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Objectives Dashboard [OLD]
The 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) provides a strategic plan for achieving the Climate Leadership Commitments, including being carbon neutral no later than 2050. There are several specific objectives defined in the 2015 iCAP, and each objective has a related Project on this portal. The dashboard below links iCAP Objectives to key performance metrics and the related Project.
Theme | Objective | Metric |
5.5 Plan for Organic Waste |
Tons of pre- and post-consumer food scraps diverted via Grind2Energy |
7.6 iCAP Portal Updates |
iCAP Portal users per yearAnnotations
1.0 iCAP 2020 Illinois Climate Action Plan |
Total Campus GHG Emissions |
1.0 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan |
Total Campus GHG Emissions |
2.1 Net-Zero Space |
No metric specified for this objective |
2.2 Improve standards for new building and renovations |
No metric specified for this objective |
2.3 Strengthen Centralized Conservation Plan |
Percent Reduction in Energy Use IntensityAnnotations
View details for metric: Percent Reduction in Energy Use Intensity |
2.4 Engage and incentivize the campus community |
No metric specified for this objective |
3.1 Explore Options for 100 Percent Clean Campus Energy |
No metric specified for this objective |
3.2 Expand On-Campus Solar Energy Production |
Solar Energy Generation on CampusAnnotations
3.3 Expand the Purchase of Clean Energy |
Total Purchased Clean PowerAnnotations
3.4 Purchase offsets for Supercomputers |
Annual electrical consumption for Petascale Facility |
4.1 Reduce Air Travel Emissions |
Percent reduction from air travel baseline FY14 |
4.2 Reduce Fleet emission in the next 5 years |
4.2 Percent reduction in emissions from the UI fleet |
4.3 Develop scenarios for converting the fleet to renewable fuels |
No metric specified for this objective |
4.4 Reduce Single Occupancy Vehicle Usage |
4.4 Percent of Staff Driving AloneAnnotations
4.5 Implement the campus bicycle plan |
4.5 Percent of Proposed Bikeway Facilities Installed |
4.6 Appropriately staff sustainable transportation efforts |
Full Time Employees for Sustainable Transportation |
5.1 Obtain and Publicize Water Data |
Percent Reduction in Potable Water ConsumptionAnnotations
View details for metric: Percent Reduction in Potable Water Consumption |
5.2 Reduce cooling tower water use |
No metric specified for this objective |
5.3 Water Audit to establish conservation targets and facilities standard |
5.3 Number of Audits Completed |
5.4 Inventory & Benchmark existing landscape performance |
No metric specified for this objective |
5.5 Implement pilot projects for water reuse and / or non-potable water substitution |
No metric specified for this objective |
5.6 Stormwater runoff pollutant reduction |
No metric specified for this objective |
6.1 Develop and apply environmental purchasing standards |
6.1 Percent of Paper Purchased from OfficeMax with Recycled-Content |
6.2 Reduce MSW landfill volume |
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Diversion RateAnnotations
View details for metric: Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Diversion Rate |
6.3 Methane Capture at Landfill |
No metric specified for this objective |
6.4 Appropriately Staff Zero Waste Efforts |
No metric specified for this objective |
7.1 Assess and reduce agricultural emissions |
No metric specified for this objective |
7.2 Sustainable Plantings & Maintenance Across Campus |
No metric specified for this objective |
7.3 Sustainability in campus master plan |
No metric specified for this objective |
7.4 Increase use of local food |
5.6 Locally grown purchases |
7.5 Increase Carbon Sequestration |
7.5 Total acres of agroforestryAnnotations
7.6 Agricultural runoff and subsurface drainage |
No metric specified for this objective |
8.1 Conduct an RFP Process for Offsets |
Number of offsets purchased for campus |
8.2 Develop a Mechanism for Units to Purchase Offsets |
No metric specified for this objective |
8.3 Develop Local/Regional Mission-Linked Offsets |
No metric specified for this objective |
8.4 Use Offsets to Meet Unmet 2020 iCAP Targets |
No metric specified for this objective |
9.1 Studies of Feasibility, Costs, and Benefits |
No metric specified for this objective |
9.2 Increase Funding for Projects with Financial Payback |
Funding available in any Revolving Loan Fund |
9.3 Identify and Increase Available Funding for Projects without Payback |
Funding available from Carbon Credit Sales at end of Fiscal Year |
9.4 Evaluate the Feasibility of Internally Putting a Price on Carbon |
No metric specified for this objective |
10.1 Undergraduate Sustainability Minor |
No metric specified for this objective |
10.2 Undergraduate Research and Practical Experiences |
No metric specified for this objective |
10.3 Add New Sustainability-focused Courses |
Percent of Departments Offering Sustainability Courses |
11.1 Support Co-Curricular Student Sustainability Programs |
No metric specified for this objective |
11.2 Strengthen Sustainability Outreach Programs |
No metric specified for this objective |
11.3 Organize Three Major Sustainability Events Each Year |
No metric specified for this objective |
12.1 iSEE Website |
No metric specified for this objective |
12.2 Scholars Program |
No metric specified for this objective |
12.3 Launch Thematic Research |
No metric specified for this objective |
2.1 Energy Planning Document |
No metric specified for this objective |
2.2 Increase Energy Efficiency |
Energy Use IntensityAnnotations
2.2.1 Improve Space Utilization |
No metric specified for this objective |
2.2.2 Reduce Building-level Energy |
Total Energy Use (MMBTU) |
2.3 Clean Energy Sources |
No metric specified for this objective |
2.3.1 140,000 MWh/yr Clean Power |
Total Purchased Clean PowerAnnotations
2.3.2 Clean Thermal Energy |
No metric specified for this objective |
3.1 Fleet Replacement Plans |
No metric specified for this objective |
3.2 Increase Pavement Condition Index |
Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of University-owned pavement |
3.3 Electric Vehicle Task Force |
No metric specified for this objective |
3.4 Reduce Driving on Campus |
4.4 Percent of Staff Driving AloneAnnotations
3.4.1 Develop a Commuter Program |
No metric specified for this objective |
3.4.2 Implement Campus Bike Plan |
4.5 Percent of Proposed Bikeway Facilities Installed |
3.4.3 Telecommuting Policies |
No metric specified for this objective |
3.5 Offset Air Travel Emissions |
Percent reduction from air travel baseline FY14 |
4.1 Reduce Water Consumption |
4.1 Total Potable Water Use (kgal)Annotations
4.2 Implement Resilient Landscape Strategy |
No metric specified for this objective |
4.2.1 Increase Number of Trees |
Number of trees on campus |
4.2.2 Increase Pollinator-Friendly Areas |
Pollinator-Friendly Areas |
4.2.3 Double Green Infrastructure Installations |
Number of green infrastructure |
4.3 Cover Crops on South Farms |
Acres of cover crops on South Farms |
4.4 Monitor Soil Health |
No metric specified for this objective |
5.1 Sustainable Procurement Reports |
No metric specified for this objective |
5.2 Reduce Landfilled Waste |
Total campus waste going to landfills |
5.2.1 Install Appropriate Infrastructure |
Buildings with new waste bins |
5.3 Establish a Culture of Reuse |
Zero waste events using durable goods and composting |
5.3.1 Zero Waste Messaging Campaign |
Use the Bin pledges |
5.4 Reduce Food Scraps |
No metric specified for this objective |
5.6 Use Local Food |
Percent of Local Food from Dining Services |
5.6.1 Food Literacy Project |
No metric specified for this objective |
5.7 Green Cleaning Program |
No metric specified for this objective |
6.1 Broaden Sustainability Education |
No metric specified for this objective |
6.2 Sustainability Course Catalog |
No metric specified for this objective |
6.3 Environmental Leadership Program |
No metric specified for this objective |
6.4 Sustainability Internship Program |
No metric specified for this objective |
6.5 Sustainability at Career Fairs |
No metric specified for this objective |
6.6 Graduate Certificate in Sustainability |
No metric specified for this objective |
7.1 Green Certifications |
Greener Campus Program Certifications |
7.2 Sustainable Events Program |
No metric specified for this objective |
7.3 Green Sports Alliance |
No metric specified for this objective |
7.4 Local Collaborations |
No metric specified for this objective |
7.5 Support Youth Sustainability |
No metric specified for this objective |
8.1 Urban Biodiversity Master Plan |
No metric specified for this objective |
8.2 Coordinated Rainwater Management |
No metric specified for this objective |
8.3 Environmental Justice Plan |
No metric specified for this objective |
8.4 Local Sustainability Issues |
No metric specified for this objective |
8.5 Inventory Green Jobs |
No metric specified for this objective |
8.6 Vision Zero |
No metric specified for this objective |
8.7 Local Offsets Program |
No metric specified for this objective |
9.1 Divest from Fossil Fuels |
No metric specified for this objective |
9.2 Sustainable Investing Policy |
No metric specified for this objective |
9.3 Include iCAP in Strategic Plan |
No metric specified for this objective |
9.4 Become STARS Platinum |
No metric specified for this objective |
1. Real Time Energy Displays |
Energy Dashboard Buildings by Year |
2. Energy Liaisons - Presentation in Individual Buildings |
No metric specified for this objective |
3. Eco-Reps Pilot Program |
No metric specified for this objective |
4. AFMFA Funding Use for Sustainability Needs |
No metric specified for this objective |
5. Weatherization of Existing Campus Buildings |
No metric specified for this objective |
6. Fume Hoods Reduction |
No metric specified for this objective |
7. Fume Hoods Conversion from CAV to VAV |
No metric specified for this objective |
8. Fume Hoods Education |
No metric specified for this objective |
9. Update Standards for New Construction, Major Renovations, and Replacement Units |
No metric specified for this objective |
10. Insulation of Hot Water Tanks |
No metric specified for this objective |
11. Recovered Heat |
No metric specified for this objective |
12. Temperature Setbacks- Energy Use Policy Enforcement |
No metric specified for this objective |
13. Campus Computer Policy Update and Enforcement |
No metric specified for this objective |
14. Purchasing Standards for Energy Conservation |
6.1 Percent of Paper Purchased from OfficeMax with Recycled-Content |
15. Lighting Retrofit Project Completion |
No metric specified for this objective |
16. Lighting Sensors Project |
No metric specified for this objective |
17. Steam System Maintinence |
No metric specified for this objective |
18. Retrocomissioning Strategic Plan |
No metric specified for this objective |
19. Direct Digital Control Command Center |
No metric specified for this objective |
20. Green Roof Feasibility Study |
No metric specified for this objective |
21. Carbon Offsets for Massive Energy Users |
No metric specified for this objective |
22. Energy Chargeback System |
ECIP pledges by year |
23. Update Maintenance Procedures |
No metric specified for this objective |
24. Funding the Maintenance Division for Sustainability Improvements |
No metric specified for this objective |
25. Food and Waste Study |
No metric specified for this objective |
26. Integrate ICAP into Campus Strategic Plan |
No metric specified for this objective |
27. Integrate ICAP into Research Park |
No metric specified for this objective |
28. Resource Plan for ICAP |
No metric specified for this objective |
29. Progress Reports for ICAP |
No metric specified for this objective |
30. Research Seminar |
No metric specified for this objective |
31. Integrate Sustainability into Curriculum |
No metric specified for this objective |
32. Educational Programs |
No metric specified for this objective |
33. Sustainability Public Engagement |
No metric specified for this objective |
34. Student Projects Off Campus |
No metric specified for this objective |
35. Allocate Savings from Sustainability Projects |
No metric specified for this objective |
36. Clean Energy Fund |
No metric specified for this objective |
37. Grants for Reducing GHG Emissions/Sustainability Projects |
No metric specified for this objective |
38. 2012 Campus Energy Study |
No metric specified for this objective |
39. Abbot Power Plant 5-Year Plan |
Total Coal Use at Abbott Power Plant (MMBTU) |
40. Burning Biomass at Abbott Power Plant |
No metric specified for this objective |
41. Wind Turbine |
No metric specified for this objective |
42. Solar Power on Campus Parking Decks |
No metric specified for this objective |
43. Campus Power Contracts for Renewables |
Wind Power Purchased by Month (MWh) |
44. Methane Capture Pilot Project at Beef and Sheep |
No metric specified for this objective |
45. Miscanthus Boiler |
No metric specified for this objective |
46. Process for Purchasing Local Carbon Offsets |
No metric specified for this objective |
47. 5% Renewable Sources |
Percent of Power from Renewable Sources |
48. Reduce F&S Idling |
No metric specified for this objective |
49. Alternative Service Vehicles |
No metric specified for this objective |
50. Preferential Treatment for high MPG Vehicles |
No metric specified for this objective |
51. Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure |
No metric specified for this objective |
52. Campus Bike Plan |
4.5 Percent of Proposed Bikeway Facilities Installed |
53. Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Air Travel |
No metric specified for this objective |
54. Space Marketplace |
No metric specified for this objective |
55. Net Energy Neutral Buildings by 2025 |
No metric specified for this objective |
56. LEED Certification Requirements |
Square Footage certified as LEED each year |
57. LEED Gold Design Review |
Square Footage LEED Gold CertificationAnnotations
View details for metric: Square Footage LEED Gold Certification |
58. Reduce Campus Square Footage |
No metric specified for this objective |
59. Tile-Drainage Wetlands |
No metric specified for this objective |
60. Sustainable Agricultural Practices |
No metric specified for this objective |
61. No Net Increase in Campus Space |
No metric specified for this objective |
62. Short Term Sustainable Landscape Projects |
No metric specified for this objective |
63. Sustainable Landscapes Plan |
No metric specified for this objective |
64. Large-Scale Food Composting |
Annual Tons of Materials Composted |
65. Local Foods |
5.6 Locally grown purchases |
66. Local Foods Network |
No metric specified for this objective |
67. Incorporate Carbon Costs into Food Products Sold on Campus |
No metric specified for this objective |
68. Increase Recycling Rate |
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Diversion RateAnnotations
View details for metric: Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Diversion Rate |
69. Eliminate Purchase of Non-Recyclable Material when Suitable Substitutes Exist |
No metric specified for this objective |
70. Use Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Major Purchases |
No metric specified for this objective |
71. Purchasing Policies to Support the Enviornment |
6.1 Percent of Paper Purchased from OfficeMax with Recycled-Content |
72. Cataloging System for Reuse of Surplus Durable Goods |
No metric specified for this objective |
73. Legislative Change to Allow for Resale of Durable Goods to Local Public |
No metric specified for this objective |
74. Zero-Waste Campus Policy |
No metric specified for this objective |
75. True Cost of Water Study |
No metric specified for this objective |
76. Water Chargeback System |
No metric specified for this objective |
77. Use of Non-Potable Water |
No metric specified for this objective |
78. Raw Water System |
No metric specified for this objective |