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Projects Updates for Install Public Use Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations

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  1. Spring 2020 Project Deliverables

    Final Project Deliverables for Spring 2020

    There were 7 projects completed by the WIE-GFX Abroad Scholars in the Spring 2020 semester of ENG 177

    1. Armory Bike Path Restoration
    2. Study Abroad Carbon Offset
    3. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
    4. AASHE STARS Report 2020
    5. Food Waste
    6. Sustainability Best Practices Guide
    7. EPA SmartWay Program
  2. Kent Seminar Series- Kontou

    The next Kent Seminar is set for Thursday, Feb. 13, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Illinois Center for Transportation, 1611 Titan Dr., Rantoul.  Eleftheria Kontou will present “Data-driven modeling of electric vehicle charging pricing and worth.” Pizza and soft drinks will be provided at noon.

  3. UIUC's answer to MSU regarding EV charging at UIUC

    MSU asked the following questions of the Big Ten schools.  Here are the UIUC answers, provided by Professor Scott Willenbrock:



    Here is information on UIUC.  Most of this infrastructure was put in 3 years ago.  We are now starting to think about where to go from here, so we would appreciate your sharing what you learn from other Big Ten partners.


  4. Transportation iCAP efforts in progress

    Hello Transportation SWATeam members,

    Thank you again for your willingness to help our campus achieve the Climate Leadership Commitments.  There is great value provided by the bi-weekly meetings of student, faculty, and staff representatives evaluating our progress and recommending additional actions campus units could take.

    The following is a list of current activities I am aware of, and suggestions I have about useful next steps.  I am happy to follow up with you on any of these, as needed.

    Thank you very much,


  5. EV Car Charging Pilot Study Agreement

    Campus currently has a scarcity of EV Charging Stations on campus, with only eight public and nine permit-required charging stations on campus utilizing level 1 chargers, and only two level 2 chargers on the far east side of campus. Level 1 chargers take significantly longer to charge than Level 2, and there is distinct room for campus to grow in this regard. This project will expand the number of level 2 chargers on campus to promote the utilization of more electric vehicles.

  6. Update from Ben McCall

    Dear Transportation SWATeam,  [Sorry for the barrage of emails...this is the last one for this morning!]

    I met with Michelle Wahl from Parking late last week, and she had some very useful comments on the iCAP draft that I thought I should share with you:

  7. Engineering Design preliminary meeting

    Eva Sweeney, Robert Halverson, and John Summers from F&S Engineering Design Services met with Paul Foote and Morgan Johnston.  They discussed the SSC step two proposal for an EV charging station.  Robert had met with Michelle Wahl and Tom Skaggs from Parking. Eva will be the key electrical engineer for this project.

  8. EV club meeting

    Greetings,        This is a reminder notice that our next meeting of the Illinois EV Club will be this Wednesday, 10-16-2013, at the University YMCA at 6 pm.  (Neither Matt Childress, Cara Day nor I were able to host a meeting last Wednesday because of other committments, so we decided to delay our meeting by a week, until this Wednesday.)  

  9. Initial Meeting with Campus Parking, Car pool and Sustainability

    The first meeting was held on August 6th to discuss campus public use EV charging station plans.

    It was determined at this time more research into parking enforcement options, types of charging stations to use, and sites available for installation is needed. Follow-up meeting to take place after research findings are completed.

    To this date no method exists to interface from the chargers software to the campus parking enforcement software. 

  10. Paul Foote will develop a draft plan for public charging stations

    Morgan Johnston and Paul Foote met to discuss the Electric Vehicle public use charging stations plan.  Paul will research the options and review peer institution practices, and make recommendations for what, where, and how to install public use EV charging stations on campus.

  11. F&S internal meeting to address EV charging stations

    Jack Dempsey, Pete Varney, Michelle Winters, Pam Voitik, and Morgan Johnston met to discuss options for supporting EV charging stations for public use on campus.  It is unethical to allow UI resources to be used for personal needs, so the UI power cannot be freely distributed to Electric Vehicle owners.  A public charging station will need to include a payment mechanism.  Michelle Winters and Morgan Johnston will work on a plan for implementing public EV charging stations on campus.
