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Projects Updates for Install Public Use Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations

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  1. 11/18 Transportation SWATeam Meeting

    Attached are the meeting minutes and chat from the Zero Waste SWATeam meeting on 11/18.

    Discussed were the following topics:

    • Establishing a telecommuting/teleconferencing policy.
    • Discussing working with an interdisciplinary health intern in IHR to tackle research/application of teleconferencing/telecommuting policy and commuter program.
    • Establishing an EV Task Force through the Parking Department to re-assess campus EV needs.
  2. Spring 2020 Project Deliverables

    Final Project Deliverables for Spring 2020

    There were 7 projects completed by the WIE-GFX Abroad Scholars in the Spring 2020 semester of ENG 177

    1. Armory Bike Path Restoration
    2. Study Abroad Carbon Offset
    3. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
    4. AASHE STARS Report 2020
    5. Food Waste
    6. Sustainability Best Practices Guide
    7. EPA SmartWay Program
  3. Kent Seminar Series- Kontou

    The next Kent Seminar is set for Thursday, Feb. 13, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Illinois Center for Transportation, 1611 Titan Dr., Rantoul.  Eleftheria Kontou will present “Data-driven modeling of electric vehicle charging pricing and worth.” Pizza and soft drinks will be provided at noon. You can also watch the seminar live via YouTube:


    1611 Titan Drive Rantoul, IL 61866


    Noelle Arbulu • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  4. UIUC's answer to MSU regarding EV charging at UIUC

    MSU asked the following questions of the Big Ten schools.  Here are the UIUC answers, provided by Professor Scott Willenbrock:



    Here is information on UIUC.  Most of this infrastructure was put in 3 years ago.  We are now starting to think about where to go from here, so we would appreciate your sharing what you learn from other Big Ten partners.



    BIG10 Sustainability Friends,

    I am looking for case study information on campus EV charging stations. MSU has several but are looking to expand the service. I have a few questions.

    • How many stations/spaces do have installed on campus? Level 2: 8 spaces.  Level 1: 14
    • How do you charge for use? Level 2: 6 spaces have Chargepoint chargers.  Price is $2/hr for the first 4 hours, $8/hr thereafter.  2 of the spaces are free to visitors of the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment.  Level 1: Six are free to permit holders, eight are pay spaces ($0.75/hr).
    • How is the cost structured? See above.
    • How do incentivize use? Or regulate use so that only EVs can access? We do not incentive use per se.  The six Level 1 chargers that are free to permit holders are all used daily.   In all spots (Level 1 and Level 2) there is signage that says “EV charging only”, and these are generally respected.
    • Are you measuring how much each station gets used? Level 2 Chargepoint: Yes (see below).  As mentioned above, the six Level 1 that are free to permit holders are used daily.  All other chargers are seldom used.
    • Do you have business model to understand payback on the infrastructure/equipment costs?  No. The installation of the Level 2 chargers was expensive, several tens of thousands of dollars.  We are getting about $100/month of income from them.  Clearly this does not make economic sense.  The Level 1 chargers are free, but the cost of the electricity we are providing is so small as to be negligible.  This may change if we expand access to Level 1 charging.


    The last question is the most important.


    Thank you,



    Ann Erhardt, MM, ISSP-SA

    Director of Sustainability

    Strategic Initiatives

    Infrastructure Planning and Facilities

    Michigan State University

  5. Transportation iCAP efforts in progress

    Hello Transportation SWATeam members,

    Thank you again for your willingness to help our campus achieve the Climate Leadership Commitments.  There is great value provided by the bi-weekly meetings of student, faculty, and staff representatives evaluating our progress and recommending additional actions campus units could take.

    The following is a list of current activities I am aware of, and suggestions I have about useful next steps.  I am happy to follow up with you on any of these, as needed.

    Thank you very much,



    1. EV analysis for department’s assigned vehicles – Hursh Hazari worked with Pete Varney’s data to evaluate the possibility of replacing some fleet vehicles with EVs.
    2. Pete Varney has established the F&S fleet as a certified green fleet.  Pete, do you create an annual report for the status of that which you can share?  If not, can you provide an update to the SWATeam and to me? 
    3. Last year the SWATeam discussed encouraging additional campus units to get certified as green fleets.  Your team could submit a recommendation for another unit (or more than one) to pursue that certification. 
    4. New EV Chargers – Scott Willenbrock is working on one at the Illini Union + Phil Krein is interested in getting more Type 1 chargers for the North Campus Parking Deck.
    5. Potential EV Study – At the Oct. 11 Workshop for the Living Lab research connections to iCAP, there will be seed funding offered and the study for transitioning to EVs could collect and use data on campus vehicle use.  Pete has example data, which could be used to support the request for seed funding, which could then possibly fund data collection for the study.
    6. We do not yet have new air travel emission data.  iSEE is working on creating a virtual storeroom to offer carbon offsets to campus units to voluntarily buy air travel offsets.  The storeroom has funding for the first 10,000 offsets, but I understand there was a hurdle on selecting appropriate offsets with additionality.  I recommend asking Ben McCall and Scott Willenbrock about it.
    7. A new Mode split survey is needed as soon as possible.  Lily Wilcock intends to bring this as an item for discussion.  We would appreciate it if you would help define the survey questions, and then iSEE can help distribute the survey to get updated figures. 
    8. Bike Plan – I suggest you ask Stacey DeLorenzo to join one of your meetings to give an overview of the status of the Bike Plan infrastructure upgrades.
    9. Lily has funding for a Bike at Illinois website, which Creative Services will develop in the winter and spring months this fiscal year. 
    10. Lily has worked with MTD to offer bus tours to show campus staff how to use the MTD.  We teach all our new student how to ride, but none of the new employees get the personal introduction.  These tours are very successful, when they are organized with a specific department or location. 
    11. Bike Parking – there is a significant capacity issue, which is noticeable just by looking around campus, especially during class hours in the core area.  Lily has a new website that she can show you, and there is an upcoming Bike Census, which your team members should help with.
    12. Bike Sharing – a handful of dockless bike sharing companies are wanting to come to town/campus.  To manage their impacts (imagine bikes in the boneyard) they will be required to obtain city permits.  Lily is asking the SSC to use the funds they allocated to bike sharing for additional bike parking areas in the heart of campus.
    13. MCORE – this project has several impacts on multi-modal transportation.  You can learn more at
  6. EV Car Charging Pilot Study Agreement

    Campus currently has a scarcity of EV Charging Stations on campus, with only eight public and nine permit-required charging stations on campus utilizing level 1 chargers, and only two level 2 chargers on the far east side of campus. Level 1 chargers take significantly longer to charge than Level 2, and there is distinct room for campus to grow in this regard. This project will expand the number of level 2 chargers on campus to promote the utilization of more electric vehicles. Initially, 1-2 stations will be installed, with metering equipment included in order to track utilization and demand. This proposal directly funds: 1) Up to two Electric Vehicle chargers 2) Installation costs from Facilities and Services.

  7. ENVS 301 students' presentations

  8. New York Times article on EVs

  9. Update from Ben McCall

    Dear Transportation SWATeam,  [Sorry for the barrage of emails...this is the last one for this morning!]

    I met with Michelle Wahl from Parking late last week, and she had some very useful comments on the iCAP draft that I thought I should share with you:

    1) She mentioned that in years past, she used to receive "idling reports" on her vehicles, which must have been equipped with some sort of system that tracked when the vehicles were idling.  This raised the question of whether such technology could be deployed widely on our fleet, rather than focusing only on "class 6 and above trucks" (neither of us knew exactly what that means).

    2) She was concerned about the financial aspects of providing additional opportunities for people to purchase less than full-time parking privileges in lots with wait lists...this is probably something that deserves further discussion.  If Parking allows someone to drop their full-time parking pass for a particular lot and instead purchase less than full-time for the same spot, their revenue will decrease.  This is concerning because Parking is legally required to be self-supporting -- they cannot receive any subsidy from campus, nor can they make a profit.

    3) She recommended adding a recommendation that parking rates be increased to provide a dis-incentive for single-occupancy vehicle use. 

    This would also be essential if the number of parking permits sold were to decrease, as Parking's costs are essentially fixed. Raising rates would be a challenge because they are subject to collective bargaining, but it has been successfully done on other campuses (including UIC). 

    Having an explicit call for this in the iCAP might help provide ammunition for such efforts.

    4) She recommended some investigation of the subsidy that Parking currently provides to MTD.  At present, Parking pays over $500K per year for this, ostensibly to support the buses that run to the "shuttle lot" (E-14, I think).  But this amount greatly exceeds the total revenue that Parking receives from selling permits in the shuttle lot.  She thought it was worth making sure that the amount Parking is contributing towards the MTD is the appropriate amount, because any funds that could be "saved" there could be directed towards other sustainability-related initiatives within Parking.

    5) She pointed out that there are now 18 "Level 1" charging stations for electric vehicles on campus, and Parking has plans to install some "Level 2" charging stations in 2015.  She thought it might be worth showcasing this work on page 29 of the current draft, and I am inclined to agree.



  10. Engineering Design preliminary meeting

    Eva Sweeney, Robert Halverson, and John Summers from F&S Engineering Design Services met with Paul Foote and Morgan Johnston.  They discussed the SSC step two proposal for an EV charging station.  Robert had met with Michelle Wahl and Tom Skaggs from Parking. Eva will be the key electrical engineer for this project.

    There was discussion about a connection from the parking meter to the electric charging station.  The meter could have contacts that would energize the charging station when the parking meter is paid. 

    There was a question whether this proposal is for one or two charging stations which would take two or four parking spaces.  Morgan said she would check with Michelle about the quantity.  It was later clarified that the proposal is for one charging station, which would need two parking spaces.

    Parking will have reduced revenue from the parking spaces.  A departmental space is $1980 per year.  Parking meters are currently charging $1.00/hour.  We need to be able to report on the effectiveness of this program, so we need to track the energy usage.  

    There will be ongoing maintenance costs.  The Engineering design work can help understand these potential costs, once the specific charging station is selected.

    This will go in parking lot B4. It will not be a leased space.

    The SSC request is for $20k.

    According to Robert, Michelle indicated that UA wants a trending report on usage.

  11. EV club meeting

    Greetings,        This is a reminder notice that our next meeting of the Illinois EV Club will be this Wednesday, 10-16-2013, at the University YMCA at 6 pm.  (Neither Matt Childress, Cara Day nor I were able to host a meeting last Wednesday because of other committments, so we decided to delay our meeting by a week, until this Wednesday.)   Our format for the meeting will be the usual "Open Discussion" format we've used for recent meetings.  During the meeting, there should be plenty of time for any general-purpose questions and discussion among ourselves about anything having to do with the past, present or future of energy-efficient vehicles, so be sure to bring along with you any questions you may have and /or any ideas you may have come up with for additional projects the club could get involved in.  (Club member Richard told me last week that he hopes to bring along a book on EVs that we should find quite interesting.)               -  David Noreen   -----------------------------------   New members and guests are always welcomed and encouraged to attend our meetings! Please help spread the word about our club by forwarding this message to anyone you know who might be interested in high-mileage-per-gallon (or equivalent) vehicles, whether the vehicles be electrics, hybrids, or whatever, and regardless of how many wheels they may or may not have. Also, please encourage them to check out our “Illinois EV Club” page on Facebook, by simply typing “Illinois EV Club” in Facebook’s search box.   ------------------------------------   Note: Free parking is available (after 5 pm) in the UI lot that's 1 block due west of the YMCA, on the SW corner of Chalmers and Sixth, so that's another option that's available in addition to the on-street, metered parking near the Y. (As long as you don't mind walking that short block on Chalmers after you've parked in the UI lot.) ------------------------------------   More information about the UI’s “Illinois EV Club”:   1.Please feel free to contact Club President Matt Childress [childrss "at the domain"] for further information and / or to be added to our regular mailing list, if you're not already on it.     2. The club has been mentioned in several area newspaper articles that are listed here:   3. On Google Groups, we have an Illinois EV Discussion Group that has its Archive page here:   so you can check out our past activities and some of the interests of our members.    If you'd like to join this discussion group, email our Club President Matt, and he can add you as a member. (See Item #1 above.)   4. If you like, you can also view the following online videos, which feature members of the club:   (i). Here are 2 videos of Club President Matt Childress and his Twike:   (ii). Here’s more information on Matt’s Twike:   (iii). Here’s a video featuring Randy Reisinger discussing the Sugar Rides EV (built by members of the club):     --  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Illinois EV Club" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at For more options, visit  

  12. request for public charging station

    -----Original Message-----

    From: Skaggs, Thomas R

    Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 10:39 AM


    Cc: Ivey, David J; Wahl, Michelle

    Subject: FW: electric vehicle charging stations

    Dear Mr. Hobbs,

       Thank you for contacting the Parking Department and providing your comments.  While electric charging stations are not readily available on our campus, there are discussions currently underway that include the Parking Department about the installation of electric charging stations.  We are in touch with other campuses around the nation and many are likewise exploring the use of EV stations.  Because the scale of the UIUC campus is vast, the program requires extra consideration, funding and logistics to execute.  Please know however, that UI is committed to sustainability and will continue our effort.

      Again, thank you for your input.  We hope your visit to our campus was enjoyable.


    Thomas Skaggs



    -----Original Message-----

    From: Martin Hobbs []

    Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2013 10:16 AM


    Subject: electric vehicle charging stations

    To Whom It May Concern:

    I visited the U of I campus yesterday to attend a football game and was disappointed in the absence of EV charging stations.  I would expect a university and city of this caliber to have numerous Level II charging stations available for the public to use.  Normal/Bloomington have dozens of public EV charging stations, all of which are free to the public to use.  Many are located on or near the ISU campus.  Is the Bloomington/Normal and ISU community that much more progressive and environmentally friendly than the U of I and Champaign/Urbana community.  I don't think necessarily that is the case, but the absence of electric vehicle charging stations sure leaves a black mark on the reputation of the university and the community.  I sincerely hope that your community has plans to install Level 2 charging stations in the near future.


    Martin Hobbs

    Eureka, IL

  13. Initial Meeting with Campus Parking, Car pool and Sustainability

    The first meeting was held on August 6th to discuss campus public use EV charging station plans.

    It was determined at this time more research into parking enforcement options, types of charging stations to use, and sites available for installation is needed. Follow-up meeting to take place after research findings are completed.

    To this date no method exists to interface from the chargers software to the campus parking enforcement software. 

    See picture below: with this type of charger the enforcement officer could identify that billing is taking place by the Solid lightning bolt on the right as opposed to the one on the left.

  14. F&S internal meeting to address EV charging stations

    Jack Dempsey, Pete Varney, Michelle Winters, Pam Voitik, and Morgan Johnston met to discuss options for supporting EV charging stations for public use on campus.  It is unethical to allow UI resources to be used for personal needs, so the UI power cannot be freely distributed to Electric Vehicle owners.  A public charging station will need to include a payment mechanism.  Michelle Winters and Morgan Johnston will work on a plan for implementing public EV charging stations on campus.
