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Projects Updates for Rainwater Management
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REMINDER- Urbana Stormwater Asset Management Plan - Technical Advisory Meeting #2
follow up on potential VRO project
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Campus Rainwater Management Plan SSC Grant Application
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Status Update on Water006 Recommendation: Lot23 Monitoring
Associated Project(s):Land & Water iCAP Meeting 11/7/2022
Sustainability Council Meeting 11-29-21
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Sustainability Sub-Council Meeting 11/10/21
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Urbana Campus Spill Containment Exercise on Tuesday
Associated Project(s):Green Infrastructure & Erosion Control Conference
Data Regarding EPA Campus Rainworks Challenge
Associated Project(s):Weekly Resilience Meeting
Associated Project(s):Updated list of student projects that need YOU!!
Associated Project(s):Green Infrastructure Solutions to Campus Flooding in Urbana, IL
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Mahomet Lots (Lot F-4) Permeable Pavement Proposal to SSC
Associated Project(s):Water006 Lot F23 Monitoring - Returned
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Water006 Lot F23 Monitoring - Submittal
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:CEE student works with Dr. Schmidt and F&S
Associated Project(s):note about measuring quality of water in campus watershed
Associated Project(s):Water004 GSI Standards Parking Lots recommendation - Assessment started