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Project Updates for collection: 2010 iCAP Projects


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  1. Toner and Ink Cartridge Recycling

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Daphne,


    Just to confirm, this is toner and not an ink cartridge for printer. We don’t have many inkjet printers, but I don’t want to assume which one you have.





    Hi Brad,


    That’s correct – toner is what we are referring to! Apologies for the confusion.


    Thank you,


    HI Daphne,


    The vendors we work with for recycling toner quit accepting them. Unfortunately, they have to be thrown away.





    Hi Morgan & Stephanie,


    Below is the response I received from Brad re: toner recycling. Sarthak was over at IT recently and noted that there was a box of toner cartridges that the IT team has been collecting for many, many years since the vendor stopped accepting them for recycling. I’ll do some research to see if there’s a solution in this region.


    Thank you,


  2. Paper purchasing data?

    Associated Project(s): 


    Hi Dan,


    I hope you are doing well these days.  I am writing to request you assistance with a Zero Waste effort for the system and universities.  We have previously received paper purchase data from someone at OBFS (see, and we would like an updated report.


    Jennifer Fraterrigo, the iSEE associate director for campus sustainability, and Daphne Hulse, the F&S Zero Waste Coordinator, are copied here as well.


    Thank you for your help!



    (PS. the last time we communicated, I was Morgan Johnston.)



    We haven’t forgotten about your request!  Unfortunately, with the decentralized management of the ODP agreement, we had to do some additional work to identify the appropriate SKUs to include in this year’s report.  Happy to report that Jeremiah and Alex in our office were able to pull the attached two documents together which we feel addresses your questions.  If you need additional information on the documents, please feel free to reach out directly to Jeremiah (copied on this e-mail).


    Jeremiah/Alex, thank you both for your work on this one!




  3. Grey Water Recycling, IDPH, Letter?

    texted my plumbing friend – he thought we should talk to Brian Cox with IDPH (he thought his email was  He thought that even if the variance does not get approved, that having the university put in such a request might bring it closer to reality in future editions of the Illinois Plumbing Code.


    Chapter 13, “Non Potable Water Systems” is in the International Plumbing Code.

    CHAPTER 13 NONPOTABLE WATER SYSTEMS, 2021 International Plumbing Code (IPC) | ICC Digital Codes (


    I do think if a variance is requested, the variance should make note that ICC does acknowledge these types of systems and provides a framework for life safety, and that on an environmental level, these systems are a method of saving water and reducing total sewage volumes in a climate that is changing rapidly.


    I think the question at this point is – who is the correct person to put time into this?  It would benefit the university, however, I don’t think we could ask for a ‘blanket university variance’, it would have to be a project specific variance.  With this in mind, it is a specific group that is wanting it for their building – so does this group apply?  Or, would direction be given to F&S to apply?  This is a strange one as we are code enforcement, but also representing the owner.




    Katie & Lisa,


    Is it possible to discuss this with Brian Cox at 217-524-0791?  It may be beneficial to seek a blanket variance, but only under certain circumstances.   I’ve also cc’d Colleen, Frank, and Jeremy in the case they had a say on your question of who would apply for a variance to IDPH.




    Kelly Jo


    FYI, Attached is the submittal package that Cannon sent to Brian Cox at IDPH in May 2021.




    Please see the attached and provide me with your initial thoughts.  If everyone thinks this might be a good idea, I will ask Jim Sims if he would be okay letting us send to IDPH under the University of Illinois letterhead.  I feel like if we took this letter, all put our names to it – and then sent to other organizations such as AIA, they might all send a similar letter.


    I was at a plumbing lunch-and-learn today, and I just feel this is something that should be considered.  If toilets went from being 5 gallons a flush to 1.25 gallons – we could potentially get this down to zero in some situations…isn’t that a win?    






    Do other State Plumbing codes allow use of Grey Water Recycling? If yes, can we reference those states and language used in those State Plumbing codes?






    Most states don’t have a state plumbing code – I believe that only California, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota and Oregon do.  Most states use International Plumbing Code or Uniform Plumbing Code.  IPC allows rainwater/graywater harvesting.  I’m not sure about UPC but I can look into it.




    UPC also allows rainwater/graywater harvesting.




    Thanks Lisa.


    Seems like we would want to include alignment with International Plumbing Code and UPC in a letter that we send regarding Illinois Plumbing code?









    As I thought about this more, I was thinking that UIC might have submitted and received approval to IDPH for a grey water system on one of their recent projects (a couple years ago now). It might be worthwhile checking in with UIC to see if this was the case and learn from their experience, including the process and justification they utilized to gain approval for a project.






    UIUC submitted one on Illini Hall via Cannon Design (attached) and have not received approval.  I can email up to UIC to see if they have had any luck.



  4. Fall 2023 Sustainability Celebration FW: ECIP next steps

    Hi Paul,


    Should we set up a calendar time to talk via Teams about the ECIP plans?  I’d think it would include Jen Fraterrigo, and maybe Rob?





    Hi Morgan,

    During Monday’s meeting we chose to follow your advice and go with the fall schedule.


    We are again having conference schedule during this week and wonder if the sustainability week can be chosen on a week other than the week of Oct 16th – the 20th?






    Hi Paul,


    I think the date of the Campus Sustainability Celebration can move, as long as it is within October. I'll touch base with Jen about it and confirm. 





    Hi Elizabeth,

    I checked with Karl and the BTAF Mechanical conference for engineering is Oct 15-18th and the I2SL Sustainable Labs conference is Oct 22-25, if we can avoid these two weeks that would be terrific?



    Thank you 

    Paul Foote


    Hello Elizabeth,

    Any updates on the timing for this event?


    I am looking to coordinate the ECIP awards for 2022 and 2023 during this event.



    Paul Foote

  5. Background research on anaerobic digesters

    Sarthak Prasad shared 2018 notes from conversations held with stakeholders at The Ohio State University, West Lafayette (Purdue University), Bevier Cafe (University of Illinois), US Army Corps -- Champaign, and Michigan State University -- East Lansing on the topic of anerobic digesters. Attached are the notes. The document will continue to grow as more conversations occur.

  6. F&S, iSEE to investigate anaerobic digestion at other campuses

    Sarthak Prasad, Jen Fraterrigo, and Daphne Hulse intend to pursue conversations with campuses that have successfully installed anaerobic digesters. Michigan State University and Pennsylvania State University have been identified as the first campuses to initiate a conversation with. The goal of these conversations will be to understand how campuses achieved momentum and will for the digesters to be financed and built (stakeholders include but are not limited to farmers, relevant academic departments, crop sciences, digester operators, waste management and sustainability, organic waste haulers, researchers).

  7. North American introduces F&S to aerobic composting technology

    From: Zach Hansen <>
    Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 10:16 AM
    To: Varney, Pete <>; Sinn, Macie <>; Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Subject: RE: Food Composting

    Sounds great!

    Daphne, if you are interested in getting more information on this solution, my counterparts in California has worked closely together on a number of projects with them so I could set up a call.

    Thanks and I hope you all had a great weekend!


    Zach​​​​ Hansen

    Account Executive

    O: (630) 864-8755



    Learn about our family of brands


    From: Varney, Pete <>
    Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 9:01 AM
    To: Zach Hansen <>; Sinn, Macie <>; Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Subject: RE: Food Composting


    Daphne just discussed composting with me last week and it is of importance to her. I’ll let her take the lead on this if she wishes to follow-up.


    Thank you,


    (217) 333-7583


    From: Zach Hansen <>
    Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 4:37 PM
    To: Varney, Pete <>; Sinn, Macie <>; Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Subject: Food Composting

    Hi Pete, Macie, and Daphne,

    Completely unrelated to the F&S meetings that we have been having, but I wanted to bring this to your attention.

    If there are increases in demand for composting around the facilities like cafeterias, housing, even athletics, this was a pretty cool machine that seems incredibly easy to use and composts food scraps in 5 days!

    Have a great weekend!



    Zach​​​​ Hansen

    Account Executive

    O: (630) 864-8755



    Learn about our family of brands


  8. archived info - previous project description

    The 2015 iCAP, chapter 8, objective 1 is, "By the end of FY16, conduct a Request for Proposals process for verified carbon offsets — and undertake the first campus purchase of offsets." iSEE is developing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for purchasing carbon credits, aka carbon offsets.

    iSEE is developing the technical specifications for a Request for Bids (RFB) for purchasing carbon credits, aka carbon offsets in FY17. These will be used both to replace the carbon credits sold from calendar year 2016, and as a starting inventory for the Virtual Storeroom.

    During this process, iSEE will develop detailed specifications for carbon offsets to ensure that all purchased offsets are additional (in the sense that they enable reductions beyond business-as-usual), measurable, conservative (to ensure reductions are not overstated), permanent, independently verified, trackable, and transparent. The 2015 iCAP intended to have an RFP done by the end of FY16, and the current schedule will have the purchase completed by the end of FY17.


    Because campus sells carbon credits through the Carbon Credit Purchasing Program (C2P2) at Second Nature, we need to replace those boutique carbon credits with carbon offsets.  By the end of FY17, we will buy 103,000 carbon offsets (equivalent to 103,000 tons of greenhouse gasses not being released into the atmosphere) to replace those sold from calendar year 2016.

    Additionally, in the same RFB, we will purchase 10,000 additional carbon offsets which will be used to set up a new virtual storeroom to allow campus units to voluntarily offset their carbon emissions, for example from air travel to scholarly meetings.

  9. Free Native Plants!

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi all –


    I hope everyone is doing well!  


    I’m reaching out with an opportunity (not related to waste reduction 😊).


    The National Wildlife Federation, alongside our new partner, Garden for Wildlife Inc., have launched an initiative to support our partners (k-12 schools, colleges/universities, churches, etc.) in their efforts to expand quality native habitats for people, pollinators, and wildlifeGarden for Wildlife Inc., sells “direct-to-consumer” native plants to 38 states in the eastern and central United States (western states are coming soon!)


    Your campus can now apply for free native plants for your native plant and habitat projects . These plants will come pre-selected, be native to your area, and include at least one species of milkweed, an essential plant for supporting pollinators and monarch butterflies. These plants are slightly smaller than quart size, with at least 3 inches of new growth. They will begin to bloom within a couple of months of planting, depending on the season. 


    In order to request plants, you must meet the following requirements: 


    • Plant in the approved space within 3 days of receipt (i.e. – a school, community green space, park, etc.). 
    • Maintain the wildlife garden for at least 5 years and share and donate photos of the space or planting. 
    • Display provided signage noting that the plants were donated by Garden for Wildlife by the National Wildlife Federation. 
    • Cover the costs of plant delivery - $38 / 64 plants (i.e. – 192 plants = $114, 768 plants = $456, etc.) 


    To apply, please visit: 


    Please reach out with any questions. This is first come first serve, so if you are interested, please don’t hesitate to fill out the online form! 


    Thanks, take care,


  10. 6-15-23 F&S investigating food truck composting in collaboration with CCES

    From: Carroll, Cassandra Leah <>
    Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2023 9:52 AM
    To: Gloss, Stacy L <>; Mahajan, Shreya <>
    Cc: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Subject: RE: Compost Bin in Urbana


    Hi Shreya,


    Please also contact Susan Monte at Champaign County Environmental Stewards to collaborate on this work:


    Here is their website:




    Cassie Carroll

    Marketing & Communications Director

    Smart Energy Design Assistance Center

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    1 St. Mary’s Road, Champaign, IL 61820


  11. 6-12-23 F&S looking into local composting options for food trucks

    F&S is looking into local composting options for the green food truck program.


    From: Gloss, Stacy L <>
    Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 2:33 PM
    To: Mahajan, Shreya <>
    Cc: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>; Carroll, Cassandra Leah <>
    Subject: RE: Compost Bin in Urbana


    Hi Shreya,


    Here is more information about this program.





    From: Mahajan, Shreya <>
    Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 1:57 PM
    To: Gloss, Stacy L <>
    Cc: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>; Carroll, Cassandra Leah <>
    Subject: Compost Bin in Urbana


    Hi Stacy,


    From our meeting on July 24, you mentioned that Urbana has a compost bin that is designed to take waste from commercial businesses. I was talking with my team, and it would be great if we implemented a system that collected compostable materials and food waste from food trucks. Would you happen to have more information about this site?



    Shreya Mahajan

  12. TEACH AD workshop at the Healthy Lifestyle Hub, about the anaerobic digesters installed at Green Era Campus

    Sarthak Prasad and Daphne Hulse attended an in-person TEACH AD workshop at the Healthy Lifestyle Hub in Chicago to learn about the anaerobic digesters installed at Green Era Campus in the Auburn-Gresham neighborhood.

  13. WCIA: U of I hosting 21st Dump and Run event for students to donate unwanted items

    Posted: May 6, 2023 / 02:00 PM CDT

    Updated: May 10, 2023 / 06:13 PM CDT

    CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — U of I Facilities and Services (F&S) announced that the 21st annual Dump and Run event is expanding to multiple campus locations this year beginning Monday, May 8.

    The U of I said the Dump and Run event, a collaboration between University Housing and U of I F&S, is designed to achieve campus sustainability goals, including reaching zero waste targets and preventing trash from reaching waterways and landscapes.

    Officials said in past years when the event was hosted at the University YMCA, more than 30 tons of material was recycled and kept from reaching the landfill because of these efforts.

    U of I officials said expanding the Dump and Run event this year makes it easier for students and others to donate unwanted items at the end of the semester. They said eight 20’ x 8’ mobile storage units will be placed near campus residence halls for the event, including:

    • Barton Hall/Flagg Hall/Weston Hall/Student Dining and Residential Programs Building
    • Busey Hall/Evans Hall
    • Florida Avenue Residence Halls (Oglesby Hall)/Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls
    • Hopkins Hall
    • Illinois Street Residence Halls (Wardall Hall)
    • Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls (Allen Hall)
    • Nugent Hall/Wassaja Hall
    • Taft Hall/Van Doren Hall/Snyder Hall

    University volunteers will be available at the sites to help prevent overflow and ensure additional pickups as necessary.

    “We’re excited to bring the Dump and Run event right to where the students live and closer to the majority of faculty and staff,” said Daphne Hulse, F&S zero waste coordinator. “This setup offers everyone a simple way to give back to local nonprofits while preventing littering and keeping items that can be reclaimed from reaching the landfill unnecessarily.

    Each day, the containers will be opened at specific times to accept donations. Officials said individuals can donate surplus or gently used items by putting them into bulk boxes inside the containers. Accepted items include:

    • Accessories (handbags, belts, scarves, hats, etc.)
    • Appliances – small to medium size (coffee makers, kettles, mini-fridges, microwaves, etc.)
    • Books
    • Collectibles/antiques
    • Computers and equipment (printers, cables, speakers, hard drives, monitors, etc.)
    • Clothing (rips and tears are okay – but must be washed)
    • Electronics
    • Furniture
    • Housewares (dishes, mirrors, decorative accessories, etc.)
    • Jewelry
    • Linens
    • Lamps
    • Multimedia (DVDs, CDs, records, etc.)
    • Shoes
    • TVs (flat screen only)

    Throughout the week, officials said the donations will be collected by local participating charities Salt & Light and Goodwill.

    “We are pleased to continue to support the Dump and Run initiative, which is a benefit to our residents, the campus, and the local community,” said Alma R. Sealine, executive director of University Housing.

    The donation schedule includes:


    • May 8: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • May 9: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • May 10: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    • May 11: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • May 12: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • May 13: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

    U of I students and staff can donate accepted items in one of the available mobile storage units during open hours until Saturday, May 13.

  14. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) spring 2023

  15. Zero Waste iCAP Meeting 4/25/23

    On April 25th, the Zero Waste iCAP team met to discuss the State Farm Center Recycling (ZW011) recommendation and brainstorm on the Zero Waste iCAP summary report for the 22-23 FY. 

    Meeting minutes are attached.

    Attached Files: 
  16. offsets and landholdings as C sink in SIMAP

    Greetings Carbon Offsets Workshop Attendees, and those looking to stay engaged with us!,


    Thank you so much for your participation at our workshop on Tuesday April 18th 3-4pm EST, and thank you as well to those who couldn’t attend but are looking to follow-up on the information we shared. We are grateful for the variety of perspectives represented in the meeting space, and the questions and comments we were able to address in the time we had. Moving forward, we’re looking to get your feedback on if there is a collective appetite for diving further into this topic, and what resources are still needed. 


    Please feel free again to email Meredith directly with your questions and to get involved directly with our Carbon Offsets Network, C2P2 Initiative, and advisory council....


    For those of you looking to gain support with your climate action and resilience work in the southeast...


    Please visit this link to share your thoughts and feedback on this workshop by Friday April 28th. Please see links to resources included in the survey.


    View Meredith Leigh’s presentation linked here. 

    View our recorded zoom meeting video here


    See below our Q&A of questions and comments institutions and attendees had:


    Q&A with Meredith Leigh:


    Sandra Van Travis, Morehouse College’s Environmental Health and Safety Officer asks:

    Please send information on how to calculate offsets using trees.


    Campuses have hired arborists to determine sample areas and measure trees. These measurements require tree height, diameter at breast height, and species identification. Arborists are positioned to do this work. 

    If hiring an arborist is not possible, new remote sensing technology providers offer phone apps that can be used by students or faculty to calculate tree data and categorize by species. One company in particular is interested in partnering with HEIs. If you are interested in connecting with this company, email Meredith. 


    Christina Kwauk Asks:

    I am curious if any of the members of the working group are familiar with carbon offsets that go toward non-mitigation activities but rather to climate adaptation activities that may benefit climate resilience outcomes of environmental justice communities (i.e. instead of carbon removed, what about respiratory illnesses averted/reduced?). This may be totally out of scope for carbon offsets and this workshop, but I wanted to join to listen for these connections today. 


    This is a great question and a badly needed type of offset! Right now these kinds of values are considered “co-benefits” of carbon offsets, and people don’t put a dollar value on them like they do on MTCDE reductions, but offset projects are more attractive to buyers when they list these kinds of co-benefits. Campus participation in the Offset Network is a great way to develop projects uniquely suited to your campus, especially when your goals are to serve co-benefits and you have less pressure to just produce quantifiable offsets. An example of this is Clarkson ISE’s recently avoided forest conversion project through the Offset Network. Their main goals were to create student involvement in forest inventory and carbon project development, and to protect a piece of land and the endangered species of turtle that lives on it. The offsets generated from the project are small, and will count toward Clarkson’s Scope 3 emissions, but the co-benefits were what really made the project worthwhile for them. 


    Dr. Maria Boccalandro asks:

    If you are in a community college setting where you work with tax payer’s money how do you justify buying these credits? I think narrative matters... are there any best practices for community colleges you can share?


    A great question, and one that Second Nature is still working on as we diversify the institutions we support. I think the key to this is transparency- communicating to stakeholders both the intentions of the offset purchase and its impact. To this end, it would be advisable to make space for community input when the school develops its offsets strategy. This way taxpayers can provide feedback on whether they see value in the college purchasing offsets as a way of becoming climate neutral, and if so, what types of projects would feel valuable to them. Furthermore I think engagement in the Offset Network, where faculty and students can create local projects with high co-benefits would be a good fit for community colleges. The projects can be designed for community involvement and high community co-benefits so that the expense of engaging is co-owned and the positive impacts are felt beyond campus. 


    Thank you all again, and we look forward to reviewing your feedback!,


    Blythe Coleman-Mumford (she/her/hers)


    Hi Morgan, Madhu, and Elizabeth –


    Given that we have been discussing offsets and Second Nature’s role, I thought you might find the slides linked below (Meredith Leigh’s presentation, highlighted) of interest. They provide an overview of the topic of offsets and several examples of what various HEIs are doing in this space.


    Notably, slides 10-11 indicate that C sequestered in trees can be removed from total campus emissions as a “sink” in SIMAP. As you know, sinks are not the same as offsets because they do not require additionality. We know C sequestration for Trelease Woods and have the data to determine C sequestered by campus trees. So I think we should consider listing them as sinks. We could also consider other campus lands where land use/land cover might support C sequestration (cover cropping?).


    Based on the public SIMAP report (here), we have reported 0 sinks/non-additional sequestration in the past. When will we complete the next SIMAP report?





    Thanks for sharing this Jen. This is helpful to have. I will look over the slides. Can you also send me the write up by Warren Lavey.


    We should plan on discussing this at our next CS team meeting unless there is urgency to discuss it sooner






    Hi Madhu,


    It is not urgent; we can discuss at the next CS team meeting.


    The Resilience Team will be discussing the offset policy letter at today’s meeting. I will share once it is finalized. The law student working with Warren presented her findings about the MOU and paths forward at the April meeting. Notes can be found here:


