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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Carbon Credit Sale - Incoming Payment



    iSEE has been notified by Second Nature that there is an incoming payment for recent carbon credit sales, totaling $15,625. I have attached the sales confirmation. The wire will be sent today or tomorrow to the account previously used for these payments.


    Please let me know if you need any other information.







    Thank you for the email and the sales confirmation attached. I will prepare the ACH form for this so University Accounting is aware the ACH will be coming in and where to deposit it.




    Hi everyone,


    Did we receive this payment, as expected? I’d like to update the attached excel file, when the funds are received.






    Hi Morgan,


    Yes we did, please see my updated version attached. Let me know if you have any questions.


    Thanks so much,


  2. Task Report for Tushar Kokitkar from 10/3 to 11/15

    Here is a list of tasks I have worked on and continue to work on:

    Tasks completed

    • SSC Application for ‘Shipping containers for bike storage’ (in progress)
      • Drafted and submitted the step 1 application
      • Attended SSC working group meeting
      • Currently working on step 2 application
      • Prepared the site plan and internal layout for the project
    • ‘Learn how to ride a bike’ event:
      • Supervised and helped organizing the event
      • Documented and prepared a report and presentation about the event held on 10/07/2023
    • Events attended:
      • All-Employee Expo and helped set up F&S booth
      • Green Quad day and helped set up Bike at Illinois booth
      • Green Infrastructure and Erosion Control Conference
    • iCAP portal:
      • Read the iCAP 2020 plan
      • Added a project update about the ‘Learn How to Ride a Bike’ event
      • Updated eco-counter metrics on the portal
      • Updated ‘Campus Sustainability Tour’ project
      • Added a new project ‘Sustainability tour on bike’ (in progress)
      • Attended iCAP portal bi-weekly meeting
    • Sustainability Tour on Bike: in progress
      • Created the map showing the route for the tour
    • Documented and prepared a report about the condition of three bike paths within campus.
    • Eco-counters:
      • Collected the data for October 2023 and updated the metrics on iCAP portal
      • Collected the data for November 2023
    • Readings:
      • iCAP 2020
      • Bicycle Facilities Standard
      • 2014 Campus Bike Plan
      • Progress reports of 2019, 2022, and 2023 for the Campus Bike Plan.
      • 2023 Bicycle Friendly University application
      • TDM plan and FY22 TDM plan achievement report
    • Bike racks for Arcade building and Talbot Laboratory:
      • Documented the bike parking area
      • Prepared bike rack layouts on AutoCAD for both the buildings.

    Current tasks

    • 2024 campus bike plan draft
    • Working on the SSC step 2 application
  3. Apprentice program for electrical work

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Josh,


    Do you know if we could request apprentices work on the 15kw solar install?  That could potentially bump us from a tax credit of ~$5500 to $33,000 if this goes through.





    How much of the labor has to be apprentice? 

    Joshua Robin


    15%  thanks!

    Morgan White


    Thanks Morgan!


    With a small crew, if they had one apprentice, that might catch what we need. 


    I overestimated below at 6x the base $5500, where apprentice would make it 5x, so only 27,500. 




    Thanks all. The contractor can put one apprentice on there.  Tech services and in house work would not have an apprentice most likely.  Is there a dollar value required for the apprentice labor or just 15 percent of total hours worked?  Are certified payrolls needed?


    Thank you



  4. Illinois Street Residence Hall Grind2Energy Tour

    Associated Project(s): 

    Members from the ISC, ZeroWaste Interns, as well as Daphne Hulse and Codie Sterner attended a tour of the Illinois Street Residence Halls and their Grind2Energy system today.

  5. RECs for small solar rooftop arrays

    Hi Rob and Tony,


    Tim Mies asked me who “owns” the RECs from small scale solar arrays at individual buildings.  I said I’d have to check into it.


    At first I thought all RECs are owned by central campus (UES), but then I questioned myself.  For a rooftop solar array, we don’t include it in the M-RETS program, and at ECE, we only “sold” them the solar farm 2.0 RECs.  We let them count their rooftop solar directly and they have the DOR accordingly. 


    So is it appropriate to tell him that the RECs associated with the 14.7 kW array he is planning to install at the Energy Farm (not the SCAPES project) will be considered “used” at the Energy Farm?


    I would caution that we do not want individual departments to get into selling RECs, without a much broader discussion.  So perhaps we should say that he can use/retire them at his site, but he cannot sell them without further discussion?


    What do you recommend?





    Good questions. I think that if the department “owns” the REC, then they should also be able to sell the REC. I am interested in others views on the topic, and agree that it would lend to a much broader discussion.

    Rob Roman


    I agree that a broader discussion would be helpful.





  6. Task Report for Sam Wuebbles from 10/2 to 11/7

    Here are the things I have been working on:

    • Material Research Lab bicycle rack design - in progress 
    • First social media post flyer (needs approval) - in progress
    • Other social media topics
      • 11/14 - bike fun facts
      • 11/21 - Fall Break
      • 11/28 - proper way to ride
      • 12/5 - (finals) proper way to store bicycle over break
      • *other events, topics, or positive bike riding examples* (I just remember you saying that you wanted a post a week)
    • Field work
      • bicycle rack placements
      • eco counter
    • Eco Counter
      • collected data
      • updated data in metrix
    • Created survey for dangerous areas / cautions for congestion bike paths / sidewalks on campus
    • iCAP
    • Readings
      • comp plans and informational bike readings
        • Examples: 5 E's, Campus Bike Plan (old and new), Bike at Illinois, etc.
    • ADA complaint
      • on the backside of learning about and understanding the complaint and seeing future takes.
    • worked for the staff information meeting at State Farm
    • attended the "Green Infrastructure and Erosion Control" (10/24)
  7. Student Let Project Feasibility

    Hey Morgan,


    The SSC has moved to fund this; I would like to get the go-ahead on it.


    Improper waste segregation poses significant environmental and financial challenges. In colleges, even students often need to pay more attention to separate waste correctly, leading to damaged recyclables, increased landfill waste, and the labor-intensive task of sorting improperly discarded waste. This issue extends beyond universities, indicating a larger problem with waste management globally. The current approach of replacing traditional single-bin systems with costly three-bin recycling bins has improved diversion rates but falls short of expectations. Financial burdens arise from the need to hire workers for manual waste sorting. To address this problem, we developed a cost-effective solution that ensures minimal damage to recyclables by sorting waste at the point of disposal.

    The project's use of AI, and revenue optimization contributes to more efficient waste management practices. This not only minimizes contamination and reduces landfill waste but also optimizes the recovery of recyclable materials. The data analysis dashboard provides users with valuable insights into disposal trends and waste composition. This empowers users to make informed decisions about waste management, promoting responsible practices. Additionally the lower cost of switching to SegBin.Ai than conventional 3 bin dustbins by over 50% significantly reduces spend on waste management infrastructure and it also has a major boost in waste diversion rates.

    I don’t like the budgeted amount of $1,600.00 for CAD and Software, it is confusing, it appears the students are paying themselves. I would like clarification on this.



    Hi Codie,


    Can you point me to the full file for this?  Are they just developing a software program, or building some sort of AI robot system for sorting mail?





    Hey Morgan,

    This is the link for the project application and Excel application, I cc’d Daphne Hulse in the email as she is the advisor and can help with clarification questions. I always appreciate your time,


    Hi Morgan,


    The student group here is developing both a software system and physical prototype to place on top of existing recycling bins (the ones that are not the 3-stream bins). They are piloting sorting system at the recycling bin for the software to distinguish different types of objects and tell the user which stream to place it in (trash, paper, bottles/cans, etc.). They are planning to pilot this at PPSB and Garage & Carpool, with the understanding that it needs to be feasible for BSWs.


    Thank you,

  8. Smart light poles - IUB -11/11 event

    Associated Project(s): 



    Thought I would share that we are working to get more images up on the smart poles outside of the Illini Union bookstore. Katie is going to see if she can create a simple design for the 11/11 tailgate recycling event. Unfortunately the functionality and quality of the poles are less than to be desired, severely limiting everything from character limit, font size, style to final imagery. Nonetheless, we are trying and will share what we she comes up with for your review, as this is a great item for additional visibility.

    Malikah A. Gordon




    Attached is a sign Katie designed for the smart poles outside of IUB. We are pretty limited in terms of text and images, for now. I would like to run these from 11/8-11/11. Please let me know if you have any feedback.





    This looks excellent – thank you for putting this together! I do not have any additional edits.


    Thank you,

  9. AASHE 2023 and storm water question



    Was great to catch up with so many old and new friends at AASHE!  Thank you for keeping Texas in your hearts and in your top 4 CFP rankings ...


    I can’t recall if this group has discussed innovative storm water management.  All of our capital projects have very tight site boundaries so our opportunities for on-site management are few and costly. We’re investigating fee-in-lieu and stormwater credit funding models, but I’m wondering if anyone else has an established off-site stormwater management financing program in place ...








    We've done some work on different approaches to managing stormwater. I'll send a separate email to introduce you to one of my colleagues who leads our efforts in this area.



  10. Land & Water iCAP Team November 2023 Meeting

    The Land & Water iCAP team met on Teams from 1-2 PM on Friday, November 3rd. The team discussed permeable pavers at State Farm Center, the meadow at Orchard Downs, cover crops on the South Farm, and the iCAP 2025 rewrite of the Land & Water chapter. Meeting minutes are attached.

  11. Weekly meeting with Ethan

    Sarthak & Ethan Meeting 11/3

    Campus landscape master plan 

    • where there is a map, see if there is anything related to trails or sidewalks, see where they are mentioned, try to include that in our plan 
    • Include: Implement campus landscape master plan
    • Page 25
    • Main quad district (we can use the image on page 66)
    • On Monday, begin process of pulling out data from landscape plan 
    • Work in person on Wednesday at 1pm

    Evaluation section

    • Add implement campus landscape master plan 


    • put projects on the list from landscape plan 
    • Can use the images from the plan

    Wednesday we will organize the document 

    Equity and accessibility section

    • only talk about how we want Ada accessible

    Existing Conditions

    • can minimize words, do not need as much details 

    Crash Data

    • update graph 

    Landscape plan excel:

    • Look at bike factors in its goals/recommendations 
    • Any bike related projects, take note of them, and where they are located
  12. Education iCAP Team November 2023 Meeting

    The Education iCAP team met on Teams from 1-2 PM on Thursday, November 2nd. The team discussed the Green Career Fair, Sustainability in Study Abroad, Gies College of Business Sustainability content, and the Sustainability Internship Coordinator report. Meeting minutes are attached.

  13. SSC Project: Greening the Garage

    Hi Lisa,


    As discussed during the SSC F&S feasibility meeting, I wanted to send over to you the product that we are requesting funding for. Based on this, are there any concerns?


    Thank you,



    Hi Daphne,


    Thank you for sending me the cut sheet for the oil filter crusher.


    I don’t see any code requirements above and beyond what is already being done at the garage for oil filter disposal.  I have no concerns, and neither does Mike Brown in Code Compliance and Fire Safety.


    It is my opinion that this project is feasible, no changes needed.


    Thank you,



    Thank you, Lisa! We appreciate you taking the time to thoroughly review this piece of equipment.


    In a seperate email thread Daphne sent the message below and the attached file:


    Hi Lisa & Morgan,


    Shawn & I are submitting a SSC funding request for a piece of equipment at the garage that would allow us to crush and recycle metal oil filters. We go through about 1500 oil filters a year, and they are currently landfilled.


    Thank you,



  14. University Landholdings in CU/new construction in next 2 years

    I'm doing some work with the USFWS on an urban pollinator habitat project and have a couple questions I'm hoping F&S can help me with (or send me in the right direction.)

    1. Do we have an accurate map or GIS layer of current UIUC landholdings (including properties connected to the south farms, etc). I've been able to locate some very low-quality, generalized maps but nothing that is either current or very detailed.
    2. Is there a way for me to find out where on campus there will be construction/renovation projects that will occur in the next 2-3 years?





    Beth, are you able to assist with item 1 in the below email from Brodie regarding obtaining a map or GIS file of UIUC properties?


    Morgan, are you able to assist with item 2 in the below email from Brodie regarding upcoming capital projects?



    James Scherer


    Helo Brodie,


    I’m connecting you with the University Landscape Architect, Brent Lewis.  He can assist with your inquiry about upcoming construction projects, and it is important to include him in any plans you want to pursue regarding additional plantings on university land.






    Morgan and Brent,


    Rest assured I haven't made any promises regarding plantings on campus (and would reach out to you both before doing so.) 


    The primary program partner is the City of Champaign, which I am currently in discussions with. If the project does go through, it'll target underserved neighborhoods with pollinator conservation measures meant to protect/conserve the Rusty Patch Bumble Bee, an endangered species. It is a great opportunity and beside doing the coordination for the project with municipal partners, i'm doing my best to ensure we've got the option to physically participate in the program even if the lands we might have available are outside the model's ideal range.


    Brent - If we have any construction projects happening in the next two years that include major changes in landscaping, especially on the north side of campus, it would be good to hear about those. Participating in the program might end up being as simple as swapping out a few species on the planting list and doing so might give us the opportunity to be a part of a very innovative Endangered Species recovery plan.





  15. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - November 17, 2023

    Associated Project(s): 


    • Fixed: embedded maps now open links in new tab (previously links tried to open in the iframe, which was both unhelpful and also our site denies all pages except map embeds from opening in iframes)
    • Fixed: project pages display well on mobile devices again
    • Fixed: Metrics pages display well on mobile devices again
    • Fixed: Objectives page displays well on mobile devices again


    • Christina shared some mockups for improving the All Metrics page.
      • Group agreed they liked Idea #2 with Grid View the best
      • Morgan doesn't want to lose power user functionality. Discussed options for also showing the metrics in a listing (like the table of All metrics) - perhaps add an option to switch back and forth between list/grid views, or perhaps simply a link on the page to view the table listing.
      • Morgan asked Christina to look at Header Project Layout (e.g. LEED Certification project) and make recommendations for improving the layout and presentation of information. In particular, Morgan finds the paginated card-based Sub-projects listing with 6 projects per "page" makes it difficult to look through sub-projects and find individual projects.
    • Question about a TODO: "Collections page: Add image upload option". At a previous meeting we had this TODO, but what was the context? Was it to have a thumbnail for each Collection? Or a banner image? Or an image gallery?
    • Should we link to "Take Action" project from homepage?
      • Replace map link in Highlights?
      • Need to finish Take Action page content
    • Continue discussion of Fancy Page Layout (see the 4 mockups in the October 21, 2022 meeting notes)
    • Continue discussion of improving site's aesthetics
    • Archiving projects
      • Add "Archived" checkbox?
      • Add "Archived" to Visibility options?
      • Add "Archived" to Project Status options? (probably not - this mixes the status of the project itself with whether we still want it to show up on the site)
      • Remove from nested listings, still publicly available?


    • Suggestions page - extra padding on right in mobile view
    • Main map:
      • See CSU's campus map (Sustainability section) for inspiration
      • Campus boundary, like ArcGIS Bicycle Map
      • Improve mobile filter?
      • Use heatmap when zoomed out, switch to markers when zoomed in?
    • SSC project embedding: add category filtering options
    • (long term goal) look into importing information from another source, e.g. SSC students without iCAP Portal access can put together info in a structured format for automatic import into iCAP Portal
    • Look into Collection embedding again, à la Drawdown Solutions Library Sammy had found ("Filter by sector or area of action" section)
    • Metric search/display:
      • Theme (via connected Project, i.e. Theme -> Project -> Metric)
      • Most recent updates as of: (list of years) -> can we query Tracking data?
      • (Internal only) Last updated before (list of years) -> can we query Tracking data?
    • (Low Priority) Make column headers click-sortable on Projects by Project Status page
    • Fancy project layout mockups - keep tweaking #3 to improve contrast
    • Discuss metrics
      • Metrics with lots of data
      • Consider how to handle old metrics that no longer track new data. Archive somehow?
      • Fun with math (e.g. combining multiple metrics)
      • Calculated Metrics on Dev site


    • Map brainstorming:
      • What if we had a separate Campus Sustainability Tour expandable section, alongside Collections and Themes? Perhaps with a specific order to the locations and information about each location in the infowindow popup? We might have to hand-craft it rather than using Collections, but it might be worth it if we want an interface more like the CSU sustainability map. This could also work for any other bespoke sections we might want to include in the future.
      • Are there other things we'd like to highlight on the map beyond Themes and Collections? If we can think of them, Michael can try to figure out how to make it happen.
      • Michael is working on trying to make the map queries work asynchronously so each filter doesn't require a new pageload. This would make interactions with the map much snappier.
      • Would we like to provide the ability to view individual projects for each section in the sidebar, à la CSU's map?
      • Are there other categories we would like to include, either in addition to or instead of Collections and Themes? Is that information already in the iCAP Portal? If so, perhaps there's a way we can use it... If not, perhaps a new tagging system specifically for the map might help us achieve it?
      • Sarthak: would like to create a Biking Tour
      • Reed: highlight things students can see/experience
    • SSC projects
      • May want to use this Archive of Funded Projects on old SSC site (2019) as a reference for showing SSC project info
      • Discussed using iCAP Portal projects for SSC projects page vs. maintaining own project pages directly on SSC website.
      • One possible challenge - SSC sometimes funds part of a project or provides funding for a period of time (e.g. 1 year) for a longer-term project, so only the project updates for that period of time are relevant, not all updates in perpetuity. How do we handle that?
      • Decided to start with map embed from Student Sustainability Committee Funded Projects collection, then look at adding card-based project embed as well.
