogum
    Assistant Scientist, Sustainability
    LEED Green Associate | Sustainability Excellence Professional (SEP)
    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    Prairie Research Institute
    Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC)
    Champaign, IL 61820


  3. Dominika Szal and Daphne Hulse continue the work on the waste survey



    I know the information might've been a lot, so here's just a quick summary regarding what is left to do:

    • Reach out to the following universities to ask questions:
      • University of Wisconsin-Madison
      • University of Iowa
      •  University of Minnesota
      • Rutgers
      • University of Maryland
      • Illinois State University (ISU)
      • Southern Illinois University in Carbondale (SIUC)
      • Eastern Illinois University (EIU)
      • University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS)
      • Michigan State University
    • See if we can get the contacts for UIS, SIUC, and EIU. I found the contact person for ISU, but I will need to find her email. I'll try to update the file if I can find it.
    • Set up meetings with Ohio State University and University of Michigan. I've already contacted them before but haven't gotten back to them regarding Zoom scheduling.
    • Any responses that you get regarding the survey should be filled out in the Big 10 spreadsheet located in this filepath: G:\Recycling & Waste\Big 10 Recycling

    I bolded the main contact that you should email for each respective university. If someone else ends up answering, please make note of their contact info. You can use/adjust the introduction I already have typed up in the Box file labeled "Big 10 Survey" when contacting people. If you want me to do some of the contacting, just let me know.


    Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions :)


    From: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 15:44
    To: Szal, Dominika Patrycja <>
    Subject: Hi!


    This is my main email – feel free to send over anything about the Big 10 project here!



  4. New iSEE Green Event and Green Office Certification

    Congratulations to the newest recipients of the Green Office and Green Event Certification programs!

    Green Event:

    iSEE Illini Lights Out, Certified September 2022

    Illini Lights Out is a series of reoccurring events (Sept. 23, Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 2) where students volunteer to turn off lights in academic buildings around campus. They are saving energy and promoting sustainability in the progress!

    Green Office:

    University Library Conservation Lab, Gold Certified September 2022

    The University Library Conservation Lab is gold certified with 34 elective actions taken! They notably upgraded their photo documentation lights from incandescent bulbs to LED rated, and the LED lights came from another section of Preservation Services where they were no longer in use. 

    Keep up the great work!

  5. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - September 23, 2022

    Associated Project(s): 

    Michael's updates:


    • Track down and resolve informational message on full listing page for Project Updates by Key Objective (see, e.g. Projects Updates for key objective: 1.0 iCAP 2020 Illinois Climate Action Plan)
    • Why is the Achieve Zero Waste project map page not loading?
    • Discuss metrics at next meeting
      • Metrics with lots of data
      • Consider how to handle old metrics that no longer track new data. Archive somehow?
      • Fun with math (e.g. combining multiple metrics)
    • Reorganize Collections pages
      • Keep project listing in top left
      • Move map to lower left
      • Move Updates to top right, show 5-7
      • Keep Hierarchy in lower right, link to hierarchy in separate page rather than loading in current page to speed up page loading time
    • Related Files section on project pages: show as list rather than cards, add spacing between items, remove bullet points
  6. Insider article on 9/21/22: Ahead of the Curve and All Electric

  7. Waste Transfer Station Tour and Plastics Request

    Associated Project(s): 

    Deke Weaver, Professor in the School of Art & Design, requested a tour of the Waste Transfer Station, as well as asked the following questions: 

    1. Do any of you have a rough estimate of how many plastic water bottles the U of I population goes through in a day (week, month, year)?

    2. Would it be possible to collect a few of the plastic water bottles from the recycling center for this project?

    Weaver is working on a public engagement piece about the oceans, climate, plastics and interconnected ecosystems and needs approximately 2500-4000 bottles. The project is a whale sculpture named CETACEAN. 

    Shawn Patterson from Facilities & Services replied explaining that the waste transfer station acquires 2-3 thousand pounds of plastics each month and will be able to accommodate the professor's need for plastics.

  8. Second Nature Carbon Credit Email Exchange

    Below is an email exchange between Meredtih Moore of iSEE and Steve Muzzy of Second Nature:

    Hi Steve,


    Hope you are doing well! I am touching base again to see if there is an update about the status of our carbon credit sales. We look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!



    Hello Meredith,


    Thanks for checking in. I've been meaning to follow up with the great news that UIUC credits have been issued and sold. However the reason I have waited is because the broker sold the credits in five batches and they are still waiting on final payment for one batch. Once they have all payments in hand, Second Nature can invoice them for your portion of the revenue. As with the entire process for this round of verification, the sale of credits has for some reason taken longer than expected. We are wanting to issue one invoice for all the batches rather than do multiple invoices - this will allow us to pay UIUC in one lump sum. 


    I can tell you the total number of credits sold was 115,836. And pending the final batch sales per/ton you should clear a per ton amount between $6.00-$6.50.


    I would expect issuance of UIUCs credit sale revenue check next month.





    Thank you so much for the update, Steve!!

  9. Biodiversity Plan Project Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Project update from Gabriel Harper-Hagen:

    Over the course of the 2022 summer, Gabriel Harper-Hagen interviewed 45 members from the Champaign-Urbana region to understand more about the regions position on biodiversity. This process has created support for the plan from the community. Achievements and gaps were identified in the region along with barriers and recommendations to successfully integrate a biodiversity master plan. Photos of key aspects and sites were gathered. Strategies for achieving goals have been identified and are in the revising process. The plan is currently being constructed as a draft. Background research and information has been collected and used for support on the topic of urban biodiversity. 


  10. L&W iCAP Meeting 9/16/2022

    On September 16th, the Land & Water iCAP team met to identify projects that need to be wrapped up, review the key priorities document, and discuss recommendations to be completed in the short term.

    Meeting minutes are attached.
