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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Discussion about iCAP recommendations - April 15, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    Michael McKelvey, Miriam Keep, and Sarthak Prasad met to discuss modifications to how projects are associated with recommendations and whether there are any modifications we'd like to make to the current setup.


    • Recommendations:
      • Leave Associated Project(s) field as is - optional, allowing multiple projects to be associated
      • Add new field linked to a project where future updates can be found (naming it is tricky - "Further updates"? "See further updates"? "See additional updates"? "See ongoing updates"?) - optional, allows only 1 project
    • iCAP Teams:
      • Add Associated Project(s) field - optional, allows multiple project to be associated
      • On any projects associated with an iCAP Team, show all the recommendations for
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  2. Discussion about reporting Bike Fee funding - April 15, 2024

    Michael McKelvey and Sarthak Prasad met to discuss how to report Bike Fee funding in the iCAP Portal. The Bike Fee and SSC are currently the only student-initiated fees to report, but we should consider the possibility that new sustainability-related fees will need to be reported in the future as well.


    Two options came out of our discussion:

    1. Use the existing funding structure which was created early on in the iCAP Portal's development but isn't currently used. This structure requires entering each line item separately, which is powerful but laborious
    2. Implement a new, simplified funding structure which allows a single entry per year for each type of allocation, but wouldn't allow individual line items for each
    3. ...Expand »
  3. Transportation iCAP Team Meeting 4/10/2024

    The Transportation iCAP Team met on 4/10/2024 to discuss the final draft of the DESMAN study report, progress on the 2020 Transportation iCAP objectives, and potential 2025 Transportation iCAP goals. Attached is a link to the meeting recording.

  4. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - May 3, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 



    • The idea of Power Searches is popular - will add additional content types and filters. Suggestions welcome!
    • Archiving projects
      • Decided to start with a simple Archived/Not Archived checkbox or dropdown list (do we have better terminology than "Not Archived"?
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  5. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - April 5, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 


    • Project Updates tasks
      • New "To Do Item(s)" field - is this single field what you were thinking? Would a set of multiple one-line fields be better? Or something else?
        • Q: Show field in Pending Tasks listing?
        • Q: Who should be able to view the content of this field? Other task-related fields are restricted to iCAP Admins & iCAP Moderators, but if you want to assign a task to a non-admin or non-moderator, they'll need to be able to view this task field (and the other fields) in order to view the task. Should we expand the scope of who can view task-related fields? At least add iCAP Clerks, or perhaps even all logged in users?
      • Q: Also add field for tagging iCAP Portal user(s) as responsible party for tracking tasks
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  6. Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions - Approved

    The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) recently approved recommendation Edu009 from the Education iCAP Team to update College of Business course descriptions to reflect the sustainability content.

    This recommendation aligns with Objective 6.2 of the iCAP 2020: Establish a comprehensive online repository for courses and academic programs with sustainability content. 

    The College of Business shared their action plan on completing the approved recommendation (attached).

    This will be followed up on in the fall to ensure the proper implementation of the recommendation.

  7. Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions - Successful

    On 4/1/2024, Dean of Gies College of Business, Jeff Brown, responded in favor of the Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions recommendation with the following message:


    Please see the attached spreadsheet with the information requested by iCAP.  Thanks for the extra few days to pull all this together. And special thanks to Amanda Brantner in Gies who did all the heavy lifting.



    See the iWG assessment and transmittal of the Edu009 Updating College of Business Course Descriptions recommendation here.

    See the submission of the Edu009 Updating College of Business Course Descriptions recommendation here.

  8. Corrected project name

    This project name was "Fossil Fuels Divestment" which is a misstatement because the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign does not have direct authority over the investments at the UI Foundation.  To clarify the goal of this objective in the 2020 iCAP, I updated the project name to be "Fossil Fuels Divestment - Support Letter."  I also provided more details in the project description, and added the full text from the iCAP 2020 document in the background section of this project page. ~Morgan

  9. Discussion about SSC projects in iCAP Portal - March 22, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 


    Miriam Keep, Codie Sterner, and Michael McKelvey met to continue discussing how to approach embedding projects from the iCAP Portal on the SSC website.


    We discussed several possible ways to represent SSC Projects using the iCAP Portal:

    1. For each Project the SSC funds, create a sub-project for each semester the SSC provides funding (e.g. "SSC Funding for Campus Bike Center, Fall 2023")
      • Pros: uses existing structure with minimal modification
      • Cons: LOTS of new sub-projects with very little information other than SSC details - could be confusing for visitors and cumbersome for data entry
    2. Expand the currently unused Project Funding bridge between Funding Sources and Projects
      • Pros: uses an existing system that's not
    3. ...Expand »
  10. Discussion about iCAP recommendations - March 22, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    Michael McKelvey, Miriam Keep, and Morgan White met to finalize the discussion of how to structure iCAP Recommendations. We came to an agreement on the structure which we diagrammed online. Recommendations will be patterned after Metrics. If a Recommendation update warrants a Project Update, that will need to be added manually; it will not happen automatically with this approach.

    Summary of structure:

    • A Recommendation can be associated with a Project and an Objective and contains some additional general information
    • A Recommendation can have many "tracking" updates including at least a status, date, and some notes

    Detailed structure:

    • iCAP Team
      • Title
      • Description
      • Theme [references one of our 10 themes,
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  11. Communications Update

    Daphne, thank you so much for your efforts to wrangle the various building representatives! Did you happen to get a response from the Illini Union yet? Looking through the other polls, it seems as if someone from all the other buildings would be available for walkthroughs on either September 11th or 12th, so if the Union is available on either of those days, we’d like to go ahead and start scheduling appointments for those two days. Having all the walkthroughs on two consecutive days will minimize travel for Zach, who will be coming down from Chicago to participate. If the Union simply isn’t available either day, we’ll just schedule a time after the 12th and plan for me to handle that without Zach.


    Speaking of scheduling,...Expand »

  12. Waste Audit Communications

    Hello, all. My name is Joy Scrogum and I’m a member of the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) Technical Assistance Program (TAP). ISTC is working with F&S this fall to conduct waste audits of your buildings. Thank you to everyone who filled out the availability polls set up by Daphne Hulse, and to Daphne for gathering this information! I will be using the information you provided over the next few days to send representatives of each building an Outlook invitation for a walkthrough appointment with myself and my colleague, Zach Samaras, so be sure to watch your email inbox for those. Invitations will be for times on Monday, September 11, or Tuesday, September 12th. If the suggested time no longer works...Expand »

  13. Waste Audit BSW Instruction Sheets

    Hello, All. In preparation for the campus building waste audits next week (Oct. 23-27), attached are instruction sheets for F&S BSWs at buildings that will be included in the study (BIF, CIF, Noyes Lab, & RAL). Separate, similar sheets will be sent to building contacts for those buildings that coordinate their own BSWs (Illini Union, ARC, and Allen Hall/LAR). Daphne had previously suggested sending these to both her and Pete since Pete might be out of the office. Macie, since I see Pete has an automatic email reply indicating that he’ll be out of town through the 30th, I’ve copied you as well; if there’s anyone else who should receive these in Pete’s absence, please feel free to forward the BSW sheets to them. Daphne and Macie, If...Expand »

  14. Follow up questions for the UIUC waste audit report

    Hi Daphne! Thanks again to you and Pete for taking time to review the preliminary audit data with us yesterday. As you have time to digest all of that, please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to the FY 2023 tonnage stats for landfilled waste, commodities recycled, and the updated effective diversion rate calculations to include in the report. As promised, I wanted to follow up with some questions our team has as we work on the report:


  15. ISTC-UIUC Waste Characterization Study: Draft Document Discussion

    Hey, all!!

    Thanks for the great meeting.

    We were glad to hear that Daphne liked the dining glass recycling numbers (130,955lb!), the process flow charts, and the BSW-related engagement section. We're moving ahead with the plan to publish the entire report, and we'll also work on making a clear and concise (1-3 page??) executive summary too. Here's what I got for notes:


    Daphne's to-dos:

    • P14. Send GFL Battle Creek info
    • P14. Hear back from GFL on Novelis info
    • P26. Investigate dining's Tin Can recycling??
    • P14. Keep working on Effective Diversion Rate calculation w interns
    • P17. Send public box file on (ordering MaxR??)
    • P43. Send Green basketball rates for March 3+5
    • Recommendation Table:
      • What other ideas do you have?
      • Any existing
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