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Projects Updates for key objective: No name
- Associated Project(s):
September 2022 Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:F&S, ISTC, iSEE, and Illini Union meet to discuss the first steps of the waste characterization study
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Met with University of Maryland over Zoom
Associated Project(s):Grad student working on soil health
Associated Project(s):Met with Indiana University over Zoom
Associated Project(s):Role of iSEE Notes
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:UIUC Sources of Electric Power FY22
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Solar Farm 3.0 Solution Comparisons and Cost Estimates
Dominika Szal and Daphne Hulse continue the work on the waste survey
Associated Project(s):Dominika and Daphne shifted from email-based surveying to video-call surveying, to elicit more information from the schools. Met with University of Michigan over Zoom
Associated Project(s):New iSEE Green Event and Green Office Certification
iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - September 23, 2022
Associated Project(s):Insider article on 9/21/22: Ahead of the Curve and All Electric
Zero Waste iCAP Meeting 9/20/2022
Hired Daphne Hulse as the full-time Zero Waste Coordinator
Associated Project(s):Waste Transfer Station Tour and Plastics Request
Associated Project(s):Second Nature Carbon Credit Email Exchange
Associated Project(s):Biodiversity Plan Project Update
Associated Project(s):L&W iCAP Meeting 9/16/2022